

Deadlift or Sumo-deadlift

Time to pull a new 1 RM in either lift...athletes choice!

Community Notes:
There will be an team WOD for Steve's Club on Thursday at open gym. Any adults interested in joining, please contact Steph. 

“One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement be true of false. It comes to be dominating thought in one's mind.” 
-Robert Collier

LaurenMerr. 195 PR
Gina 215 PR
Susie 150 PR
K.T. 225
Bekah 210
Wax 385 PR
King 245
Sam Bo ???
Kelvin 385
Drew 385
Dan M 265
Dianne 185/form
Ryan 425
Byrnsey 345 sumo
Steph V 345
Becky 210
Paul 325 sumo
Kim G 235
Justin H 315 PR
Jason H 295
Travis 345
Arin S 235 (35#PR)
Kate K 205 Sumo PR
Joy N 205 Sumo PR
Schaefer 385 PR
Joe C 315 PR
Vinny 400
Sharon 275
Denise 245 PR
Faby 385 sumo PR
Flounder 375 PR
Tim McC 345 sumo PR
Kate C 285
Tim H 330 sumo
Stacy H 215 PR
Manisha 165 PR (by 48#)
Gene 435
Ben 315 PR
Bre 195
Mark B. 380 PR
Calvin 365
Jim C 380 PR
Geoff 325 sumo PR
Sandy 230 sumo PR
Mike P 410 PR
Borden 375
Conn 335
Erika 195
Keith 410 PR
John C 475 PR (by 70#)
Andrew 305 PR
Melissa L. 195
Pam 205
Charles 275 sumo
Jackie 245 PR (by 30#)
Stasie 195 PR (by 10#)
Brett 185 PR
Rob 295 PR
Anne 213 PR
Fayth 193 PR
Mark 235 PR
Nick 365
Shoeless 465 sumo PR
Leslie 225 PR (by 35#)
Albert 420


  1. 6am

    LaurenMerr. 195 PR
    Gina 215 PR
    Susie 150 PR
    K.T. 225
    Bekah 210
    Wax 385 PR
    King 245
    Sam Bo ???
    Kelvin 385
    Drew 385

    Almost everyone did both Sumo and standard practice, and then a hearty hard and fast cash out of 9-6-3
    70% of 1RM Deads

  2. PS-Welcome back from studying abroad Bekah H :)

  3. just so the 5:30, 6:30, and 7:30 classes know, I plan on losing my voice from yelling at your PR deads tonight

  4. 12:00 results:

    Dan M 265
    Dianne 185/form
    Ryan 425
    Byrnsey 345 sumo
    Steph V 345
    Becky 210
    Paul 325 sumo
    Kim G 235

    lots of prs! nice work everyone!

  5. nice numbers today gang!
    Steph is that a PR? taking the top spot again on the ladies board, eh? well done-kudos to you!

  6. 10lb PR. I'm on a roll, perhaps I should go to the casino!

  7. steph... could it be the (gasp) nutrition? just wondering. thoughts?

  8. Cate,
    I wish I could say it was the nurition....but I have only been refining it for the past couple days. For those of you who don't know I eat pretty clean and have for the past 3 years, but for the nurtition challange Im fiddling with my macros to see if it improves satiety and energy levels.

    There are 3 things I attribute my recent string of PRS.

    1) Crossfit- I come, I learn, I love what I do. 3 years later its still thrilling. Im always learning always refining. making improvements on form, enjoying the moment when someone gives me the perfect cue I need at the perfect moment for something to click into place. Sticking with it through the months of zero PRS (and even minus PRS) because I know why I do it and its got little to do with any numbers.

    2) Working on my weakness- Its cool to be good at something, but believe it or not, i tend to get the most satisfaction from the workouts that im not good at. This year I decided that what I need to work on most was body weight, gymnastics, flexabilty, balance. BOOM gymnastics and yoga became a part of my life and I found it to be thrilling. Planks, handstands, cartwheels...they are making me better at bodyweight and Stronger too. thats pretty cool.

    3) My mental practice-
    I believe there is a mental component to our fitness. That its key to athletic sucess (whether its defined by competiton or just functionality). And beyond physical success our fitness can be practice for the rest of our lives...like meditation..moving meditation. CrossFit has a natural way of doing this for folks, but Im working on cultivating my 'mental practice' for my ultimate improvement in my whole life. I've been setting intentions before workouts, using mantras, doing mental rehersals before lifts and being conscious of my breath. Whether or not I am getting PRS... I have been feeling more joy in the gym...and that is success. I've you haven't figured out this is what i am most passionate about....the connection between our mind, bodies and spirits. Crossfit is an amazing way to bring intregration into our lives.

    Thats way more than you asked for Cate, but thanks that felt good to express!!

  9. 430 pm

    Justin H 315 PR/3:17
    Jason H 295 (2:43)
    Travis 345 (2:35)
    Arin S 235 (35#PR) 2:20
    Kate K 205 Sumo PR (1:58)
    Joy N 205 Sumo PR (2:45)
    Schaefer 385 PR --
    Joe C 315 PR (2:51)
    Vinny 400 (2:40)
    Sharon 275 (3:11

    Nice work on some solid PRs!
    Cash out was a intense hard same as 6am.

  10. Denise 245 PR
    Faby 385 sumo PR
    Flounder 375 PR
    Tim McC 345 sumo PR
    Kate C 285
    Tim H 330 sumo
    Stacy H 215 PR
    Manisha 165 PR (by 48#)
    Gene 435
    Ben 315 PR
    Bre 195
    Mark B. 380 PR
    Calvin 365
    Jim C 380 PR
    Geoff 325 sumo PR
    Sandy 230 sumo PR

    Mike P 410 PR
    Borden 375
    Conn 335
    Erika 195
    Keith 410 PR
    John C 475 PR (by 70#)
    Andrew 305 PR
    Melissa L. 195
    Pam 205
    Charles 275 sumo
    Jackie 245 PR (by 30#)
    Stasie 195 PR (by 10#)

    Brett 185 PR
    Rob 295 PR
    Anne 213 PR
    Fayth 193 PR
    Mark 235 PR
    Nick 365
    Shoeless 465 sumo PR
    Leslie 225 PR (by 35#)
    Albert 420

    WOW! where do I begin? Should I start with a ton of new folks surprising themselves by exceeding their expectations (Anne, Mark, Fayth, Andrew, Rob, Brett), or do I start with Leslie who PR'd by 10# with 200 and then went and got 225? How about Manisha killing her previous PR of 118# with 165#, 55 over bodyweight?? Or should I talk about Denise who doubted herself and ignored my advice to NOT tie a previous PR and then got 10 more lbs? The Halperns absolutely KILLED it with a combined 60lb+ PR. Finally, wouldn't it be ridiculous to have someone PR by 70#? Well, we had TWO tonight: Mark B. (380#) and John C. (475#)

    Holy crap, that was a fun night of coaching. Sorry if you PR'd and I didn't mention you by name...this could go on all night! Also, don't feel bad if you didn't PR...I've been in that spot and it just means you're experienced enough that PRs are more spread out.

    great night everyone, Plentus of fun!

  11. I feel like I need to shout out Keith..even though it was "only" a 5# PR, he easily had the best celebration

  12. I wasn't celebrating so much the fact that I hit a PR. I was celebrating more that I was able to pull that much weight without feeling like I was compromising my back/lumbar.

  13. really nice PR's gang!
    Anne and Fayth---WOW those are some big numbers!
