

Congratulations to Jason, Flounder, KT and Rebecca who did the 2012 Dogfish Dash! 

Congratulations to Tim who finished the Chesapeakeman aqua-velo: Ironman distance swim and bike, in preparation for the Ironman in November.

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
10 Handstand Push-ups
10 Thrusters (75/115#)

Check out our Gym:
CrossFit King of Prussia - Gym Tour featured in the CrossFit Journal.

Community Notes:
Open Gym has moved from Thursday to Sunday. This begins (ASAP) Sunday, 10/7 from 11-1PM will be our first Sunday Open Gym. There will be NO open gym this coming Thursday 10/4.

Endurance class is Monday, at 10/1 at 5:30pm @ UMHS track

"You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life."
-Les Brown

Ryan B. 4Rds 2AB/115#
Nina 4Rds AB/SB/75#
Gina 5Rds SB/55#
Mike S. 4Rds SB/65#
Brian D. 5Rds SB/65#
Kelvin 6Rds SB/75#
Roni 4Rds Ab/55#
King 6Rds 2Ab/95#
Bekah 5Rds 60#
Chip 6rds - stinkbugs/backsquats sub
Lam 3rds - abmat/95#
Jay E 4rds Rx
Peter 4rds - scale hspu/95#
Mel 6 44KBS 75
Arin 4 60 ab/plate
Vinnie 3 63 2ab/sb
Joe C 3 95 ab
Mike Fab 4 115 SB/kickup
WW 6 75rom sb
Gene 3 Rx
Patrick 4 75
Matt G 75 SB
Dee 4 53 2ab
Kenny 3 95 ab
Sharon 4 55 SB
Manisha 4 35 Box
Kate C 3 Rx
Kathleen 6 45 box
Kara 6 - 35#/ ROM
Steph 5- 75#/SB
Barb 4 - 55#/kick up
Nick Z 4- 95#/ ROM
Mike W 4 - 95#/ROM
Sarah W 7 - 25#/box
Kim C 5 - 33#/SB
Susan 4 - 55/ROM
Chris T 6 - 35#/ ROM
Aimee 6 Rx
Keith 5 Rx
Diego 3 - 95#/ 1 abmat
Schaefer 3 - 115/SB
Mark B 5-75#/SB PP
Jen S 2 - 75#/1AB
Jessie 4 - 45#/ ROM
Joy 4 - 50#/SB ROM
Sam B 5 (95#)
Paul S 3 Rx
Ben S 5 (45)
Matt B 4 (box,95)
Andrew 3 (75,abmat)
Ann B 5 (35#,box)
Faith B 6 (25#, box)
Mike P 3 (95#,abmat)
Al Vasq. 5 Rx
Al S. 3, Rx
Oliver 6 Rx



  1. 6am
    Ryan B. 4Rds 2AB/115#
    Nina 4Rds AB/SB/75#
    Gina 5Rds SB/55#
    Mike S. 4Rds SB/65#
    Brian D. 5Rds SB/65#
    Kelvin 6Rds SB/75#
    Roni 4Rds Ab/55#
    King 6Rds 2Ab/95#
    Bekah 5Rds 60#

    SB = Stinkbugs
    Ab - Ab Mat

  2. 7am

    Chip 6rds - stinkbugs/backsquats sub
    Lam 3rds - abmat/95#
    Jay E 4rds Rx
    Peter 4rds - scale hspu/95#

  3. IN case anyone missed my post on Saturday: Is anyone else interested in SALMON?????? Please message me or add your name on the spreadsheet in Google Docs as soon as possible. King and Coho Salmon Share- Price per fish $175 (King); $45 (Coho). The window of opportunity is closing rapidly on this offer and will only be a ONE TIME OFFER until next years salmon run. Don't miss out!

  4. Congrats to all of our competititors this weekend! KOP represented well at the Del Val event, and in swimming, biking and running events! Great job everyone!

  5. Mel,

    Are the salmon delivered whole? already butchered/filleted? frozen?

    Mark C.

  6. Hi Mark, please go to the blog post from 9.12.2012. There is a link for all of those fun details. It's too much to repeat here. Let me know if you have any other questions after you read it. Thanks!

  7. congrats Jason and Flounder! and TP, but if we congratulated you on every race you did, your head would be too big to fit in that helmet

  8. Gotta give props to Flounder. As much as I would have liked to beat him, he bested me by 55 seconds.

  9. 4:30

    Mel 6 44KBS 75
    Arin 4 60 ab/plate
    Vinnie 3 63 2ab/sb
    Joe C 3 95 ab
    Mike Fab 4 115 SB/kickup
    WW 6 75rom sb


    Gene 3 Rx
    Patrick 4 75
    Matt G 75 SB
    Dee 4 53 2ab
    Kenny 3 95 ab
    Sharon 4 55 SB
    Manisha 4 35 Box
    Kate C 3 Rx
    Kathleen 6 45 box

    That one really worked the shoulders! Everyone did a good job fighting through on those Stink Bugs and HSPUs. The thruster really was a game changer tonight!

  10. 9:30
    Kara 6 - 35#/ ROM
    Steph 5- 75#/SB
    Barb 4 - 55#/kick up
    Nick Z 4- 95#/ ROM
    Mike W 4 - 95#/ROM
    Sarah W 7 - 25#/box
    Kim C 5 - 33#/SB
    Susan 4 - 55/ROM
    Chris T 6 - 35#/ ROM
    Aimee 6 Rx
    Keith 5 Rx
    Diego 3 - 95#/ 1 abmat
    Schaefer 3 - 115/SB
    Mark B 5-75#/SB PP
    Jen S 2 - 75#/1AB
    Jessie 4 - 45#/ ROM
    Joy 4 - 50#/SB ROM

  11. 630

    Sam B 5 (95#)
    Paul S 3 Rx
    Ben S 5 (45)
    Matt B 4 (box,95)
    Andrew 3 (75,abmat)
    Ann B 5 (35#,box)
    Faith B 6 (25#, box)
    Mike P 3 (95#,abmat)
    Al Vasq. 5 Rx
    Al S. 3, Rx
    Olivier 6 Rx

  12. CF Endurance did a stellar lactate threshold track workout of 6x400m, with 75 sec. rest....yummy. They did awesome, and held on to almost everyone. We cashed out with a Tabata Sprint Interval session. Yes it hurt, but you know what that means.

    When was the last time you breathed heavy, and dug deep into that target heart rate zone???

    Sam B
    Paul S
    Jen S
    Jess C
    Keith L
