
Congratulations to Paul

our October Athlete of the month

Get to Know Paul. – Q &A:
Hometown: Berwyn, PA
Current Location: Phoenixville, PA
Age: 23
Occupation: CrossFit KOP Coach in training!
College: Penn State

How long have you been a CrossFitter?
I started coming to KOP January 2011.

Did you ever play sports?
I played just about everything when I was younger. As I got older I stuck to Lacrosse. 

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit?
Double-Unders! Whenever a WOD came up that had DU's in them I would have to do 3x SU's. Next day, could not walk. Now I can string 30-40 consistently, and am working on getting on that 100 DU board. 

What do you feel that you still need to work on?
Everything. Get stronger, really work on my OLY lifts, and work on my lung capacity. (Tim's Endurance class, here I come)

Goals for the rest of this year?
100 DU's, OHS body weight. 

What's your favorite WOD?
Cindy is my main squeeze. Elizabeth is a close second. 

What is the craziest insane workout outside of CF you have ever done?
When I went up to Maine for vacation this past summer. Murph, with a little something extra. 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, 200 situps, 100 JMU's, 1 mile run. Figured I had no vest, so had to add something spicy. 

What’s your least favorite WOD?
Fran. I hate thrusters......a lot. 

What’s your favorite lift?
Deadlift. Next question please.

What’s your least favorite lift?
 OHS. Just because I suck at it. 

What skill do you want to work on in 2012 the most ?
I would like to get a Muscle Up. It is driving me crazy that I have not gotten one yet. At the end of the day I want to work on getting those 100 DU's, and turn my kryptonite (OHS) into my strength. 

What's your favorite foods, and snacks?
Wings, and Bacon. Always trying to find the hottest wings out there. I want to burn. Also, did I say Bacon?

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"?
It might be weird, but I am addicted to compression leggings. I love spandex. Also my wrist wraps have been a savior. 

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF?
Heres a little story. Before I started CrossFit, I locked myself out of my house. I remembered that I left my deck sliding door open, and just had to get on my deck. Unfortunately my deck is 20 feet up in the air. I kept trying to climb and pull myself up, but just could not jump high enough, nor did I have the strength to pull myself up over the deck. I had to call the locksmith and pay $150+ to get into the house. I felt worthless. A few months into CrossFit, I locked myself out again. This time I jumped, gripped that deck, and easily pulled myself up. I stood up and gave that deck a Stone Cold Steve Austin middle finger, and said to myself... CrossFit is the best. 

Who is your favorite coach?
Lets be realistic, I love all of my coaches. Every single one of you have your own unique skills and techniques that makes all of us better athletes.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?...
Deadlift 415x5... Man I have not PR'd in a little while. Time to pick it up. I just want to consistently come in with a good attitude, and give everything I have in every WOD. It is such an honor to be recognized as the AOTM.
When I got the news, I was speechless. I want to give a shout out to the KOP Women. What you ladies do, blows my mind. It's not just about the weight you lift, or the times you post. There is something special about all of you. There is a subtle confidence that all of you have that quite frankly, scares the shit out of me. I think CrossFit does that for women, and its beautiful. KOP has so many amazing athletes, and I love crushing WOD's with all of you.

Favorite Quote?
I am not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.
-Michael Jordan


  1. Stone Cold middle fingers...man I'm laughing so hard! (couldn't believe I used to watch WWF... wow I feel so old)


  2. My newest fave coach! Yeeey! Congrats, Paul and well deserved! Loved the Q&A

  3. Congrats Paul!! Always love a WOD with you!

  4. Congratulations Paul on this well deserved recognition! You have been such a great addition to our box and are one of the nicest people I have ever met!! We are lucky to have you coming on board as a coach!!!!

  5. yeah Paul! You can't find many people more enthusiastic about CrossFit than you. Congrats on being AOTM...now people know more about you than your Michael Jordan profile picture (that may or may not look like MJ)

  6. Congrats Paul. Loved the story!

  7. Congrats Paul!! Very much deserved. You are a great addition to the coaching staff. The KOP community is very lucky to have you. Keep kicking ass!

  8. Patrick said...

    Congrats Paul - well deserved and damn - you are young!

  9. Great story Paul! Who knew that you had crazy climbing skills and were such a ladies man! And BtW; it's totally obvious that you love spandex....just sayn!

    Well deserved, love seeing you around the gym. You really know your stuff.

    Dan L.

  10. Congrats Paul - well deserved!

  11. Congrats Paul, my new 800M+ pacer! Well deserved; you're a constant presence at the box & a great source of help & now coach.

  12. Paul well deserved I know you have worked your ass off......keep it up!

  13. Congratulations Paul! You're always looking for a new way to challenge yourself and a new way to help the other athletes..I know you're going to be a great coach!

  14. Congratulations Paul! You always say just what I need to hear right when I need to hear it! I miss CF KOP and you! I'll be back soon!

  15. Very deserving of this!!!! Congratulations Paul!! Im so happy to be back wod'ng with you!!!
