

Nina from the King and Queen of Prussia

Shoulder Press

Cash out:
AMRAP in 3 Minutes
Max Burpees

"Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." John W. Gardner (1912-2002) American educator, and social activist.


  1. what is a respectable amount of burpees? 15?

    Dan L.

  2. Dan, I think you can squeeze out a few more for a 3 minute AMRAP.

  3. 6am
    Drew 135# / 41 Burpees
    Mike S. 102.5# / 40
    Paul 195# / 27
    Kelvin 165# 42
    Gina S. 67.5#PR / 35
    Pat 155# / 31
    King 145# / 58
    Sam Bo. 145# 47
    Susie 70# / 30

    Great work on the Press this am. Shout out to Paul for making 195# look light.

  4. I'm hoping to see someone get 70+ on burpees...I know Megs likes burpees

  5. 7am - Full Class of PR's...must have been the weather!

    Lauren M 80# PR / 37 Burpees
    Chip 160# PR / 48
    Jay E 250# PR / 48
    Peter 122.5# PR / 61

  6. Sorry P, today should be a rest day for me!

    Dan - you can 60.

  7. Dirty 930

    Kim C: 63PR/29 paralettes
    Arin: 73/35
    Kara: 60 /30
    Steph 120 PR/31
    Oji 138 PR/29
    Tanner 210/72 *meeting the Plentus challenge
    Susan 65/44
    Guy (from Israel) 125/53 (that's his name, people, not a generic appellation)
    Barb 78PR/ 42
    Amanda 60PR/26

  8. http://www.eventbrite.com/​event/3914347920/es2?rank=1

    Here's the plan for anyone who might be interested in joining myself, susan and possiblhy some others for dinner and Meeting Mellissa Joulwan at her book signing at CrossFit Center City on Thursday night. Meet at CFKOP at 3:45p to carpool downtown, Dinner and Drinks at El Vez at 4:30ish. CrossFit Center City is walking distance and the book signing is at 6:30p. Let us know if you coming on the carpool. hit me up 610-308-2507

  9. BOOM TIME! nice Tanner! and you PR'd on your shoulder press from Friday night (not an all time high, I know)

    1. Thanks Chris. I just think I need get my calories up. (Up my ice cream and red meat consumption)

  10. 5:30

    Peterson 145/50
    Flounder 135/38
    Ditty 90/38
    Manisha 55 PR/30
    Kate C 90/62
    Tim H 135/27
    Jim C 130 PR/65
    Erika 80 PR/44
    Gene 170/55
    Calvin 185/55
    Dan L 155 PR/58

    Awesome job sprinting through those burpees tonight!

  11. for those not on the Book, our own Kyle Bryant is featured in the CrossFit Journal. Coach Vinny is in it too, but unfortunately no Vinnyisms from him. Video is by fellow CrossFitter at CF Generation, Mike Donofrio.


  12. 630

    Andrew Y 110/48
    Dam M 110/48
    Faby 135/69
    Charles 100/39
    Jackie 83 PR /37
    Jeremy Mk 105/48
    Nick C 135/53
    Vincent 150/42
    Oleg 140 PR/62
    Lizzie 70 PR/47
    Jess C 77.5/52
    Sam B 195/74
    Coxhead 170/57

  13. 3:30
    Becca 70/75 kb swings at 26.5#
    Justin H. 145/56
    Diego 120/42
    Jen S 82.5 PR/52
    Joy 65/40
    John Sch 170/52

    Mike W. 130 PR/46
    JZ 115/59
    Mel 102.5 PR baby strength!/81 kb swings with 35#
    Stacy H. 82/43
    Sarah W. 82/23
    Ryan B. 225/51
    Keith 140/67
    Joe C 155 PR/56
    Olan 155/56

    jumping up to test the tall guys' lockout was my PR for the day. Good job folks.

  14. Ur slipping Coxhead.

    -The Villian

    1. ,,,,,it's true my reign at the top was short lived. I hear Zumba is fun and a great workout.
