

Join Mel and Jason for an outdoor adventure WOD at 9:00AM, meet and park at Frosty Falls.  We will not be hosting regular classes this weekend do to the CrossFit Level 1 seminar. Sorry for any inconvenience. This is a FREE class for members only.

Teams of 4 or 5 complete the following:

AMRAP in 5 minutes of Prowler Push w/ 90# (Women High, Men Low)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 5 minutes of Snaking Barbell Overhead Walks (95/45#)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 5 minutes of 100m sprints

Coaches Note:
This is a relay type workout.  One person will work and hand off to the next person on their team.  All those not working will being doing CF Football Burpees (Burpee w/o a push-up)

Community Notes:
We have several members attending their Level 1 Seminar this weekend at KoP, wish them luck! Susan B, Paul S, Granny, Gabe, Olan and Miranda!!!

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat determination and hard work."
~Colin Powell

Brynsie/Calvin/Peter/Tim:  703 Reps
KSB/Jess C/Jeremy/Jim C:  587 Reps
Beth O/Erika/Joy/Kathy G/Kim:  603 Reps

 Kathy G's 1st Prowler Push


A First at CF KoP

 A Sprint to the Finish

 Sunday Morning Gnomes

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