

 3:30 ready to run!
 Welcome to Alison and Matt from GA....the 9:30 crew runs in the rain!
 Organized Lunging
Relay Race Warm up

Run 400M
12 Lunges 65/95# bar racked on back (6R/6L)
12 Push Press 65/95#**
Run 200M
12 Lunges 65/95# bar racked on back (6R/6L)
12 Push Press 65/95#
Run 400M
12 Lunges 65/95# bar racked on back (6R/6L)
12 Push Press 65/95#
Run 200M
12 Lunges 65/95# bar racked on back (6R/6L)
12 Push Press 65/95# 

**Coaches note-- the bar should me moved to the front rack before the Push Press is started.

Community Notes:
This weekend we will host an adventure WOD on Saturday at 9:00AM and Sunday at 9:00AM, this is a FREE class to all CFKoP Members. Meet the coaches at Frosty Falls for the latest adventure.  There will be no regular classes this weekend due to the Level 1 seminar. 

"Superficial goals lead to superficial results." 
-Attila the Hun

Dianne 17:15 35
Ellie 13:28 45
Wax 11:03 RX
Gina 13:23 55
Becca 14:36 35/3R
Lam 14:12 Rx
Tidmore 10:36 75
Mike P 10:59 Rx
Drew 14:08 75
Jay 14:14 Rx
Roni 15:09 55
Cris 11:39 Rx
Cecilia 22:17 15
Lauren 16:15 55
Kristin 18:15 45
Diane 14:44 Rx
Peter 13:11 Rx
Damian 14:30 Rx
Aimee 11:03 Rx
Cate 11:00 Rx
Justin R 16:43Rx
Schaefer 10:53 Rx
Lindsay Smith :(
Pete Mc 13:43 Rx
Manisha 16:39 35
Westwood 14:03 65 walking lunge
Matt O 15:43 (75#) Jump
Alison T (GA) 14:37 Rx
Matt T (GA) 13:36 Rx
Alison K 13:54 ROW Rx
Arin 16:47 45#
Susan 14:34 55#
Dawn 16:00 45#
Ryan B 12:48 Row Rx
DeeDee 15:29 55#
Kim G. 15:30 45# Row
Amanda D 16:51 Row 53#
Nicole Mc 16:04 22#
Melanie (visitor) 16:51 53#/jump
Meg B 13:35 55#
Kathy G. 17:37 15#/PVC
Jess S 17:17 53#
Alexis 16:44 45#
Mike W 19:25 Rx
Beth O 15:29 35#
Byrnsie 11:36 Rx
Sarah W. 13:42 15#/half
Gabe 11:13 Rx
Diego 6:30 75#half
Chris A 17:13 65#
Sam B 8:43 Rx
Jim C 12:04 Rx
Hot Wheels Curran 15:55 75#
Granny 13:19 Rx
Brendan 18:40 15#
Joy 15:13 (45/15#)
Erika 16:42 Rx
Matt G 19:10 65#
Stacy 15:51 (35#)
Mel 8:12 (1/2)
Sharon DNF Blood Donor
Dan L 11:32 (Rx)
Bre 14:08 (45#)
Roman 12:13 (80#)
Schaefer2 13:03 (Rx)
Kate C 9:52 (Rx)
Kenny 16:52 (75#)
Oji 17:21 (63#)
Faby 9:30 Rx
Derreck 14:51 Rx
Borden 15:51 95
Dan M. 15:39 65


  1. 6am
    Dianne 17:15 35
    Ellie 13:28 45
    Wax 11:03 RX
    Gina 13:23 55
    Becca 14:36 35/3R
    Lam 14:12 Rx
    Tidmore 10:36 75
    Mike P 10:59 Rx
    Drew 14:08 75
    Jay 14:14 Rx

    Roni 15:09 55
    Cris 11:39 Rx
    Cecilia 22:17 15
    Lauren 16:15 55
    Kristin 18:15 45
    Diane 14:44 Rx
    Peter 13:11 Rx
    Damian 14:30 Rx

    Morning classes cashed out with a 5min AMRAP that targeted their weaknesses!

  2. Paul, it was fun . . . you will crush this.

  3. Mike P, I wish man.. I was going to come tonight but got the L1 in the morning, gotta study!

  4. 3:30

    Aimee 11:03 Rx
    Cate 11:00 Rx
    Justin R 16:43Rx
    Schaefer 10:53 Rx
    Lindsay Smith :(
    Pete Mc 13:43 Rx
    Manisha 16:39 35
    Westwood 14:03 65 walking lunge

  5. 5:30 Dudes

    Kenny 16:52 (75#)
    Oji 17:21 (63#)
    Faby 9:30 Rx
    Derreck 14:51 Rx

  6. 6:30pm Duo

    Borden 15:51 95
    Dan M. 15:39 65

  7. 6:30pm Duo

    Borden 15:51 95
    Dan M. 15:39 65
