

Box Squat

Sitting on the GHD athletes will throw a med ball (Men 6/Women 4) as far as possible


Max Kettlebell Swings in 2 minutes (70/97#)

Click here to see a few of this years CrossFit Games WODs announced today.

Community Notes:
Check out the following CrossFit Endurance Dates*:
Wed July 18th, 6:30pm
Thurs July 26th, 5:30pm
Wed Aug 1st, 5:30pm
Wed Aug 22nd, 6:30pm  
* all Endurance classes will be held at the Upper Merion High School Track

"An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men."
-Thomas Fuller

Box Squat/Max KBS/GHD Throw


  1. Yeah! We get to try out a CrossFit Games WOD! What do others think of the WOD's that have been posted so far????

  2. interesting that they have point values indicating that not every workout is equal to another. Looks like the final event will be similar to past years, with 3 parts to a longer workout (3x100 points). I thought they would work bar muscle ups in and they did. Interesting that they are making the athletes do split snatches at 115/75 when all of them can easily muscle snatch that weight. (I wonder how much of a split they will make them do.) I REALLY like the clean ladder with deadlifts to separate people. Btw, the clean ladder STARTS at 245# for men and 140# for women. I don't think guys will get to the max of 385 or women to 235, but that would be SICK.
    For the unannounced workouts, we'll see some creative stuff. I'm thinking stones to shoulder or other strongman related things, something gymnastics related similar to the monkey bars...definitely something we haven't seen before. Possibly a bike with actual bikes instead of the machines from last year. There will also be a long workout announced since all of the current ones are fairly short.

  3. I think that someone will get all the way to the end of the ladder...Barto definitely has a chance at it.

  4. Goofed on the squats! We were using 115#! Not 110# and not 135#. To a 14" box.


  5. Oleg, Jason, and Vin! WOW! Nice Throws!!

  6. Jason - did you stay there all day doing throws - come on 3 throws per ....just sayin :) Nice distance and thanks for the coaching this am, it really helped.

    Oleg and Vin - nice throws as well
