

 Big welcomes to Tim M(II) and Mark S--both have recently started at CFKoP!  Keep up the hard work guys!

Thanks to Coach Mike T for starting our NEW 6AM Monday class!

On the Minute:
Complete 5 Burpees and perform max rep Overhead Squats at 65/95# on the minute.
The goal is to complete 100 Overhead Squats- record the total time to complete.

Community Reminders:
The 6:00AM Monday CrossFit Class and 9:00AM Preschool CF Kids class both start today.

On July 4th we will ONLY run one class at 10:00AM, friends and family are welcome.  This is a FREE class.

"Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success."

Jessss: 16:00 (35#)
Calvin: ? reps (45#)
Kate C: 11:50 (Rx)
Tim H: 18:40 (PVC)
Ken: 18:50 (33#)
Manisha: 95 reps (15#)
Sarah: 10:48 (15#)
Vinny: 8:47 (Rx)
Paul S: 15:52 (65#)
John C: 8:59? (Rx)
Derrick: 89 reps (65#)
Kyle: 80? reps (10#)
Jeremy: 15:43 (65#)
Faby: 15:54 (Rx)
Melissa: 61? reps (35#)
Conn: 18:44 (75#)
Heather: 13:54 (35#)
Sam B: 15:43 (85#)
Tidmore: 12:45 (65#)
Dan M: 90ish reps (45#)
Kate K: 14:48 (Rx)
Rebecca 19:58 53#
Wax 15:51 75#
Lam 18:59 65#
Lindsey 13:42 Scale
Peterson 13:54 73#
Balmer 10:46 Not Rx, 95#, Form
Mike S. 19:47 35#
King 12:51 75#
KT 10:53 Rx
Megs 9:54 rx
John Schaffer 15:50 Rx
Lauren 15:46 45#
Nick 19:56 75#
Chip 12:56 75#
Peter 12:47 75#
Jay E 8:51 Rx
Jim C 14:33 55$
Nina 9:46 Rx
LP 9:53 Rx
Kara 15:57 15#
BJ 18:48 95/75#
Tori 16:57 33#BS/OHS
Susan 15:57 35#
Dianne 8:56 15#
Beth O 18:02 33#
Mike V. 7:30 Rx
Aimee 8:25 Rx
Cate 8:53 Rx
Panos 7:30 75#(rom)
Tim M(II) 20:02 (72 reps at 75#)
Justin R. 18:54 33#
Mark S. 19:00?
Rachael H 17:02
Brian R. 12:39 (75#)
Rob Ph 11:51 Rx
JZ 14:05 (75#)
Mike Fab 13:57 (75#)
Mike T. 10:40 (75)
Mike W. 15:55 (45)
Becky 14:53 (33#)


  1. 6am - On a Monday?!?

    Rebecca 19:58 53#
    Wax 15:51 75#
    Lam 18:59 65#
    Lindsey 13:42 Scale
    Peterson 13:54 73#
    Balmer 10:46 Not Rx, 95#, Form
    Mike S. 19:47 35#
    King 12:51 75#
    KT 10:53 Rx

  2. Yeah Mike T!!!!!! Welcome as a coach!!!! 6am on Monday's will surely be changed forever with you at the helm! We ar elucky to have you!

  3. 7am

    Megs 9:54 rx
    John Schaffer 15:50 Rx
    Lauren 15:46 45#
    Nick 19:56 75#
    Chip 12:56 75#
    Peter 12:47 75#
    Jay E 8:51 Rx
    Jim C 14:33 55$
    Nina 9:46 Rx

  4. Mike T. Great job this am - thanks for coaching Monday 6am.

    Jay E - nice time .... wow!

  5. Did I leave my silver and orange water bottle at the box? Maybe in the lobby?

  6. Thanks for taking the Monday 6am
    Mike T - you are now an official Ninja Turtle!

    Jay E = not human!

  7. This one looks fun!!!

  8. Thanks Aimee and team for the Monday 6am class!

  9. Today's WOD @ crossfit rehoboth

    Couplet (switch between lifts)
    Front squat 5-3-1-5-3-1 (downward takes 3 sec)
    Romanian Deadlift 8-5-8-5-8-5

    then for time

    3 Rounds
    8 single arm kb swings (R/L)
    10 side planks (R/L)
    10 tuck jumps

    Front Squat 115
    RDL 145

    3 rounds: 4:48

    Doing Team Murph there on the 4th with someone from Crossfit in Lancaster!

  10. FYI - If anyone is interested - I was curious when the games were being telivised.

    Here is the full ESPN3 CrossFit Games schedule (Note: All times are Eastern.)

    Friday, July 13: 5:15 - 11:15 p.m., ET
    Saturday, July 14: 1:30 - 5 p.m. and 8:30 - 11:30 p.m., ET
    Sunday, July 15: 1:30-7:30 p.m., ET

  11. 4:30 crew...we are sorry we didn't get a photo of the board with your results. Please post to comments so we have a record for the next time this amazing wod comes around!

  12. I actually really liked this WOD and want to try it on a non-heat, non-pregnant day at some point. I did 50 reps at 65# and "careful" burpees s it took me around 14:20 to finish. Firsh time using 65# in an OHS during a WOD thugh. Shoulder feels pretty decent!
