

Shoulder Press

Push Press
Community Chat:
What's your food weakness, the one thing you cave into? Can't do with out? How's your mental toughness in a WOD or when it comes to food? Post to comments. 

"Mental Toughness" with Rich Froning and Dan Bailey - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

"If you treat an individual as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be."
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Cris 130/145
Roni 71/83 PR
Wax 175/195 PR
Jay E 245/255
KT 92.5/120
Rebecca 70.5/100
Gina 71/86 PR
Cecilia 20/20form
Bob W 135/145
Klutch 135/145
Paul F 195/195
Drew 135/155
Manny 95PR/115
Cate 120/133
Keith 145/185
Kevin 175/195
Nick 140/140
Susan 75/95
Olan 145/ouchie
Justin 140/150
John Sch 165/195
Arin 75/85
Kim G 53/83
Brianna 70PR/95PR
Sharon 90/110
Mel 97.5 FM PR/ 115
Brian R 145PR/175
Joe C 150/155pr
Becky 67/77
Kyle 60/25db
Nathan 185/210
Matt O 135/135
Mike T 165/195
Gene 170/165
Sandy 75/85
Stacy 75/95
Jess S 65/80
Travis 105/150
LP 77/95
Kate C 85/115
Dan L 145/185
Patrick 160/175
Denise 80/100
Kathy B. ??/??
Utah Melissa 50/60
Derreck 185/205
Sam B 195/205
Holly 60/65
John C 165pr/185pr
Faby 135/175pr
Dan M. 100/95
Shoeless 150/165
Jeremy 100/120
Justin K 135/175pr
Conn 160/175
Borden 135/155
Damien 165/205
Sean 155/185
Oji 128/138
Leslie 68/83
Diego 125/135
BJ 130/165


  1. Rock star energy drinks

  2. I have too many to count. Hard to pick just one thing.

  3. Wings and ice cream

  4. corn on the cob, red wine, wings and my Mom's homemade chicken cutlets :)

  5. Cheese!

    Which is very fitting since I am starting a no dairy diet today.

  6. beer, cheese, the occassional bowl of pasta,

  7. Wendy's Classic Triple.

  8. Erika:

    mmmmmm.... Beer

  9. BAM, some good early am PR's

    Cris 130/145
    Roni 71/83 PR
    Wax 175/195 PR
    Jay E 245/255
    KT 92.5/120
    Rebecca 70.5/100
    Gina 71/86 PR
    Cecilia 20/20form
    Bob W 135/145
    Klutch 135/145
    Paul F 195/195
    Drew 135/155
    Manny 95PR/115

  10. Top 5 in no particular order:

    Good Beer
    Excellent Red Wine
    Mom's Pork Cacciatore**
    Grandma's Sauce**

    * Pizza must be NY style that has to be folded to eat with a little bend in the slice when held. There should be a slight bit of oil that you can barely see on tip of the slice and the BEST bite should be the first bite.

    ** Both of which I can make as well, so maybe a KoP pot luck (Paleo and non-Paleo) in the future?

  11. Patrick said...

    KettleOne & Club Soda. I realize that's not a food, but I do throw in a slice of lime.

  12. Wax - We did a Paleo pot luck in 2010 and it was awesome!! I think it's time for another one! Great idea.

    As for me....
    Wine and Chocolate

  13. My weakness: once every couple of weeks I'll grab a pint of Ben & Jerry's "Everything But The..." flavor, which contains multiple heath bars, peanut butter cups, etc. all embedded into the ice cream. It's deadly.

    Mental toughness: still struggling with this during WODs, focusing on 'just get through this round!', etc., but it's still very much a struggle for me. Then again, I'm still not able to get through a warm-up without being completely out of breath : (

  14. Blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and sausages...mmmm...can't wait til my cheat day...

  15. Coffee, black

    A pot a day, keeps the jitters away......

  16. I know Donkey has hosted the paleo parties in the past but I am happy to do so as well. Bonfire is available! Maybe some time in August?? It might motivate me to get back on track since I'll be in my 3rd trimester then!

    Anyone else interested???

  17. Mike and Sarah WorthJuly 11, 2012 at 10:42 AM

    Both Sarah and I have the same "food weakness". Chinese food. A big bowl of pork fried rice and Szechuan chicken. Sooo bad for us. :)

  18. beer, wine, cheese. nom nom nom.

    ps. totally in for a paleo potluck!

  19. my first serving of vanilla bean ice cream, no matter how large, is never my last;
    there is no such thing as "bad" pizza; and
    really good scotch.

    my biggest mental weakness in a WOD is not pushing myself to string one more rep of [blank] before I rest, when I almost certainly could.

  20. @Mark C - if you think there is no such thing as bad pizza, you've never been to Texas. :)

  21. Flan, Mcdonald's breakfast, chinese food, indian food, Dunkin Donuts, frosted flakes with bananas, cotton candy, ice cream, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and the food at sporting events and movies.

  22. I'm surprised no one has said "bread" yet. The first reaction is always get when telling people I avoid grains is "How can you not eat bread?! It's so delicious."

  23. Good beer and chocolate ice cream

  24. Well, since we're going with multiple foods...large burgers, red meat in general (including beef liver), dark chocolate, puffed rice + goat milk + real sugar, dried pineapple, beef jerky, everything blueberry, Estrella Damm Daura, chocolate chip cookies (brown rice flower), fish, *fruit snacks!

    My mental toughness is 100% when it comes to food. I don't emphasise perfectly clean eating all the time, but it makes a huge difference leading up to competition.

    Within a WOD, I'm always trying to test my mental toughness.

  25. Cold Beer (prefer good, but as long as it's cold)

    Then the food after enough of the cold beer

    Mentally - I just don't quit and don't try and think about how much more I'm going to have to do. If I don't quit I will eventually get finished.

  26. Noon results:

    Cate 120/133
    Keith 145/185
    Kevin 175/195
    Nick 140/140
    Susan 75/95
    Olan 145/ouchie
    Justin 140/150
    John Sch 165/195

    we did several cash outs.... but a shout out to keith for the longest standing broad jump 9 feet 2 inches. woot woot!!!

  27. 430 ""Triathletes"" in warmup

    Arin 75/85
    Kim G 53/83
    Brianna 70PR/95PR
    Sharon 90/110
    Mel 97.5 FM PR/ 115
    Brian R 145PR/175
    Joe C 150/155pr
    Becky 67/77
    Kyle 60/25db
    Nathan 185/210
    Matt O 135/135
    Mike T 165/195

  28. 5:30
    Gene 170/165
    Sandy 75/85
    Stacy 75/95
    Jess S 65/80
    Travis 105/150
    LP 77/95
    Kate C 85/115
    Dan L 145/185
    Patrick 160/175
    Denise 80/100
    Kathy B. ??/??

    Utah Melissa 50/60
    Derreck 185/205
    Sam B 195/205
    Holly 60/65
    John C 165pr/185pr
    Faby 135/175pr
    Dan M. 100/95
    Shoeless 150/165
    Jeremy 100/120
    Justin K 135/175pr
    Conn 160/175
    Borden 135/155

    Damien 165/205
    Sean 155/185
    Oji 128/138
    Leslie 68/83
    Diego 125/135
    BJ 130/165

    great work across classes. Welcome to Damien to his first class in the 7:30 crew! Way to really JUMP that bar off your shoulders. I saw a lot of FAILS turned into MAKES when you added that oomph to the bar. OOMPH there it is, OOMPH there it is

  29. TP/, what's the FM next to my shoulder press?

  30. I just checked my results from the previous similar WOD and I'm thrilled that I got PR on both exercises!

    *I need to continue improving my stamina/endurance, ugh

  31. I posted the wrong numbers, should be 165/185.
