
Summer Slam WODs

For those of you competing in the Summer Slam this weekend at CFG, please review the WOD's below.

WOD #1
In 12 min: 200 m plate carry (as a team) Then, AMRAP- ~30 m tire sled drag In addition, each team member must complete 100 DU's or 300 singles in the allotted time
*Each team gets set of six bumper plates (2 x 45, 1 x 35, 3 x 25) **Must move entire set of bumper plates one sled drag at a time( in any combination) with only one athlete pulling at a time. Each time all six plates have been moved is one round. The sled must be pulled back to the start (empty) to load more plates. After all six plates have been moved, start over and move the set of plates again. Each round (all plates moved) is 200 pounds. ***Score is total pounds moved minus incomplete double-unders

WOD #2
Clean & Jerk Ladder
Females: 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165
Males: 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245
*Move through with your team, in groups of three (3 males/3 females) **1 min 15 sec to perform lifts, 15 sec to rotate
***Score is total weight of maximum successful lift for all team members

WOD #3
For time: Run 400 (as a team) 300 box jumps Run 400 (as a team) 300 KB swings Run 400 (as a team) 300 goblet squats Run 400 (as a team)
*25 minute cap **Box jumps: 100 reps per box (22, 24, 28) ***Swings/Goblet Squats: 100 reps per bell (35, 45, 55) ****May not start movements until all team members have completed run

Summer Slam video standards have been released. Click here to watch WOD #1. Click here for WOD #2 and click here for WOD #3

More Details:
Summer Slam 2012 Schedule of Events
7:45 to 8:15- Registration
8:20- Standards Meeting for Athletes/Judges
8:35- Warm Up
8:50- WOD 1 Judges Meet
8:58- National Anthem
9:00- WOD 1, heat 1
9:15- WOD 1, heat 2
9:30- WOD 1, heat 3
9:45- WOD 1, heat 4 10:00- Break
10:15- WOD 2 Judges Meet
10:20- WOD 2, females
11:00- Break
11:15- WOD 2 Judges Meet
11:20- WOD 2, males 12:00- Break
12:15- WOD 3 Judges Meet
12:20- WOD 3, heat 1
12:40- WOD 3, heat 2
1:10- WOD 3, heat 3
1:40- WOD 3, heat 4
2:10- Break
2:25- WOD 4 Standards
2:30- WOD 4 Judges Meet
2:35- WOD 4
3:00- Awards
3:05- After party


  1. So... are these Monday's WOD('s)?

  2. Cline - there was a little system glitch, sorry. The WOD is up.

  3. FYI videos of WODs #2 and #3 are also up:

    #2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlUu0IALIEI

    #3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBUmmiltN_c
