

1 Rep per minute for 30 minutes (Front Squat) 
You must use the same weight for every lift so choose wisely...you can gauge at about 85-90% of your 1RM. If you fail, drop down in weight and continue the 30 minutes. The weight recorded is the lowest weight used at any time during the workout.

Community Note:
This Saturday June 23rd, Crossfit Explode, located at 540 E. Union St., West Chester, PA has invited friends and CrossFitters out for a fun day of grilling, drinking and working out to support Team Explode going to the Crossfit Games!  Rafflles with great prizes from local businesses will be available and live music. $40/person includes food and drink - kids free!

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." 
-Edward Everett Hale


  1. From the rack or floor?

  2. Rack city, rack rack city!!!!!!! 10's 10's 20's and them 50's

  3. 6am
    Heather 55
    Erika 95
    Jay 275
    King 175
    Todd 195
    Kim G 85
    Rebecca 108
    KT 145
    Mike P 235

    Klutch 195
    Lauren 95
    Nina 145
    Alanna 73
    Peter 195
    Chris NZ 205
    Alexis 90

    Good work through the early morning heat! There was a huge mental aspect to this one...

    And thank you to BOTH 6 & 7 for my Birthday Burpees!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Today is Kim G's birthday so a bunch of us are heading to Red Stone (by Plymouth Meeting Mall) for happy hour at 5:30pm...

    PLUS it is conveniently located near Dave & Busters where Jen S will be working from 8-12, so there's a seamless transition to support multiple KoP'ers.

    Hope to see you there!

  6. 930

    Ciera 105
    JNa 75 (but added weight in the middle!)
    Matt G 185
    Lori 85
    Mark C 145
    Rob fr Tx 155
    Gina 90
    Lisa 68

  7. Nooner

    Mike T 210
    Travis 165
    Mark S 75
    Barb 90.5
    Dianne 73 mid WOD bump up to 93

  8. 3:30 TGIF'ers
    Megs 105
    Vinnie 95
    Mel 95
    Justin R 175
    Jaime 115
    Manisha 63
    Diego 155 (185 at end)
    Stasie 55
    Wax 185
    BJ 185
    Mrs. Peterbutt 55
    JZ 165
    Lam 165

    5!.....3, 2, 1!

  9. Mike P, 235! You Monster. Guess your feeling better after your Death Race. Congrats man.

  10. And kudos to Lam and BJ for getting 225 AFTER the WoD!

    Mike P and Jay - you're machines.

  11. Mel's Men

    (Max burpees x 1 minute after last set)

    Brian 175 (16)
    Keith 255 (15)
    Mark 145 (18)
    Gabe 205 (21)
    Nate 185 (24)
    Tim M. 160 (15)

    Solid work tonight! Way to hold your form for all 30 rounds.

  12. 3:30 TGIFers were so motivating! Wax, awesome 205 AND 3 STRUNG MUs post WoD!

  13. 530

    BO 95
    Joe 155 but went up during the WOD
    John Sch 235
    Tim H: 185


    Melissa S 75
    Paul S 225 + First Pukie!
    Vin 260
    Sarah 83 but went up during WOD
    Dan M 125
    Borden 205 went up during WOD
    Chris A 135 but went up during WOD

    Shout out to the people who went conservative and decided to heavy up in the middle of things. Your score reflects your lowest weight during the WOD, but I salute you for deciding to go up anyway.

    Nice work in this heat to all the classes.
