


Community Notes:
Good luck to Mike P. and Tidmore who are competing to finish the Death Race this weekend. Curious about why they train how they do and...what the heck it's all about...click on this link to find out more.

Paleo 101 - Fundamentals of Nutrition will be held on Monday June 18th at 6:30PM with Laura.  If you have recently completed Fundamentals this is included in your Fundamentals package. If you would like to attend and are not a member or have not complete fundamentals recently it's a $15 cost.

"Know your worth. Know when you have had enough. And move on from the people who keep chipping away at your happiness."

Mike S. 95
Kim G 70
Lindsey Form
Bob 125
Balmer 145
Wax 155
Peterson 125
Roni 63
Jeremy 105
Jay E 205
Chip 165pr
Klutch 145pr
King 135pr
Peter 125pr
John C 195
Kim C 63
Joe C 120 form
Rhonda 42
Ciera 80 pr
Peter O 105
Liz O 35 form
JNa 50 pr
Denise 85 pr
Lori 45 pr
Steph V 105
Steph B 75
JB 85
Justin H 115 form
John Sch 165
Joy N 55
Dorothy 105 pr
Aimee 120
JZ 110
Brian R. 155 pr
Jason L 165
Travis 125
Stacy 37
Bre 55 pr
Arin 65
Olan 145
Justin 125
Diego 63
Mike F. 135
BJ 145 UPS
Mel 90
Payne 95
Keith 175
Faby 135
Manisha 30 (first time)
Paul S: 135 PR
Melissa S: 58 PR
Dan M: 90
Shoeless: 185 PR
Borden: 145 PR
Alison: 105 Muscle (working through injury)


  1. damn...I'll stick to clean and jerks. Good luck Mike P. and Tidmore

  2. Good luck Tidmore and Mike P.... by the way Mike if you ask them if you can do it twice it may mess up the whole theme. Have fun!

  3. Friday 3:30 PM class starts today! Who's in?

  4. Good luck Mike P and Tidmore, also Happy birthday Tidmore and Kate K :) Have some amazing days!

  5. Erika:

    Yeah, no.. I read the Death Race website and not unless someone where trying to kill me or a bear was trying to eat me.

    Be safe, guys!!

  6. What a fabulous day!

    Happy one year Mike P!

    Awesome birthdays to Tidmore and Kate!

    Good luck in your race!!

    Wish I could come to the 3:30! I need some snatch practice with Miss Aimee!

  7. oh yeah and happy birthday tidmore & kate!! :)

  8. Good luck Mike and Tid.. You guys are gonna kill it!!

  9. Sorry for the late entry, all you score scoping folks :-) Here are the scores for the "snatch in the morning crew"

    Mike S. 95
    Kime G 70
    Lindsey Form (going around the belly takes practice!)
    Bob 125
    Balmer 145
    Wax 155
    Peterson 125
    Roni 63
    Jeremy 105
    Jay E 205

    Chip 165pr
    Klutch 145pr
    King 135pr
    Peter 125pr

    I am sure there were some PRs in the 6am class too, we just didn't record them. If its your first time snatching its a PR!!! Great job to all taking on arguably the most technical movement in CrossFit (and in my opinion the most beautiful one as well- that is, when its not ugly :-)

  10. 530:

    Keith 175
    Faby 135


    Manisha 30 (first time)
    Paul S: 135 PR
    Melissa S: 58 PR
    Dan M: 90
    Shoeless: 185 PR
    Borden: 145 PR
    Alison: 105 Muscle (working through injury)

    Really nice work tonight hitting the tech movements and finding the footing.
