
Clean and Jerk Clinic

Coach Plentus is offering a Clean and Jerk clinic on June 10th from 3:00-6:00PM. Cost for this clinic is $50. Click here to read the flyer and find out additional information. 

Learn a detailed breakdown of this famous Olympic lifts and get personalized feedback on your form. We will go over progressions of the lifts, assistance exercises, and we will also have video analysis of your C+J to analyze it in slow motion. All levels of experience are welcome, but there is a 10 person cap.

Email chris@crossfitkop.com to reserve your spot.


  1. what a pretty picture!!!

  2. Great blog. We'd like to link to it on our blogroll on TimesHerald.com. If you're interested, please shoot me an email (tcasey@timesherald.com) with a photo to run with the link as well as a one-sentence description of the blog.

    -Terry Casey

  3. haha, I got that same exact comment on mine...guess they found us through each other

  4. I attended this C&J clinic a few months ago and it was extremely helpful. I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about it but still on the fence.

  5. C&J clinic is awesome, if you want to improve on all areas of the clean and the jerk... I recommend it. Chris, can't make it for this one. Would love to set up a PT for myself and Melissa sometime in the near future for it though. We'll talk soon.
