
W.O.D. 5.26.12

Teams of 4 will complete the following for time:
800 Meter Barbell Carry (65#/95#)*
200 Wall Balls (14/20# to 9ft/10ft)
800 Meter Barbell Carry (65#/95#)*  
200 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)
800 Meter Barbell Carry (65#/95#)*  
200 Box Jumps (21/25")

*Athletes can choose to carry the bar however they like, 2 people, 4 people, etc..but the bar cannot touch the ground during the 800Meter run or a 100 burpee penalty for the team will be assessed. All athletes must go on the 800 Meter journey. Once the team is back into the gym 2 people at a time will work to complete the WallBalls, Kettlebell swings and Box Jumps.

Community Notes:
Our next CrossFit Level 1 seminar will be held on September 1st and 2nd. Click here to register.

10:00AM class ONLY today! Friends and Family are welcome.

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'"
- Muhammad Ali


Chris NZ/Justin H/Jen S 35:53

Jessie/Oleg/Ellie/Kim G 43:25

Tim McK/Megs/Wax 35:24

Erika/Arin/Alison/Demery 40:14

Danny/Cate/Liz/Laura 31:07

Mike Fab/Rebecca S/Tracy/Rhonda 33:18


  1. Looks like a good one, sorry I'm missing it!!


  2. Hey Aimee,

    This Crossfit Level 1 that is in September... Is it the same one that was due for August 11th,12th and the date got changed? or is it a different one all together.. Thanks

  3. Paul. It's a different one. August is filled up.

  4. Gotcha, Thanks (Aren't you so popular).

  5. 10AM Team Maniacs:

    Chris NZ/Justin H/Jen S 35:53

    Jessie/Oleg/Ellie/Kim G 43:25

    Tim McK/Megs/Wax 35:24

    Erika/Arin/Alison/Demery 40:14

    Danny/Cate/Liz/Laura 31:07

    Mike Fab/Rebecca S/Tracy/Rhonda 33:18

    Great work everyone, way to push through a long WOD in the morning sauna! Some very impressive work by the teams of 3 stepping up to do the Rx weights and reps!
