
W.O.D. 5.25.12

"Take 2"

for time complete:
500 Meter Row
100 Double Under

rest two minutes

for time complete:
Med Ball Cleans (14/20#)
GHD Hip Extensions

Have you met Kyle yet?

Many of us have blogs, so does Kyle...click here to read about his first experiences at CrossFit KoP.

What's going on in Kyle's body...He's got something called Friedreich’s Ataxia.  (FA) is a life-shortening debilitating degenerative neuromuscular disease typically affecting children and young adults. Signs and symptoms – which worsen over time – include loss of coordination (ataxia) in the arms and legs, fatigue, muscle loss, vision impairment, hearing loss, slurred speech, and heart complications. FA affects roughly one in 50,000 which equals approximately 5,000 people in the US and 15,000 people worldwide. Currently there is no treatment or cure.

The Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance's (FARA) mission is to marshal and focus the resources and relationships needed to cure FA by raising funds for research, promoting public awareness, and aligning scientists, patients, clinicians, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies and other organizations dedicated to curing FA and related diseases. Currently FARA is ushering several different drugs through the clinical trials with real promise for therapeutic treatment in the near future.curefa.org
 Kyle-"Vest" Squatting

If it looks good, you'll see it.
If it sounds good, you'll hear it.
If it's marketed right, you'll buy it.
But if it's true, you'll feel it.
-Kid Rock

Chip: 18:14 Rx
Peter: 14:05 Rx
Klutch: 15:08 Rx
Alanna: 23:41 SU/Supermans
Megan: 24:13 SU/Supermans/8#
Derrek: 18:37 SU
Nick: 16:57 Rx
Coxhead: 10:25 Rx
Chris NZ: 11:28 Rx
Peterbutt: 12:29 Rx
Mike W: 16:37 Rx
Sarah W: 18:58 Scale
Ciera: 17:35 SU/12#/Supermans
Chris T: 17:04 Supermans
Kathleen: 15:57 DC
Greg (Allentown): 12:12 Supermans
Heather: 16:48 SU
Nick Z: 13:12 SU
Barb Z: 18:53 12#
Mike T: 16:51 DU/SU
Jessie: 14:11 SU/10#/supermans
Chris A: 15:37 SU
KSB: 18:57 10#/some ROM on MBC
Brynsie: 15:39 Rx
Jim C: 19:38 Rx
Jess C: 19:13 Rx
John Sch: 13:16 DC (some ROM on MBC)
Jessie: 14:11 SU/10#/supermans
Chris A: 15:37 SU
KSB: 18:57 10#/some ROM on MBC
Brynsie: 15:39 Rx
Jim C: 19:38 Rx
Jess C: 19:13 Rx
John Sch: 13:16 DC (some ROM on MBC)
Petrizzo 13:17 Rx
Tidmore: 12:56 SU/super
WW: 19:54 SU/Super
The Grip: 21:02 SU
Jess S: 17:53 SU/Super
McKeever: 10:48 Rx
Brian R: 11:40 Scale
Kelly: 18:32 SU/12#
Amy: 17:44 DU/SU/12#/Both
Stasie: 19:43 SU/Super
Joe P: 16:38 DU/SU
Joe C: 17:38 Rx
Josh Sch: 13:16 Rx?
Erika: 12:08 SU/DUA/Depth
Sam B: 10:48 Rx
Megs: 10:31 Rx
John Sch Round 2: 11:54 Rx
Kathryn: 15:01 SU/both/depth
Steph B: 12:55 SU/super
Diego: 14:28 Supermans
Matt O: 17:25 Rx
Paul S: 13:18 SU
Jen S: 12:55 Rx
Justin H from DC: 10:45 Rx
Borden: 14:27 Rx/Some depth
Justin K: 17:12 Rx
Rachel: 20:38 Rx
Sarah: 23:17 Supermans


  1. Thanks for sharing my story Aimee! See you all soon!

  2. Kyle I haven't met you yet, but look forward to working out with you soon! You looked really good on that rower, maybe you can row for me ;-).

  3. Kyle,
    I love that you are into crossfit man. Your hard work and dedication is such an inspiration to me. Keep up the hard work. Your doing amazing.

    PS. You with all those vests=Awesome

  4. Man, I was all inspired by Kyle, and then I got all bummed out by the Kid Rock quote. I think I got Hep C just reading it.

    Unless Kyle chose the quote, then I'm just a dick.

  5. Dude, you are an amazing person...and can't wait to work out with you!

  6. inspirational story, honored to have you working out with us at KoP. looking forward to meeting you! :)

  7. Kyle: You are so much fun to have in the box--you rock! Looking forward to seeing you in class!

  8. 7AM

    Chip: 18:14 Rx
    Peter: 14:05 Rx
    Klutch: 15:08 Rx
    Alanna: 23:41 SU/Supermans
    Megan: 24:13 SU/Supermans/8#
    Derrek: 18:37 SU
    Nick: 16:57 Rx

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @Kyle: welcome, look forward to working out with you, you're truly an inspiration to us all.

    @Ninja Turtles (aka 6am'ers): great workout, love to camaraderie.

    @Kim & Lam: shoot me an email when you get a chance - waxmanj AT gsicommerce.com

  11. Great work Kyle! Very inspirational to see you progressing. Keep up the hard work!

  12. Kyle - can't wait to work out with you - I think you can show me a thing or two about determination. Awesome, truly awesome!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Dirrrrrrrty 930

    Coxhead: 10:25 Rx + got on DU board!
    Chris NZ: 11:28 Rx
    Peterbutt: 12:29 Rx
    Mike W: 16:37 Rx
    Sarah W: 18:58 Scale
    Ciera: 17:35 SU/12#/Supermans
    Chris T: 17:04 Supermans
    Kathleen: 15:57 DC
    Greg (Allentown): 12:12 Supermans
    Heather: 16:48 SU
    Nick Z: 13:12 SU
    Barb Z: 18:53 12#
    Mike T: 16:51 DU/SU

  15. Hi Kyle,

    Wonderful working out with you yesterday. What was it, 6 vests you were wearing? WOW.

    Hope to WOD with you again soon!!


  16. Kyle, It was so nice to meet you the other night. I look forward to work more with you. Welcome to KoP!

    Kim G

  17. Nooner!

    Jessie: 14:11 SU/10#/supermans
    Chris A: 15:37 SU
    KSB: 18:57 10#/some ROM on MBC
    Brynsie: 15:39 Rx
    Jim C: 19:38 Rx
    Jess C: 19:13 Rx
    John Sch: 13:16 DC (some ROM on MBC)

  18. 6am Ninja Turtles

    Kim G: 16:15 SU
    Becca :17:44 SU
    Pooch: 22:46 Rx
    KT: 12:52 Rx
    King 17:50 DUA
    Bob W: 19:37 SU/DUA
    Ellie 17:16 Rx
    Rebecca Sid: 16:05 Rx
    Manisha 18:59 SU/8#
    Jay E 19:33 DC (Bad MBC Clean Form)
    Roni: 16:26 Rx
    Lam: 14:25 Rx
    Mike S: 24:34 Rx
    Steve: 21:40 SU/12#
    Wax: 16:35 Rx

  19. Mike and Sarah WorthMay 25, 2012 at 2:02 PM

    Hi, all!

    Thanks again, Dirty 9:30 for a super fun, super grueling class! Donkey, as always, you rock as Trainer. Really kept me motivated.

    Kyle, I cannot wait to meet you, you are an inspiration, and you look like you are having a TON of fun in the photos! Welcome to Crossfit KOP!

  20. Kyle thank you for sharing your story with us! Its awesome that you're Crossfitting and showing others that you really can do anything you put your mind to.

  21. 430:

    Petrizzo 13:17 Rx
    Tidmore: 12:56 SU/super
    WW: 19:54 SU/Super
    The Grip: 21:02 SU
    Jess S: 17:53 SU/Super
    McKeever: 10:48 Rx
    Brian R: 11:40 Scale
    Kelly: 18:32 SU/12#
    Amy: 17:44 DU/SU/12#/Both
    Stasie: 19:43 SU/Super
    Joe P: 16:38 DU/SU
    Joe C: 17:38 Rx

    Josh Sch: 13:16 Rx?
    Erika: 12:08 SU/DUA/Depth
    Sam B: 10:48 Rx
    Megs: 10:31 Rx
    John Sch Round 2: 11:54 Rx
    Kathryn: 15:01 SU/both/depth
    Steph B: 12:55 SU/super
    Diego: 14:28 Supermans

    Matt O: 17:25 Rx
    Paul S: 13:18 SU
    Jen S: 12:55 Rx
    Justin H from DC: 10:45 Rx
    Borden: 14:27 Rx/Some depth
    Justin K: 17:12 Rx
    Rachel: 20:38 Rx
    Sarah: 23:17 Supermans

    Special thanks to Kim, Megs, Paul and Tim who helped out with managing classes today.

    Quote of the day: Please clean your balls before you put them away! (It never gets old).

    Have a terrific holiday weekend, ya'll.

  22. Kyle- you are such an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story. I love your determination and drive. Look forward to working out with you some day soon.


  23. Folks, if you want to do strength at 11am tomorrow (normal schedule) I will be around...

  24. Just wanted to give a huge shout out to Donkey, Tim M., Sam and the whole 6:30 class. Talk about helping someone get through a workout! I appreciate all the support and cheers!!
