
W.O.D. 5.21.12

AMRAP in 9 Minutes:
1 Ring Dip
1 Overhead Squat (95#/135#)
2 Ring Dips
2 Overhead Squats
3 Ring Dips
3 Overhead Squats...etc.

...continue to move up the ladder until the end of 9 minutes. Your score will be the total reps completed; for example if you get finished with 5 rounds your score will be 30.

Coaches Notes:
Intermediate athletes can take the barbell from the rack, advanced should go from the ground.

Community Notes:
Wednesday 5/23 at 6:30pm meet Coach Tim at the Upper Merion Track for our next CrossFit endurance class.
We are celebrating Memorial day this weekend with 10AM ONLY class on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Be prepared to work hard and have fun! Friends and family are welcome.  

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth.'"
- Dan Rather

Roni 72 reps|35#/band
Wax 60 reps|75# (form)
Jay E 58 reps|135#/ROM
Peter 60 reps|95#
Chip 49 reps|95#
Rebecca 49 reps|63#/band
Peter 42 reps|65#
Liz 87 reps|25# band
John C 101 reps|Rx
Kim C 57 reps |25#band
Tim M 90 reps|Rx
Jessie 90 reps|33# band
Susan 72 reps|45#band
Barb 52 reps|53#band
Chris T68 reps|53#band
Tamas54 reps|95#
Sarah W 59 reps|25 band
Mike W 52 reps|45# band
Beth O 42 reps|63#rom
Luke 45 reps (65#)
John Sch 80 reps (Rx)
Arin 81 reps (45 band)
Flounder 57 reps (75 band)
Vinny 100 reps (Rx)
Manisha 56 reps (15 standing)
Sam Bi 90 reps (35 band)
Shawn 81 reps (95#)
Travis 61 reps (75#)
Paul S 159 reps (45#)
Kay 30 reps (45 rom)
JZ 57 reps (95#)
Kerry 58 reps (85#)
Jen Sch 103 reps (35 band)
Josh F 42 reps (85 band)
Nate 54 reps (65 band)
Bo 48 reps (mf)
Joe L 56 reps (75 band)
Mel 56 reps (55 band)
Brian 63 reps (115 band)
Gabe 43 reps (95#)
Keith 75 reps (45#)
Roman 58 reps (75 rom)
Ryan S 64 reps (75 rom)
WW 49 reps (95 band)
Matt O 57 reps (pvc)
Amy 56 reps (45 band)
Kathleen 55 reps (45 band)
Aimee 91 reps (Rx)
Cate 51 reps (Rx)
Mike T 53 reps (Rx)
Brynsie 63 reps (95#)
Ross 78 reps (95#)
Jason 45 reps (Rx)
Becca 77 reps (55 band)
Alexis 72 reps (50 band)
Jen S 46 @95
Melissa S 48 @45
Borden 44 @95
Alison 50 @65
Matt G 42 @ ?
Faby 75 @95
Cline 45 @75
Sam B 72 form
Lizzie 74 @35
Kate K 81 @65
Conn 59 @95
Justin 63 @95
Christina 58 @35
Kyle 121 @5DB Paralette dips
Al 44 @?
Denise 49 @55
Nick 73 @95


  1. Byrnsey,

    It's been a while since our last chat. Just thought I'd stop by to throw down the gauntlet for 2013.


    PS. You should get a pair of glasses like mine.

  2. holy smokes....I want to kick his ass even more. That just fired me up..REALLY BOB..btw I had those shades first! He is a #6 for sure@!

    Yours truly

  3. Just a note to more busier classes. This will likely be done in heats.

  4. If taking this from the ground, can the first rep be snatched? And also land in a full squat and count? Or would it have to be snatched and then do the movement for an OHS?

  5. 7am
    Roni 72 reps|35#/band
    Wax 60 reps|75# (form)
    Jay E 58 reps|135#/ROM
    Peter 60 reps|95#
    Chip 49 reps|95#
    Rebecca 49 reps|63#/band

  6. FYI - My beautiful bride Megan finished in 4th place for the masters Women at the CMC Saturday. 1 spot out of the money!!!

    Oh and she kicked my ass!

  7. Megan = bad ass!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Mike and Sarah WorthMay 21, 2012 at 12:39 PM

    Way to go, Megan!! NICE!

  10. I would not count a snatch as the first one. Just me.

  11. Awesome work Meg!! Way to beat your husband.

    Congrats to Tori, as well, for finishing the KOP 10miler hilly race just 4 months after delivering Fiona!

  12. 9:30AM crew - Whew!!! another one for the record books, just when I think this class can't be anymore fun...it is! You guys are awesome.

    Coach Jason we counted the first one in the 9:30AM and will be in the 3:30PM class also...

  13. 6:30 Big Dippers

    Jen S 46 @95
    Melissa S 48 @45
    Borden 44 @95
    Alison 50 @65
    Matt G 42 @ ?
    Faby 75 @95
    Cline 45 @75
    Sam B 72 form
    Lizzie 74 @35
    Kate K 81 @65
    Conn 59 @95
    Justin 63 @95
    Christina 58 @35
    Kyle 121 @5DB Paralette dips
    Al 44 @?
    Denise 49 @55
    Nick 73 @95

    Awesome work tonight guys. Please post your scales, if any, for the ring dips.

  14. Gabe, way to creep in pic 4........

  15. Shout out to John Sch for being the King of the Kettle with 28 reps in the last minute.
