
W.O.D. 5.20.12

For time complete 3 rounds of:
500 Meter Row
20 Toes to Bar
400 Meter Run

Community Notes:
Congrats to all the CFKoPers who finished the CMC yesterday!!!
Including Megs, Faby, Nick, Tall Dan, Jess, Meg and Kevin, Olan, Keith, Rob, Gabe, Ken, Patrick, Jon Sch, Tidmore, Mike P. Kristin, Nina and Steph B.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
- Thomas Edison

Jim C. 21:53 Rx
Tracie 19:18
Ellie 18:38
Alexia 19:21
Justin 19:03 Rx
Justin M. 22:55 Rx
Joy 21:26
Erika 21:44 Rx
Stasie 23:51
Liz 21:44 Rx


  1. 9am and 10am classes:

    Jim C. 21:53 Rx
    Tracie 19:18
    Ellie 18:38
    Alexia 19:21
    Justin 19:03 Rx
    Justin M. 22:55 Rx
    Joy 21:26
    Erika 21:44 Rx
    Stasie 23:51
    Liz 21:44 Rx

    Great work everyone!!!

  2. 11am Adventure WOD

    800m run with weighted vest
    25 box step ups with plate overhead
    3 run through's of the monkey bars
    1 cargo net climb
    25 sandbag burpees
    25 push-ups
    800m run with weighted vest

    John King was the only brave one to run through this and he chose to do the entire WOD with a 20# vest.
    Step ups were to a 24" box with 35# plate overhead. His predicted in the 22 minute timeframe and crushed this by finishing in 16:14! Way to go King!!!

  3. Thanks for the coaching and motivation this am Mel - that wod was fun!
