
W.O.D. 4.22.12

"A WoD down by the train tracks"

Steph B
The Rainy Day Crew

Josh F

The Adventures of P - Day 2
The first installment was such a huge success, I bet you can't wait to continue your adventure in installment 2!

Meet and Park at Frosty Falls for the start of your favorite adventure WOD


Friends and Family welcome free of charge!

Dress accordingly because Mr. Thunderstorm is supposed to visit...but that won't slow our superhero down as you will mostly be under the bridge!

As individuals, go through each station Fight Gone Bad style. You have one minute at each station to accumulate as many reps as possible, and then move on to the next station for the next minute. Continue for 3 total rounds.

parallette burpees
jumping lunges
plate push press (45/25)
air squats

Paul 105/87/95
Shoeless 105/103/106
Jess 113/114/108
Rebekah 145/132/112
Elyse 118/105/106
Stasie 67/74/74
Josh F. 55/49/45
Steph B. 109 106/103
Erika 74/81/92

"Life is either a great adventure of nothing."
-Helen Keller


  1. This morning 9 souls (KoP athletes) braved the driving rain (drizzle) to do the most intense WOD of their lives (an average workout). Here's what we did:

    As individuals, go through each station Fight Gone Bad style. You have one minute at each station to accumulate as many reps as possible, and then move on to the next station for the next minute. Continue for 3 total rounds.

    parallette burpees
    jumping lunges
    plate push press (45/25)
    air squats

    Paul 105/87/95
    Shoeless 105/103/106
    Jess 113/114/108
    Rebekah 145/132/112
    Elyse 118/105/106
    Stasie 67/74/74
    Josh F. 55/49/45
    Steph B. 109 106/103
    Erika 74/81/92

    then we did a cash out of prowler pushes. Shoeless won for distance pushed in 30 seconds.

  2. holy crap. i actually loved this wod, and am totally feeling it today (i think thanks to parallette burpees?) - thanks for fitness sunday funday!

    way to go, shoeless, on your prowler prowess!
