
W.O.D. 4.21.12

Best poses? I think Jess C. and Flounder!

Down by the river...it's a good song!

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Jen!

Welcome Wax!

The last time everyone's hips were open! :)

Are you ready for the next adventure of P?

Coach P is hungry to take your CrossFit training to a whole new level. On April 21st & 22nd we will be hosting a CrossFit L1 Seminar so there will be no classes held in the box...however you should meet Coach P at Frosty Falls at 9:00AM on both days for the latest installment of the now infamous Adventure WOD. Mark your calendars as these are not to be missed! Please remember park at Frosty Falls. The weather is supposed to be beautiful but these Adventures happen rain or shine so come prepared!

Click here & here & here to see some of the past Adventure WOD's! Oh, and click here to see the WOD down by the river - the one that started it all!

In Teams of Three
800m run w/bag
30 total squat cleans
400m run
40 squat cleans
200m run
50 squat cleans

“No, No! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time ”
-Lewis Carroll

Ditty, Alison, Megs 14:18 (35#)
Jim, Tracy, Mike 15:07 (35#)
Jen, Alana, Jess C. 16:03 (35#)
Erika, Jess, Rhonda 16:23 (35#,20#)
Wax, Balmer, Josh Sch. 17:32 (75#)
Ellie, Heather, Lauren 18:10 (35#)
Flounder, Fab, Shoeless 18:48 (75#)


  1. This morning, 21 athletes showed up for one of the biggest adventure WODs in KoP history. Coach Mel and coach P put them through leg-tastic workout w/great weather. This one was all about teamwork and communication. Those who stayed together through the workout and encouraged each other while maintaining high intensity persevered.

    In teams of 3, complete the following together with one sandbag:
    800m run w/bag
    30 total squat cleans
    400m run
    40 squat cleans
    200m run
    50 squat cleans

    one person had to hold a high plank while the squat cleans were being completed.

    Ditty, Alison, Megs 14:18 (35#)
    Jim, Tracy, Mike 15:07 (35#)
    Jen, Alana, Jess C. 16:03 (35#)
    Erika, Jess, Rhonda 16:23 (35#,20#)
    Wax, Balmer, Josh Sch. 17:32 (75#)
    Ellie, Heather, Lauren 18:10 (35#)
    Flounder, Fab, Shoeless 18:48 (75#)

  2. nice pics Jas. and I agree with all of the comments, esp. the hip one, haha! although I think Ditty holding Megs holding a sandbag is pretty badass too
