
W.O.D. 3.30.12

In teams of THREE
Complete an
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

500m row
15' rope climb
95/135# Deadlift

The score for the team is equal to the Total # of Deadlifts + the Total # of Rope Climbs*5
For example...500 deadlifts + 40 rope climbs*5 = 700 points

Coaches Note:
The team will rotate to the next station when the 500m row is complete

" Babe, I gave it all I had...genetically."
Vinny Joyce

Rebecca,Kim,Becca 246 RopeScale
Lam,Reid,Paul F 220 Rope Scale
JayE,MikeS,MikeP(Rx) 338 Rope Scale
(63#)JenTen,Chip,Mark- 275 Rope Scale
Mike W (Sc), Sara W (Sc), John Coxhead (Rx): 238
Barb (Sc), Sy (Sc), Mark B (Sc): 257
Dorothy,Nicole S., Jess C: 251 Rx
Mike T., Dan L, Byrnsie: 330 Rx
Andrea, Sharon, Shannon: 215 (rope scale)
Donkey(cleans), Cate 135#dead, Aimee 135#dead: 313
Brian R, Dan F, Flounder: 322 (scale)
Joe C, Josh S, Westwood: 360 (scale)
Rob Ph, Ryan S., John S. :360 (scale)
Scott, Anya, Lindsey, Josh F: 627 (scale add KBS)
Meg, JNa, Gabe, Jen S: 562 (scale add KBS)
Rachel (sc)/Travis (Sc)/ Patrick (Rx): 327
Kyle (sc)/Shoeless (rx)/ First Time Faby (Rx): 370
Vin (rx)/Kathryn (Sc)/Borden(sc)/Matt G (sc): 467 (incl KBs)
Second Time Faby (rx)/Nick (Rx)/ Pam G (sc): 358
Rachael(?)/Randy (Sc)/Matt O (Sc)/Ben (rx): 390 (incl KBs)
Nicole (NC)(Sc)/Sam B (Rx)/ Melissa L (Sc): 377


  1. that is an awful workout. but the BEST quote.

  2. Amazing quote...you would think I would get used to his lines, but they still amuse me every time!

  3. Sarah - I wanted you to know, V and I have therapy once a week on Thursday at 4:30...LOL!

  4. There should be a like button for this quote!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Vinny is a SAP....P for Philosopher.

    6am Angry Babies
    Rebecca,Kim,Becca 246 RopeScale
    Lam,Reid,Paul F 220 Rope Scale
    JayE,MikeS,MikeP(Rx) 338 Rope Scale

    Team 7am
    (63#)JenTen,Chip,Mark- 275 Rope Scale

    Great job maintaining form on the deads and going for those rope climbs! Donkey, Lam said I should tell you to print more donkey dollars :-)

  7. This one looks like a blast! Wish I could have been there!

  8. Check out the Plenti and KOP on the affiliate page. Nice PR Ditty!



  9. 930 Goodbye Grip Strength (Rx if both dead and rope Rx'd)

    Mike W (Sc), Sara W (Sc), John Coxhead (Rx): 238

    Barb (Sc), Sy (Sc), Mark B (Sc): 257

    First time up the rope for both Mike W and Sy! Yeah, buddy!

    Vinny, I don't use this word often anymore, but that quote deserves it: You are EPIC.

  10. 530:

    Rachel (sc)/Travis (Sc)/ Patrick (Rx): 327
    Kyle (sc)/Shoeless (rx)/ First Time Faby (Rx): 370


    Vin (rx)/Kathryn (Sc)/Borden(sc)/Matt G (sc): 467 (incl KBs)
    Second Time Faby (rx)/Nick (Rx)/ Pam G (sc): 358

    Rachael(?)/Randy (Sc)/Matt O (Sc)/Ben (rx): 390 (incl KBs)

    Nicole (NC)(Sc)/Sam B (Rx)/ Melissa L (Sc): 377

    Killer work tonight and some new faces at Westside. Great start to the weekend :)
