
W.O.D. 3.29.12

Big Welcome to Sy!

Chris A. over head!

Oleg = Beast Mode!

Peter on the Push-up

Rebecca locked out overhead

Gina - about to jerk!


400 Meter Run
10 Clean and Jerks 95#/135#
(5 Rounds of Cindy)
10 Clean and Jerks
(5 Rounds of Cindy)
10 Clean and Jerks
(5 Rounds of Cindy)
400 Meter Run

(5 Rounds of Cindy) = 5 Rounds of 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats.

Community Notes:

CrossFit Football is coming to town...We will be hosting a CrossFit Football Trainer Course on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - Sunday, July 29, 2012 click here to register today. This will fill up quickly, jump on it today, it's the first of it's kind in this area!

We NOW have lockers! They are to be used on a daily basis. If you feel you need a locker of your own to keep things in on a weekly/monthly basis please contact Aimee and we will come up with a plan. Anything left behind will be purged weekly.

"The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community."
-Greg Glassman


Patrick 28:47 RX
Gabe 32:10 Rx
Olan 31:36 RX
Faby 26:30 RX
Mike Fab 36:20 RX
Ryan 32:07 (75)
Aimee 24:29 RX
Mike P 26:37 Rx
Kevin B. 27:55 Rx
KT 27:14 Rx
Oleg 33:48 Rx

Jen Sch 23:31 (3rds Scale)
Rachel R 25:05 (3rd scale)
Rachael 26:35 (55#)
Steph V 27:43 (scale)
Kathleen 26:03 (3rds scale)
Roni 30:15 (scale)
Kelly 28:27 (3rds scale)
Kate K 23:47 (3rds scale)
Alison 23:00 (3rds scale)
Joe C 35:37 (105)
Nick 34:50 (115)
John S 29:17 (black)
Alanna 34:10 (10#MBC/Band)(3rds scale)
Russell 39:40 (75#/5-4-3 Scale)
Jim C. 35:42 (85/5-4-3 scale)
Jerry 25:47 RX - ROM squats
Stasie 34:20 45# (3rds scale)
Robin 31:07 35#/jump (3rds scale)
Sy 27:49 (35#/band - 3 rds scale)
Christina 34:04 35#/ 3 rds scale
Chris A. 25:10 45#band 3 rds scale
KSB 33:09 75# (3 rds scale)
Andrea 33:49 45#/jump (3 rds scale)
J. King 32:14 105#
Heather 33:30 53#/band
Rebecca 33:09 73#/band
Gina 33:20 63#/band
Reid 33:19 95#/band *cindy scale
Chip 37:49 135#/ringrow
Peter W 36:17 115#
Elyse 75# 41:57
Nicole S 31:44 85#/3rds cindy


  1. Aimee,
    Is John Welbourn going to be at the training?

  2. Mike - Yep, he will be running the show.

  3. Hey Aimee, when will the next Level 1 Trainer Course take place?

  4. Paul - I'm not sure yet, I'll let you know as soon as I know. We have kids set for 7/21-7/22 and CF Football 7/28-7-29, tbd on the L1-TC

  5. What an awesome workout (once I was finished). so worn out I can't scratch my left should with my right hand....but what a ton of fun this am.

    Aimee - thanks for the lockers and providing such an awesome environment!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That was vicious. Thanks to everyone who pushed me through that last round. I've never done so many pullups in a WOD before.

  8. Aimee, Do you need to be Crossfit Level 1 Certified to do the Crossfit Kids?

  9. 4:30pm

    Jen Sch 23:31 (3rds Scale)
    Rachel R 25:05 (3rd scale)
    Rachael 26:35 (55#)
    Steph V 27:43 (scale)
    Kathleen 26:03 (3rds scale)
    Roni 30:15 (scale)
    Kelly 28:27 (3rds scale)
    Kate K 23:47 (3rds scale)
    Alison 23:00 (3rds scale)
    Patrick 28:47 RX
    Gabe 32:10 Rx
    Olan 31:36 RX
    Faby 26:30 RX
    Joe C 35:37 (105)
    Nick 34:50 (115)
    Mike Fab 36:20 RX
    John S 29:17 (black)
    Ryan 32:07 (75)
    Aimee 24:29 RX

    ***where indicated the # of rounds shows how many rounds of "cindy" the athlete completed at each opportunity.

    Way to fight through a long one guys...awesome job today. Saw some great progress on pullups today...Olan rockin' the butterfly...

  10. What's Crossfit Football about? Is there a post somewhere going over it?
