
W.O.D. 3.11.12

Front squat 95/135#
Hip extension
Wall ball 14/20#

Community Notes:
It's time to spring forward, daylights savings time is here, don't forget to set your clocks tonight!

Join us on Sunday at 11AM for a FREE lecture with Jason - CrossFit Defined. Available for members and friends of CFKoP.

"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves."
-Dale Carnegie

Shoeless 11:56 - RX
Rachael 12:02 - 65/14#
Elyse 10:34 - 65/14#
Pooch 10:43 - 75/14#
Amy D 11:17 - 33/14#
John S 11:00 - RX
Kathy G 12:03 - 15/6#
Lauren 13:15 - 45/10#
LP 11:09 RX
Jamie - 12:48 - 75/20#
Jennifer A 7:47 - RX
Jen Sch 10:10 - 75\8#
Erika 10:00 - 63/10#
Kelly 11:57 - 33/10#
MegS 7:53 - 85#
Alexis 11:50 - 65/10#
Joy 11:12 - 65/10#
Jen S 9:51 - RX


  1. random question, does a new week start on sundays or mondays?

  2. here are the people that i need scores for or those that have not yet had their scores validated.

    Tim M
    Peter O (CFSF still not validated)
    Susan (did you do it)
    Kathryn (did you do it)

  3. Hi Jason,

    2 Rounds complete. 15 extra Box Jumps. 10 extra Push Press. 97 Reps Total.

    T2Bs, yet another movement on the growing list of movements I need to learn...


  4. Peter -great work! you need to get CFSF to validate for you. We cannot as you didn't do it at KoP.

  5. Miranda
    Kathryn (did you do it?)

    You are all that are left to be validated.

  6. 9 am Results

    Shoeless 11:56 - RX
    Rachael 12:02 - 65/14#
    Elyse 10:34 - 65/14#
    Pooch 10:43 - 75/14#
    Amy D 11:17 - 33/14#
    John S 11:00 - RX
    Kathy G 12:03 - 15/6#
    Lauren 13:15 - 45/10#

    10am results

    LP 11:09 RX
    Jamie - 12:48 - 75/20#
    Jennifer A 7:47 - RX
    Jen Sch 10:10 - 75\8#
    Erika 10:00 - 63/10#
    Kelly 11:57 - 33/10#
    MegS 7:53 - 85#
    Alexis 11:50 - 65/10#
    Joy 11:12 - 65/10#
    Jen S 9:51 - RX

    Great job today everyone...saw some good front squats today, for some of you it's just a matter of flexibility when it comes to getting even better. Force those elbows up at all times and the whole move becomes easier, it's not comfortable at first, but stick with it...

  7. thanks aimee! didn't think to check FAQ, sorry!

    as for 12.3, i'm not sure how my score should be entered, as i think i technically scaled T2B (high knees?) - help? just enter box jumps & presses from first round? or from all rounds minus T2B?

  8. Steph - just enter box jumps and push press so your score would be 27.
