
W.O.D. 2.8.12

20 ft rope climb
250M Row
150' Overhead Walking Lunges (25/45#plate)
25 Sandbag cleans (35/75#)
500M Row
100' Overhead Walking Lunges (25/45#plate)
25 Sandbag cleans (35/75#)
1000M Row
50' Overhead Walking Lunges (25/45#plate)
25 Sandbag cleans (35/75#)
20 ft rope climb

Fermented Cod Liver Oil by Chris Plentus

"The power of imagination makes us infinite."
– John Muir

Kim G 21:17 (Goblet / power clean)
Nina 25:27 RX
Oleg 26:58 (35#bag)
Pete 23:58 (35#bag / RP)
Rachel 28:53 (35#/25#bag / RP)
Gina 29:25 (20#bag/ RP)
Manny 30:28 (25plt,scale,RP)
Roni 27:48 (25#bag,RP)
Drew 28:57 (35#bag,RP)
Pat 30:06 (35#bag,RP)
Elyse 35:17 (15')
Mike P 28:49 rx
Kevin 32;00 rx
Keith 36:45 rx
Dorothy 23:34 rx
Katie V 34;21 Rx (first rx! Goooo Katie!!!!)
Susan 30:49 rx
Tim M 23:55 rx
Cate 20:11 rx
Dawn 37:06 (25 lb sandbag, rope holds)
Matt 35:00 45 sand, 25 lb plate, rope attempts)
Jim C 34:15 (25/35/rope attempts)
Robin 36:20 (20/15/rope pulls)
Dan T - DNF
Gabe 33:35ish rp
Jackie 23:40 scale
Brian 28:31 rp
Matt G. 32:45 rp/35#
JZ 25:45 250m rows/35#
Olan 31:14 Rx
JB 32:40 scale
Kathleen 30:23 rp/15#/25#
Rob Ph 26:51 rp
KSB 33:12 15/20#
Sharon 35:18 scale
Mark B. 27:39 rp/35#
Jerry 35:46 Rx
Patrick 26:06 35#
Miranda 26:29 Rx
Travis 30:45 Rx
Denise 26:13 rope att/25#
Anna 28:45 run/pulls/20#
Kate C. 21:25 Rx
Joe P. 26:16 15ft/35#pl/25#
Ben 25:45 35# both
TP 24:20 Rx
LP 20:35 Rx
Chip 28:14 35#
Flounder 27:05 rp/35#/25#
Kate FM 27:25 rp/20/15
Ernie 29:33 Rx run
Erika 23:27 scale
Conn 23:01 35#sandbag
Akeem 27:05 15#plate/25# sandbag/pulls
Krista 32:24 15#plate/25#sandbag/pulls
Charles 31:38 25#plate
Jess S 26:43
Faby 23:10 35#sandbag
Heather 26:15
Randy 28:35
Nick 24:32


  1. 6am Playa's

    Kim G 21:17 (Goblet / power clean)
    Nina 25:27 RX
    Oleg 26:58 (35#bag)
    Pete 23:58 (35#bag / RP)
    Rachel 28:53 (35#/25#bag / RP)
    Gina 29:25 (20#bag/ RP)
    Manny 30:28 (25plt,scale,RP)
    Roni 27:48 (25#bag,RP)
    Drew 28:57 (35#bag,RP)
    Pat 30:06 (35#bag,RP)
    Elyse 35:17 (15')

    RP= Bodyweight rope pull (3:1scale)

    Nice work this morning...everyone finished pretty close together, awesome job pushing each other. Also to Elyse, great rope climbs today...I felt like an idiot after I said "3 rope pulls and you're done" then you climbed the rope in my face - outstanding job.

  2. I did 25 on the bag and 25 plate, just sayin' :)

  3. . . . . can't wait to do this one at noon . . . my "buy in" for goodness to come later today.

  4. This was tough, but great. Legs are still wobbly. I'm also just discovering three hours later how much those plate lunges work your triceps and back.

  5. Holding that plate above your head is good practice for the Vday wod!

  6. totally wish i could make this wod! :(

  7. 12:00 results:

    Mike P 28:49 rx
    Kevin 32;00 rx
    Keith 36:45 rx
    Dorothy 23:34 rx
    Katie V 34;21 Rx (first rx! Goooo Katie!!!!)
    Susan 30:49 rx
    Tim M 23:55 rx
    Cate 20:11 rx

    Dawn 37:06 (25 lb sandbag, rope holds)
    Matt 35:00 45 sand, 25 lb plate, rope attempts)
    Jim C 34:15 (25/35/rope attempts)
    Robin 36:20 (20/15/rope pulls)
    Dan T - DNF

  8. Looks like fun ....in a sick kind of way. Sorry I was traveling for this one. Great job to all the 6 am'rs. I was thinking of you!

  9. 6:30 Class

    Conn 23:01 35#sandbag
    Akeem 27:05 15#plate/25# sandbag/pulls
    Krista 32:24 15#plate/25#sandbag/pulls
    Charles 31:38 25#plate
    Jess S 26:43
    Faby 23:10 35#sandbag
    Heather 26:15
    Randy 28:35
    Nick 24:32

    Far right column got cut off in my pic, if you want add your scale, sorry about that!
    Russell 29:58 15#plate/25#sandbag

  10. 4:30 and 5:30 sandbaggers
    Gabe 33:35ish rp
    Jackie 23:40 scale
    Brian 28:31 rp
    Matt G. 32:45 rp/35#
    JZ 25:45 250m rows/35#
    Olan 31:14 Rx
    JB 32:40 scale
    Kathleen 30:23 rp/15#/25#
    Rob Ph 26:51 rp
    KSB 33:12 15/20#
    Sharon 35:18 scale
    Mark B. 27:39 rp/35#
    Jerry 35:46 Rx
    Patrick 26:06 35#
    Miranda 26:29 Rx
    Travis 30:45 Rx
    Denise 26:13 rope att/25#
    Anna 28:45 run/pulls/20#
    Kate C. 21:25 Rx
    Joe P. 26:16 15ft/35#pl/25#
    Ben 25:45 35# both
    TP 24:20 Rx
    LP 20:35 Rx
    Chip 28:14 35#
    Flounder 27:05 rp/35#/25#
    Kate FM 27:25 rp/20/15
    Ernie 29:33 Rx run
    Erika 23:27 scale

    what a leg buster! welcome back Chip coming off the DL. Gabe's time is deceiving b/c he spent a solid 5 minutes trying to get up that rope, but his shoes were too slippery. Those sandbags are deceivingly heavy; nothing like an odd object to throw a wrench in your game. Good work folks.

  11. For the record, that WOD was brutal

    Brian R

  12. I move to start random PED testing at Crossfit KOP. And by random I mean just Dorothy.
