
W.O.D. 2.29.12

For time complete:
5 Rounds of
500 Meter Row
15 Sumodeadlift High Pulls (65/95#)

GORUCK at CrossFit King of Prussia

CrossFit KoP is hosting a special GORUCK WOD on Sunday 3/4 at 11:00AM. This a FREE WOD open to any and all athletes/CrossFitters/GORUCKers interested in meeting the community and doing a workout. This is also some great training for those of you planning to complete in any Mud Runs or Tough Mudders.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
-Maria Robinson

Gina - 19:23 (53#)
Pat - 18:40 (75#)
Kim G - 21:37 (55#)
BO - 17:44 RX
John S - 16:54 RX
Mike S - 22:08 (65#)
Rachel - 18:39 (43#)
Tidmore - 17:07 (75#)
Elyse - 21:11 RX
Pooch - 19:42 (65#)
Oleg - 17:45 RX
Rebecca S - 17:58 (53#)
Nick 19:00 (75)
Matt O 19:01 (75)
Jess C 18:45 (55)
Mike W 21:11 (65/75)
Sarah W 17:07 3 rds @ 45
Dan L 16:08 rx
Kevin B 17:04 rx
Mike T 18:28 rx+115
Beth O 18:20 (35)
Mark B 16:15 (85)
Gabe 15:03 rx
Rob Ph 14:57 rx
Mike F 15:51 rx
Brian R 16:20 rx
Schaeffer 16:27 rx
Kate K 16:43 rx
Rachael 18:37 55#
JZ 11:51 (3rnds@95#)
Jonathon 18:18 --
Jackie 9:11 (3rnds/kbs)
Josh F 14:12 35#
Robin 17:40@35#

Patrick 15:47 85#
Jamie 20:58 83#
Flounder 17:40 75#
Sandy 19:45 45#
Kathleen 18:05 53#
Luke 18:51 65#
Justin K. 17:27 Rx
Joe P. 17:43 75#
Ben 16:57 75#
Akeem 17:38 65#
Denise 19:10 Rx
Kate FM 19:22 45#
Conn 16:49 75#
Borden 18:17 85#
Ditty 14:50 65# 3rds
Erika 19:30 Rx
Jen Sch. 18:14 45#
Kate C 15:45 Rx
JP 20:00 65#
Randy 18:02 65#
Faby 14:10 Rx
Trostle 16:29 Rx
Stephany 22:40 35#
Marcel 22:10 75#
Nicole G. 23:16 45#
Travis 15:05 85#


  1. Are we still having the Daily WOD on Sunday morning?

  2. Yes, normal 9:00 am and 10:00 am classes on Sunday.

  3. 6:00am Results

    Gina - 19:23 (53#)
    Pat - 18:40 (75#)
    Kim G - 21:37 (55#)
    BO - 17:44 RX
    John S - 16:54 RX
    Mike S - 22:08 (65#)
    Rachel - 18:39 (43#)
    Tidmore - 17:07 (75#)
    Elyse - 21:11 RX
    Pooch - 19:42 (65#)
    Oleg - 17:45 RX
    Rebecca S - 17:58 (53#)

    Great work 6am'ers!! I saw some good intensity out there...way to stay strong and keep those rowing times pretty consistent.

  4. Any predictions on 12.2? I think that the wod we did a few Saturdays ago - sq clean and box jumps - would be a great open wod.

  5. I can't make the GORUCK WOD on sunday, as much as I'd like/need to; will there be similar WODs like this in the future? I want to do the CMC in May and the Spartan Sprint in July... sounds like these WODs would come in handy for training :)

  6. Steph - Yes. Vinny will be running them once a month Sundays...post coming soon with details.

  7. 12:00 results

    Nick 19:00 (75)
    Matt O 19:01 (75)
    Jess C 18:45 (55)
    Mike W 21:11 (65/75)
    Sarah W 17:07 3 rds @ 45
    Dan L 16:08 rx
    Kevin B 17:04 rx
    Mike T 18:28 rx+115
    Beth O 18:20 (35)
    Mark B 16:15 (85)

  8. 430

    Gabe 15:03
    Rob Ph 14:57
    Mike F 15:51
    Brian R 16:20
    Schaeffer 16:27
    Kate K 16:43

    Rachael 18:37 55#
    JZ 11:51 (3rnds@95#)
    Jonathon 18:18 --
    Jackie 9:11 (3rnds/kbs)
    Josh F 14:12 35#
    Robin 17:40@35#

    Nice work way to pace it through the 5 rounds, 430. Gabe- you tore this one up today- leading right up until the last 15 reps when Big Rob ripped through them like a crazed crossfitter on the loose.

  9. 5:30 and 6:30 Row, row, row your SDLHP

    Patrick 15:47 85#
    Jamie 20:58 83#
    Flounder 17:40 75#
    Sandy 19:45 45#
    Kathleen 18:05 53#
    Luke 18:51 65#
    Justin K. 17:27 Rx
    Joe P. 17:43 75#
    Ben 16:57 75#

    Akeem 17:38 65#
    Denise 19:10 Rx
    Kate FM 19:22 45#
    Conn 16:49 75#
    Borden 18:17 85#
    Ditty 14:50 65# 3rds
    Erika 19:30 Rx
    Jen Sch. 18:14 45#
    Kate C 15:45 Rx
    JP 20:00 65#
    Randy 18:02 65#
    Faby 14:10 Rx
    Trostle 16:29 Rx
    Stephany 22:40 35#
    Marcel 22:10 75#
    Nicole G. 23:16 45#
    Travis 15:05 85#

    lots of similar movement in this one, but you stuck through and I saw some great finishes. Apologies for some in the 6:30 having to wait for rowers...unfortunately I didn't have the real boat setup outside. Kudos to Trostle for holding a plank for 4:13 and Kate C. for 4:30. Both got on the leader board.

    Get ready for Saturday Snatches!
