
W.O.D. 2.27.12

Ummmm, did you miss the 3.2.1 GO!

Who needs a reverse grip?

This is the WOD that never ends...it goes on and on my friends

Welcome Jaime...don't let Jen beat you...

Complete 10 Rounds of:
In one minute complete
12 Deadlifts
9 Front Squats
AMRAP Push Press

...rest a Minute

Your score will be the total reps for Push Press for all 10 rounds.

Use 75# for ladies and 115# for men.

Open Sectional Update Week 1:
Burpees anyone? Week 1 of the Open re-enforced mental fortitude by asking us to perform as many burpees as we could in 7 minutes. Yup...ouch! Our team stepped up to the plate and 59 of us entered a score to continue in the Open...1 down, 4 to go. Let's all try to finish! The high scores in the gym went to Vinny and P...both getting 119. That is a lot of burpees. Our top lady was Aimee with 116. Their performances, along with Kate C (114), LP (109 at altitude) and Mike V (113) allowed CF KoP to hold on to a 22nd place, out of 143 teams! Great effort everyone and we need to keep up the great work to secure a spot for KoP at Regionals.


“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time. But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
- Abraham Lincoln

Jay 71- RX
Susan 46- RX
John C. 28 - RX
Mike F 43 - RX
Keith 24 - RX
Olan 20 - RX
Matt 62 - Rx
Paul 39 - Rx
Ph 49 - Rx
Chris S 35 - Rx

Jason 54- 45#DB
Rebecca 41- 63/53#
Lauren 23- 53/45#
Peter 6 - 95#
John S. 30 - 95#
Oleg 42- 95#
Chip 33- 95#
Barb Z 55 - 45#
Mike W. 19 - 75#
Sarah W. 21- 22#
Matt O 22- 95/75#
Beth O 68 - 45#
Tamas - ouchie
Nicole S. 42-55#
Kara 42 - 55#
Chris T. 39- 53#
Peter O 29- 75#
Liz O 34- 45/35#
Kim C. 15 - 45#
Joy 60- 45#
Becca 51-45#
Alexis 54 - 45#
Jaime 12 - 65#
Katie V 58- 53#
Rachael 21- 55#
Jackie 76 - 35#
Kelly W. 27 - 22#
Heather 52 (65#)
Ditty 66 (20# DB)
Mike P. 68 (40# DB)
Melissa 78 (35#)
Randy 30 (75#)
Sandy 44 (45#)
Borden 52 (95#)
Conn 28 (95#)
Akeem 17 (75#)
Steph 39 (53#)
Faby 38 (40# DB)
Tony 99 (45# DB)
Charles 27 (65#)
JP 15 (75#)
Nick 17 (95#)
KSB 70 (45#)
Dave 33 (45#)
Sharon 40 (55#)
Kyle 25 (75#)
Patrick 48 (95#)
Bre 77 (12#DB)
Danny 86 (50#DB)
Flounder 40 (75#)
Joe P 45 (75#)
Stacy 85 (35#)
Jim C 43 (65#)
Jen Sch 103 (35#)
Megs 188 (20#DB)
Ben 49 (20#DB)
Tim H 44 (75#)
Kate C 137 (25#DB)
Dig 43 (75#)
Brian R 30 (95#)
Roni 51 (55#)
Travis 28 (95#)
Brynsie 70 (35#DB)
Gabe 47 (95#)
Robin 82 (35#)
Dan L 32 (95#)
Kathleen 44 (45#)
Arin 52 (45#)
Joe C 30 (45#)
Josh 36 (105#)
Vin 54 (45#DB)
Russell 15 (53#)


  1. Sorry I missed the burpees, wish I could have helped to contribute to the team score. I got a bad knee bruise friday and just couldn't do anything. Am I still able to do the upcoming open workouts?

  2. 7am
    Oleg 42- 95#
    Chip 33- 95#
    Jay 71- RX
    Rebecca 41- 63/53#
    Lauren 23- 53/45#
    Peter 6 - 95#
    John S. 30 - 95#

    Those front squats hit high on then suck factor in this workout- way to move through them to the push press! You guys worked hard for those rest minutes!

  3. Paul- you, as well as everyone who didn't sign up will be able to do the other "Open" WOD's. We will be performing these workouts on Saturday's each week as the regular WOD. Your time/score just will not go towards our ranking but you'll at least get a chance to do them and see how your would have ranked against the 55,000 others who registered.

  4. quote of the 9:30AM class-
    "The dirty 9:30, not just for mom's anymore"

    1. Mm-hm, you said it, Aimee! Great WOD yesterday, legs are nicely tired today!!

  5. Although I've never been to a 'bad' box per se, I do not take for granted what an amazing box we have at KoP. People from all over has heard of this place and it's always in a positive light. Kudos to our amazing owners and coaches.

  6. 6:30 results

    Heather 52 (65#)
    Ditty 66 (20# DB)
    Mike P. 68 (40# DB)
    Melissa 78 (35#)
    Randy 30 (75#)
    Sandy 44 (45#)
    Borden 52 (95#)
    Conn 28 (95#)
    Akeem 17 (75#)
    Steph 39 (53#)
    Faby 38 (40# DB)
    Paul 39 (Rx)
    Tony 99 (45# DB)
    Charles 27 (65#)
    JP 15 (75#)
    Nick 17 (95#)
    KSB 70 (45#)
    Dave 33 (45#)
    Matt 62 (Rx)
    Sharon 40 (55#)
    Kyle 25 (75#)

  7. Guys....this is just a coaches note for workouts like this. If you are trying to get the Rx, there is no such thing as taking a round off. We do not know if anyone did this that wrote an Rx but in workouts such as this, you are supposed to do your deads and front squats no matter what...if you need a break, you take it after that. Just an FYI for future workouts....

  8. How would everyone decribe today's WOD? I just called it "silly".

  9. I had no clue you were taking pictures. I guess I was "embracing the suck".

  10. clearly my "starring at random points to not feel the pain" face is not attractive lol. womp womp! Awesome wod! Way to go everyone!
