
W.O.D. 2.22.12

Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep

Clean is from the ground, power or squat. Overhead Squat is taken from rack.
Score is total of all three lifts, similar to CrossFit total. Execute in the order indicated.

Community Notes:
South Philly Rumble - Who's in?

Community thought:
What do you do when no one is watching? During a workout it is easy to push it when a crowd is there to cheer your on. At dinner with fellow CrossFit athletes it is easy to say, "No bread" or "No Dessert". When your coach is watching you closely it is easy to focus on technique. But what happens when you are alone, left to your own devices? Do you still find being good easy?

"What we do on some great occasion will probably depend on what we already are, and what we are will be the result of previous years of self-discipline."
-H. P. Liddon

Mike S 308 - 115/120/73
Jon K 465 - 155/185/125
Drew 445 - 165/185/95
Pooch 395 - 125/155/115
Kim G 216 - 83/70/63
Pat 505 - 175/175/155
John S 625 - 175/295/155
Oleg 515 - 165/215/135
Manny 338 - 125/150/63
Sharon 115/135/65 (315)
Marcel 135/195/75 (405)
Keith 235/200/175 (610)
Dorothy 140/135/125 (400)
Kevin 180/245/125 (550)
Matt O form
Miranda: 395 145(PR)/120(PR)/130
J.Na: 243 105PR/83(PR)/55(PR)
Jenn: 229 83(PR)/83(PR)/63(PR)
Jamie: 375 125/85/65
Conn: 595 205(PR)/235(PR)/155
Borden: 535 205/195/135
Faby: 555 185(PR)/225 (PR)/145 (PR)
Stasie: 219 73/83/63
Justin: 585 205(PR)/215 (PR)/165(PR)
Nick: 560 205/220/135
DeeDee: 295 120(PR)/90(PR)/85
Katie Fin: 275 113(PR)/87(PR)/75
Brian 190pr/200pr/155pr - 545
Tony 235/275/215 - 725
Diego 155/150/75 -380
Sarah 70/75/25 - 170
Mike W. 145/165/55 - 365
Josh 95/105/?
Vinny 255/305/215 - 775
Steph V. 165/150/owie
Joy 85/93pr/65pr - 243
Becca 85pr/93pr/65pr - 243
Olan 195/215/165 - 575
Mel 113/103/103 - 319
Flounder 145/165/115 - 325
Sandy 90pr/75/75 -
Joe P 165pr/165pr/105pr - 435
Lam 135/165/85
Tim H 165/175/55
Ben 135pr/165pr/125p - 425


  1. Over 46k signed up for Open. Wowsers!

  2. 6:00am - Kim 'n' the boys

    Mike S 308 - 115/120/73
    Jon K 465 - 155/185/125
    Drew 445 - 165/185/95
    Pooch 395 - 125/155/115
    Kim G 216 - 83/70/63
    Pat 505 - 175/175/155
    John S 625 - 175/295/155
    Oleg 515 - 165/215/135
    Manny 338 - 125/150/63

    Nice numbers guys and girl!! Way to push each other on those lifts...Any PRs to mention today? No one said anything, but I'm sure theres one out there...

  3. Jason- who has signed up from KOP???

  4. 42 people are signed up so way too many to list. I hope to have a few stragglers because there are plenty of people that should be signed up that are not...and by that I mean everyone. I would ask though that if you sign up, finish the Open so you know where you stand. There may be workouts that you get one point but that is okay, we know what to work on for next year. Last year, KoP had a lot of people sign up for the Open but only about 14 finished all of the workouts. I hope we fare MUCH better this year. Last minute surge to sign up!

  5. We are up to 45 people now. For those that are not familiar...you will need to log onto your page and enter your score once you finish the workout. Please make sure that I know what your score was...this will be done because I will ask all judges to give me the confirmed score. Once I have this, I will cross reference it with what you entered into the website and if they match, I will approve it. It is important for your scores to be approved every week. If you are traveling for some workouts, I encourage you to do them early so you can verify that the box you did the WOD has verified them.

  6. Jason, since I'm out of town most weekends and I want to sign up, what is my best option?

    Vinny mentioned that I could do the workouts on Thursdays if I find someone to count for me.

  7. Vinny, I forgot to mention that my clean and OHS were PRs. The OHS was only because I had never done one before though.

  8. Hey Jason,
    I thought I'd mention that I PR'd at the Clean and Jerk Clinic this weekend. P. Lentus is an awesome coach.

    I got 135lbs and I actually squatted it unlike the usual power clean that I do at heavier weight. I'm proud to say that my squat clean is now more than my power clean (as it should be).

    I'm so jakd up for the open that I can barely breathe. Big things are gonna happen. I can feel it in my bones.

  9. Ben, Still sign up.. We have great coaches who try to work with us with your situation. There was many times last year that i was in your situation and one of the coaches wpuld count for me outside of the times designated for the open WODs.

    If that still doesnt work I think you can video tape yourself at home and either enter with that or send to the coaches so they know?? Not positive on that one but I know you can do it and you should!

  10. predictions for WOD 12.1? Now you guys will be hitting "refresh" at both 8pm AND 10pm

  11. "you guys?" Like you won't be either!! :)

  12. 21-15-9 of

    Deads (225/155)
    Burpee over bar

    must finish sub 15 to continue.

  13. I'm thinking a couplet or triplet. AMRAP style. Possibly combining a shoulder to over head lift and a gymnastics movement (pullup or toes through rings, ball ups of some sort) and an air squat.

  14. Aimee (and Chloe) on the CF Journal:

  15. Is there any way psssible that someone can count for me early tomorrow a.m. (read: before the 6:00a class) or after the nooner? I have a GoRuck Challenge this weekend beginning at 9:00p on Friday, and my Thursday is AFU. I could also do it tonight if it comes out early enough.

  16. I would've been there this morning but i'm still recovering from that wretched Captain Jack!! yowzas! as for the Open, I don't have a weekly schedule, everything always changes, I'm not sure I'd want to put myself (or anyone else) through the stress of helping me figure out how to accommodate WODs... so, good luck to all the participants! :)

  17. So, we now have 48 people....two more for 50. To have some fun at lunch, we have 8 people in the Open for each of these letters, what are they?

  18. Jason- WTF, I don't get what your asking in your lunchtime fun "we have 8 people in the Open for each of these letters, what are they?"

  19. Steph - there's always someone around that if you can't make the Saturday time could help you! Especially at strength wods. Dont let that be what deters you - in fact nothing should!!

  20. brain does not compute. brain still hating on captain jack. merrrrrrrr

    ok so i'll sign up but i still am not 100% on what it all entails. i think i need a vacation to clear out my head.

  21. brain went ahead and signed me up :)

  22. Hi all, John and I wanted to offer that if anyone can't make the Saturday Open WOD at KOP, we're running ours at CF Phoenixville on Thursday nights from 5-7pm, and you're (always!) welcome to join us. Good luck to everyone competing in the Open!

  23. noon results:

    Sharon 115/135/65 (315)
    Marcel 135/195/75 (405)
    Keith 235/200/175 (610)
    Dorothy 140/135/125 (400)
    Kevin 180/245/125 (550)
    Matt O form

  24. Burpees!!!! So happy!

  25. Soooo, yeah, this will suck for me.

  26. 630 PR Parrrtaaaaaay:

    Miranda: 395 145(PR)/120(PR)/130
    J.Na: 243 105PR/83(PR)/55(PR)
    Jenn: 229 83(PR)/83(PR)/63(PR)
    Jamie: 375 125/85/65
    Conn: 595 205(PR)/235(PR)/155
    Borden: 535 205/195/135
    Faby: 555 185(PR)/225 (PR)/145 (PR)
    Stasie: 219 73/83/63
    Justin: 585 205(PR)/215 (PR)/165(PR)
    Nick: 560 205/220/135
    DeeDee: 295 120(PR)/90(PR)/85
    Katie Fin: 275 113(PR)/87(PR)/75

    Damn, you guys rocked this! Nice work on getting the lifts, people.

    and...YAY BURPEES!

  27. 4:30 and 5:30 Fake 5k runners

    Brian 190pr/200pr/155pr - 545
    Tony 235/275/215 - 725
    Diego 155/150/75 -380
    Sarah 70/75/25 - 170
    Mike W. 145/165/55 - 365
    Josh 95/105/?
    Vinny 255/305/215 - 775
    Steph V. 165/150/owie
    Joy 85/93pr/65pr - 243
    Becca 85pr/93pr/65pr - 243
    Olan 195/215/165 - 575
    Mel 113/103/103 - 319
    Flounder 145/165/115 - 325
    Sandy 90pr/75/75 -
    Joe P 165pr/165pr/105pr - 435
    Lam 135/165/85
    Tim H 165/175/55
    Ben 135pr/165pr/125p - 425

    a lot of PRs tonight, sweet work!

    Dorothy, did you squat clean 140???
