
W.O.D. 2.21.12

AB mat Sit ups
(welcome to Chris A!)

GHD mania!

Kim - sledding uphill

3 Rounds:
400 M Run
25 GHD Sit Ups
25 Hip Extensions


for time:
complete one sled pull over the bridge and back (95#/135#)

Coaches notes:
Depending on the size of the class run the sled pull and the 3 Round running WOD at the same time. GHD Sit ups can be scaled with AB mat situps or anchored sit ups. Hip Extensions can be scaled with SuperMans.

Community Notes:
Due to the CrossFit Level 1 seminar this weekend at CFKoP we will not be having our regular scheduled workouts. We will be hosting a WOD at 9AM only on both Saturday and Sunday. (V & P) adventures - Yes, Vinny and Plentus will put you through the paces. Meet and park at Frosty falls by the Gazebo and they will take you on the adventure.

“Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.”
- John Wooden

Dianne 18:57/ 5:52, @25 lbs
Beth 18:40 (row) 5:52 @25
Lisa 13:55 (200 m) 5:43 @25/10
CHris 15:41 5:43 @25/10
Meg 12:38 rx/ 7:17@ 95
Kim C 15:27 5:11 @45
John C 13:53 rx 6:28 @95
Jonathan 18:02 6:28 @95
Susan 16:30 rx 5:11 @45
Matt O 15:23 7:17 @ 95
Manny 13:31 abmat,SuperMan/5:53 sled pull@45#
Mike P 11:12 Rx/9:33 Rx
Jay E 20:36 Rx/ 1/2 bridge pull@135
Mike S 14:13sub row for ouchie/--
John Shf. 14:09 Rx / 6:13@45#
Drew 19:04 / 11:16
Megs 12:30Rx / 6:49@ 45#
Paul F 14:32 Rx / 9:30 Rx Great Effort!
Gina 11:55 ab,SM/5:10@45#
Becca 9:40 ab,SM/4:55@45#
Kristin T 10:40 Rx / 10:30@ 90#
Oleg 12:07Rx / 11:48 Rx
Tim M: 13:22 Rx/8:04 115
KSB: 15:21 Rx/8:40 55
Donkey 13:54 Row/Abmat/Back Ext / 11:02 Rx
Jim 12:36 ab/6:31 95#
Rachael 14:48 Rx/6:24 50#
Joe P 13:05 Rx/ 8:40 95#
Kate 11:13 Rx/6:25 Rx
Matt G. 14:14 GHD to horizontal/5:46 90#
Nathan 13:48 ab,super./8:19.65 50#
Olan 12:07 (Rx)/13:26 (Rx)
Roni 12:19 (Rx)/6:13 (35#)
Mel 12:20 (Rx)/6:56 (45#)
Ph 16:10 (ROM)/8:07 (Rx)
Keith 15:50 (Some ab)/9:41 (Rx)
Brynsie 13:44 (Rx)/9:03 (Rx)
JZ 16:01 (ROM)/10:31 (100#)
Stacy 13:00 (ROM)/7:42 (25#)
Katie F. 13:48 AM, SM/10:41 (45#- team)
Tim H. 18:07 AM, K2E scale/17:26 (135#- team)
Faby 12:17 Rx/8:36 (135#- team)
Tony 13:07 Rx/ 12:32 (90# team Prowler)
Nick 14:48 GHD ROM/9:39 (135#)
Akeem 11:38 AM, SM/12:44 (100# team)
Peterson 9:28 AM, SM/13:09 (90#-team)
Justin 14:02 RX/5:38 (95#)
Denise 10:27 AM,SM/10:41 (45#- team)
Tidmore 31:21 2x reps AM/SM/5:51 (95#-team)
Jess C. 10:30 AM,SM/13:09 (90#-team)
Miranda 13:15 Rx/6:55 (95#-team)
Lindsey 12:20 AM?, SM/ (13:29 45#-team)
Dan 9:50 AM, SM/8:36 (135#-team)
Sam B. 7:53 AM, SM/12:32 90# team prowler)
Jerry 13:58 Rx/17:26 (135#-team)
Paul S. 11:29 AM, SM/12:44 (100#-team)
Cline 16:05 GHD scale/4:48 (95#)
Charles 12:09 Am, SM/7:25 (95#)
Josh 9:45 AM, SM/6:32 (135#)
Melissa S. 13:06 RX/13:29 (45#-team)


  1. 6am
    Manny 13:31 abmat,SuperMan/5:53 sled pull@45#
    Mike P 11:12 Rx/9:33 Rx
    Jay E 20:36 Rx/ 1/2 bridge pull@135
    Mike S 14:13sub row for ouchie/--
    John Shf. 14:09 Rx / 6:13@45#
    Drew 19:04 / 11:16
    Megs 12:30Rx / 6:49@ 45#
    Paul F 14:32 Rx / 9:30 Rx Great Effort!
    Gina 11:55 ab,SM/5:10@45#
    Becca 9:40 ab,SM/4:55@45#
    Kristin T 10:40 Rx / 10:30@ 90#
    Oleg 12:07Rx / 11:48 Rx

  2. SIGN IN for 6am, was....11/12 nice work. Learn to sign in for class here:


  3. Awesomely awful!!! Way to kick ass Paul F!!!!!

    Tip for the day: do the sled pull first if you have a choice.

  4. There's those sled pulls I need to work on! Wish I was there.. Great Job peeps!

  5. Last day to sign up for THE OPEN!!! Hesitant to sign up? Don't be anyone who participated last year can tell you how fun it was to be a part of!

  6. Nooner!

    Tim M: 13:22 Rx/8:04 115
    KSB: 15:21 Rx/8:40 55
    Donkey 13:54 Row/Abmat/Back Ext / 11:02 Rx

    the sled was absolutely monstrous, no less so for my Bridgeport "helper" who wanted a full download of what we were doing. AS I WAS COMING BACK UP THE BRIDGE.

    he's lucky he can swim.

  7. Based on the pictures, this looks like the sled pull might have been somewhat enjoyable in the sunlight as opposed to sub-freezing darkness. Maybe...

  8. @Drew: I would stop a LONG LONG TIME before we got to "enjoyable" on the spectrum.

  9. and, my bad. just realized Rx for the sled was 95. unless the sled itself weights 5#, i was actually at 90.

  10. 5:30 What a Drag!

    3 round WOD first, then sled drag
    Jim 12:36 ab/6:31 95#
    Rachael 14:48 Rx/6:24 50#
    Joe P 13:05 Rx/ 8:40 95#
    Kate 11:13 Rx/6:25 Rx
    Matt G. 14:14 GHD to horizontal/5:46 90#
    Nathan 13:48 ab,super./8:19.65 50#

    nice work all around. What a leg burner! Nice job to Matt G. for his first WOD with GHDs and to Nathan for some SUPER intensity finishing his supermans.

  11. 6:30pm class "make more room on the blog because we had a big class here"

    Times= WOD/sled pull

    Katie F. 13:48 AM, SM/10:41 (45#- team)
    Tim H. 18:07 AM, K2E scale/17:26 (135#- team)
    Faby 12:17 Rx/8:36 (135#- team)
    Tony 13:07 Rx/ 12:32 (90# team Prowler)
    Nick 14:48 GHD ROM/9:39 (135#)
    Akeem 11:38 AM, SM/12:44 (100# team)
    Peterson 9:28 AM, SM/13:09 (90#-team)
    Justin 14:02 RX/5:38 (95#)
    Denise 10:27 AM,SM/10:41 (45#- team)
    Tidmore 31:21 2x reps AM/SM/5:51 (95#-team)
    Jess C. 10:30 AM,SM/13:09 (90#-team)
    Miranda 13:15 Rx/6:55 (95#-team)
    Lindsey 12:20 AM?, SM/ (13:29 45#-team)
    Dan 9:50 AM, SM/8:36 (135#-team)
    Sam B. 7:53 AM, SM/12:32 90# team prowler)
    Jerry 13:58 Rx/17:26 (135#-team)
    Paul S. 11:29 AM, SM/12:44 (100#-team)
    Cline 16:05 GHD scale/4:48 (95#)
    Charles 12:09 Am, SM/7:25 (95#)
    Josh 9:45 AM, SM/6:32 (135#)
    Melissa S. 13:06 RX/13:29 (45#-team)

    Great job to everyone tonight. Thanks for being flexible with the number of people in the class. Please remember to SIGN UP ON MINDBODY!!!!! Great job to Tony and Sam for pushing the prowler over the bridge with 90#!!!! There were a few solo runs on the sleds but most did as a team effort as Cate did earlier today. The times were posted as your team effort.

  12. OMG - a HUGE 6:30! I want to see a picture of the prowler going over the bridge, I bet you guys stopped traffic!

  13. Just a minor correction- i think i was 13 min not 31-

