
W.O.D. 2.19.12

Athletes and Support team at the Winter Combine -- CrossFit APEX

John C. - 12th

Gabe - 7th in High School Division

Nina 1st place

Aimee 2nd Place

For time complete:
20 Power Cleans 95#/65#
20 Overhead Squats
15 Power Cleans 115#/75#
15 Overhead Squats
10 Power Cleans 135#/95#
10 Overhead Squats

“Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy.”
- Robert A. Heinlein


  1. great job Nina, Aimee, Gabe, and John! very cool that you represented KoP and a great way to get yourself psyched up for the Open. Congrats!

  2. Congratulations Gabe, John, Aimee and Nina! Great job!

  3. 9am NASCAR-style WOD results

    Lauren 12:05 (35/45/50)
    Rebecca 18:06 (45/55/55)
    Jeff 10:00 (65/75/95)
    JP 11:39 ouchie (65/sub front squat for OHS)
    Travis 14:17 (85/105/115)

    Welcome back JP!!! Good job today everyone. Remember to keep the core tight and shoulders active on those OHS.

  4. 10 am results
    Jason B 9:34 Rx
    Tony 7:58 Rx
    Jess C. 11:08 50/60/70
    Jess S. 8:37 35/45/55
    Paul 11:27 75/95/115 ROM
    Katie V. 11:11 55/65/75
    Stasie 10:33 35/45/50
    Jennifer 10:53 66/75/85
    Tracey 10:37 53/63/73 (33 OHS)
    Jerry 13:52 95/115/135 (115 OHS)

    Great job today everyone! Depth on the OHS seemed to get better as the workout progressed. Keep working on those wall squats...a few each day is a great way to improve form and flexibility for the OHS.

  5. 10 am results
    Jason B 9:34 Rx
    Tony 7:58 Rx
    Jess C. 11:08 50/60/70
    Jess S. 8:37 35/45/55
    Paul 11:27 75/95/115 ROM
    Katie V. 11:11 55/65/75
    Stasie 10:33 35/45/50
    Jennifer 10:53 66/75/85
    Tracey 10:37 53/63/73 (33 OHS)
    Jerry 13:52 95/115/135 (115 OHS)

    Great job today everyone! Depth on the OHS seemed to get better as the workout progressed. Keep working on those wall squats...a few each day is a great way to improve form and flexibility for the OHS.

  6. Congrats to you CFKoP studs!!!~ Aim, love the quote today (2/19).
