
W.O.D. 2.13.12

for time complete:
30 Snatches (95/135#)
30 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)

Community Notes:
Don't forget to bring your Valentine for tomorrow's St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

Jen C- GRANS!! We Miss you - and I know you still check this blog, so...Enjoy the 40! Happy Birthday Woman!
Happy Birthday Beth O!!

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


  1. Happy birthday Grans!

  2. I just read the WOD and already threw up.

  3. miss you jesher. there is no other you. Hope you have a great birthday.

    ISAGRACE...that scares the crap out of me. Alas its a rest day.

  4. Oh great . . . a nightmare for me . . . oh well, time to confront my demons.

    P.S.: ironic how the "word verification" for my post was "fuced".

  5. Boy, that Grace really gets around. First Helen, now Isabelle!

  6. 7am rise and shiners

    Kristin T 12:07 65 snatches/95 c&J
    Jay E 6:36 Rx
    Chip 9:59 95/95
    Oleg 9:52 105/105
    Peter 10:38 55/75

    Nice job guys great work getting explosive this morning

  7. Happy birthday Jen. Miss you!

  8. Holy S Jay!!!! I am speechless! WOW!!!! You almost beat me by double!!!

    Wicked impressive!

  9. Thanks Jason, I set a 40 Second PR on my Isabelle time and then died, I'm still coughing 2 hours later.

  10. Happy birthday, Granny! Miss your hilarious comments and stories and the awesome that is you.

    Onto the 930AM BAC:

    Chris T: 8:31, 43#
    Susan: 11:42, 65/85#
    Matt O: 12:00, 65#
    Beth: 7:32, 35#
    Marcel: 11:10, 53#
    Stephany: 10:59, 35#
    Rhonda: 9:48, 35/45#
    Mike W: 16:54, 75#
    Sarah W: 11:31, 35#
    Barb Z: 8:11, 35#
    Liz O: 10:45, 35#
    Peter O: 9:07, 65#
    Kara: 10:04, 53#

    Really outstanding job this morning, performing two complex movements in a row and lots of new folks! GREAT WORK pushing yourselves and remembering to open up the hips and biiiiiig shrugs. Awesome fight, gang.

  11. Jay awesome job!

    Evening crew- try to use one bar and one weight for the entire workout.

  12. Mike V: 5:48 Rx
    Danny: 5:22 Rx
    Cate: 7:35 Rx

  13. Wow, Mike, Danny and Cate. That's incredible. You too Jay!

  14. 3:30 class:


    Mike T 14:07
    Tim M 13:35


    Jeff 7:57 (75#)
    Dan L 12:09 (95#)
    Alexis 8:39 (40#)
    Jackie + 1 8:50 (60 dumbell hang power cleans, 15#)
    Sharon C Ouchie

    4:30 class

    Mike P 9:43 (85#)
    Olan 6:43 (115#)
    Brian R 8:42 (105#)
    Rob Ph 6:12 (115)
    Mel 6:36 (65#)
    Roni 8:13 (45#)
    Kathleen 7:43 (45#)

    Outstanding work by both classes! Lots of explosive lifts and great effort with some challenging weights. Well done!

  15. 5:30 class

    Flounder 8:46 (95)
    Shawn T. 8:30 (95)
    Jess S. 9:03 (35/45)
    Luke 8:32 (65)
    Kate 9:50 Rx
    Tim H 10:32 (75)
    Keith 10:13 Rx
    Christine 10:05 (35)
    Chris S. 10:30 Rx
    Denise 9:14 (65)
    Sandy 10:38 (50)
    LP 9:18 (65/95)
    Travis 9:15 (95)
    Joe 7:51 (75)
    Liz 6:40 (35)

  16. Happy birthday, Beth O!! Very sneaky of you not to tell us this morning, lady. I hope you enjoyed your special day!

  17. 6:30pm

    Justin 8:03 @95
    Randy 13:11 @95
    Erika 7:50@53/63
    Borden 6:47@85
    Conn 6:45@95
    Faby 7:33@115
    Chalres 10:14@75
    JNa 8:57@35
    KSB 8:06@55
    Akeem 8:57@65
    Mark B 8:50 - subbed
    Melissa S 9:50@35
    Paul S 6:48@95
    Jen S 11:14 Rx
    Ditty 10:06@60
    Kate K 5:45@53/63
    Kathryn 8:40@45

    Sorry this is late guys!

  18. So I woke up and checked the blog for a birthday wod to do in my garage box...Isagrace?! that's just all wrong! definitely not a granny wod~ but i see plenty of you killed it! nice!!~ thanks for all the birthday wishes. i miss kop and all you crazies so much! the box is looking sweet! can't wait to try out all the new toys over the summer!! stay well everyone! ~ grans
