
W.O.D. 2.11.12

3 Rounds for time
10 Squat Cleans (75/115#)
20 Box Jumps (20/24")

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."
– Aristotle


  1. Roads are fine and the box is toasty warm so come on in for a class this morning!!

  2. 9am results

    Mike F. 9:20 Rx
    John C. 6:31 Rx
    Kim C. 6:37, 35#
    Flounder 11:59, 95#/20"
    Jen S. 6:49 Rx
    Rhonda 8:01 35#/13"
    LP 6:11 Rx
    Becca 9:26, 55#
    Lam 8:33 85#/25"
    Lindsey 9:39, 65#/step ups
    Liz 9:57 35#/24" step ups
    Shawn 9:02 Rx
    Joe P. 9:39, 85#

    Great job everyone!

  3. 10 am

    Mel 7:06 rx
    Megs 6:38 rx
    Erika 7:51 63#
    Sharon 10:34 65#, SU
    Denise 7:52 rx
    Jen Sch. 9:29 53#/17in
    Jen A 7:12 rx
    John King 7:56 95#
    Jason B 5:11 rx
    Jaime 12:07 75#
    Matt 10:12 95#
    Dan 10:08 95#
    Cate 4:24 rx

    Nice work today and good job at the name game!

  4. The name game was a great idea!!!
