
W.O.D. 12.4.11

For time complete:

150 feet bear crawl

Toes through Rings
Push Jerk 75#/115#

150 feet walking lunge

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without."
- Confucius

Vinny 9:36
Megs 11:56
Bo 11:30
Shawn 11:27
Clay 12:45 Rx

Rachel R 13:50 GT/45#
Jay E 11:35 NFC/115#
Tim Dorothy's Friend 14:01 75#
Chrissy 14:25 65#
JB 13:10 DC/75#
Liz 15:33 DC/45#
Rebecca S 15:38 DC/55#
Stasie - 14:25 (45#,Att)
Jess C - 13:42 (65#)
Erika - 13:03 (63#)
Sandy - 12:38 (53#,Att)
Mark C - 10:38 (65,DC)
Patti - 12:17 (53#,Att)


  1. 9AM class:

    GT = good try, DC = damn close NFC = Not F'ing Close (thanks Jay for a new acronym!)


    Vinny 9:36
    Megs 11:56
    Bo 11:30
    Shawn 11:27


    Rachel R 13:50 GT/45#
    Jay E 11:35 NFC/115#
    Tim Dorothy's Friend 14:01 75#
    Chrissy 14:25 65#
    JB 13:10 DC/75#
    Liz 15:33 DC/45#
    Rebecca S 15:38 DC/55#

    Good work everyone, strong effort right through the end! Congratulations to Rachel R for her first class, and welcome to Tim Dorothy's Friend for visiting today.

  2. Hey, just wanted to thank Vinny for a great class at 10:00. His cheering us on was (for me) a sorely needed booster to this morning's caffeine! - Mark C.

  3. 10:00am Results

    Clay 12:45 Rx
    Stasie - 14:25 (45#,Att)
    Jess C - 13:42 (65#)
    Erika - 13:03 (63#)
    Sandy - 12:38 (53#,Att)
    Mark C - 10:38 (65,DC)
    Patti - 12:17 (53#,Att)

    Great energy this morning guys, way to push through the toes to rings especially...Welcome back to Clay, good to see him back at the box.

  4. Hey Mark C...glad I was able to help man and thanks for the shout out..I know that sometimes helps me get to another level of intensity...Next time, your getting the Rx on toes through rings man!!

  5. Josh S. Below is Meg B. email address to be put on the emailing list for DISH for soups and salads. If anyone else would like please send her your email address and let her know you are from CrossFit. Josh I apologize I forgot to get your email when I left Friday!

    DISH - Homemade soups and salads delivered to your home.

  6. holy poo that looks like a rough wod.
