
W.O.D. 12.29.11

Handstand Push-ups

Ring Dips

& Push ups


21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan.

"My husband was a warrior and a man who believed his purpose in life was to defend the freedoms that each of us enjoy today."-Erin Taylor

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them."
– Henry David Thoreau

Sam B 9:41
Tony 11:17
Aimee 16:30
Kevin B. 19::53
Keith B. 19:51
Faby 20:40

Mike T 17:14
Ernie 18:36
Time M. 22:33

Jen S 21:32 - abmat+35#/mental floss
Mike P 18:20 - 24"box
Kristin T 20:38 scale
Rebecca 22:15 24"/grn band/knees pu
Dianne 21:24 - 21"box/black band/knees pu
Lauren 21:42 21"box/Bands/knees pu
Katie V. 15:16
Schell 22:20
Kurtis 24:05
Mark 20:32
Jess C. 17:38
Sharon C. Scale WOD
Laura 17:37
Christie 14:34
KSB 20:03
Kate K. 16:35
Alexis K 16:50
Tidmore - 13:43 (scale)
Becca - 13:15 (plates,green,knees)
Lam - 21:26 (25", green)
Joy - 15:03 (green,plates,knees)
Kathleen - 14:03 (green,21")
Rachel - 21:16 (24", black, knees)
Diego - 15:11 (30", blue+black)
Dan G - 17:06 (30",green)
Chuck H. - 19:50 (box,band,knees)
Flounder - 14:04 (24",green+black)
Steph V - 21:26 (HS att,green)
Travis - 18:04 (plate,band)
Jess S. - 16:19 (box,black,knees)
Brian R. - 16:27 (plate,DC dips)
Steve P. - ouchie


  1. I seriously do not feel comfortable walking down stairs without a railing. Funny part is I sit at work for long periods and when you stand up, it is like being killed.

    This is the most I have been jacked up since I attempted Michael on the GHD. That machine is the devil! Bobby Beauche's mom told me!

  2. 7am
    Jen S 21:32 - abmat+35#/mental floss
    Mike P 18:20 - 24"box
    Kristin T 20:38 scale
    Rebecca 22:15 24"/grn band/knees pu
    Dianne 21:24 - 21"box/black band/knees pu
    Lauren 21:42 21"box/Bands/knees pu

  3. how 'bout mainsite today?


    For time:
    Run 2 miles
    Rest 2 minutes
    135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps
    20 Box jump, 24" box
    20 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
    20 Box jump, 24" box
    135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps
    Rest 2 minutes
    Run 2 miles

    If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

    Oh and, my mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.

  4. 4:30pm results

    Tidmore - 13:43 (scale)
    Becca - 13:15 (plates,green,knees)
    Lam - 21:26 (25", green)
    Joy - 15:03 (green,plates,knees)
    Kathleen - 14:03 (green,21")
    Rachel - 21:16 (24", black, knees)
    Diego - 15:11 (30", blue+black)
    Dan G - 17:06 (30",green)
    Faby - 20:40 Rx
    Chuck H. - 19:50 (box,band,knees)
    Flounder - 14:04 (24",green+black)
    Steph V - 21:26 (HS att,green)
    Travis - 18:04 (plate,band)
    Jess S. - 16:19 (box,black,knees)
    Brian R. - 16:27 (plate,DC dips)
    Tony - 11:17 Rx
    Steve P. - ouchie

    Way to push through, literally...Hopefully no one has to reach for anything high tomorrow. Great work tonight!
