
W.O.D. 12.28.11

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Hang Power Snatch (75#/115#)
10 GHD Sit-ups
50 Air Squats

(Cate 15:34, Aimee 15:35, Jason 26:44)

Community Notes:

Wednesday (12/28) - Regular class schedule
Thursday (12/29) - Regular class schedule
Friday (12/30) - OPEN gym from 1-4PM (no regular classes)
Saturday (12/31) - 10 AM Hero WOD -Bull (or little "Bull")
Sunday (1/1) - CLOSED for New Year's Day
Monday (1/2) - Resume regular class schedule

Details about Hero WOD Saturday:

LCDR Jack Ryan is participating in a 3 month challenge to complete 66 Crossfit Hero Workouts in 92 days! He happens to be in KoP for the new year. For every workout completed, Jack will donate $1 to the Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation. Please visit Jack's blog: www.66herowodsin3months.blogspot.com to view his progress and get more information concerning the Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation.

We invite all CrossFit KoP members to join this mission and support Jack as he completes "Bull" in honor of this event. Donations in support of Jack's efforts will be accepted by CrossFit KoP on behalf of the Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation. Thank you for your support!

At 10AM we will host our "Bull" and little "Bull"


"We Refuse To Be Another Statistic" by Steve's Club - video [wmv] [mov]

"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value."
– Albert Einstein


Jay E - 24:41 Rx
Jen S - 21:29 (65#)
Rebecca S - 21:31 (35#)
Dianne - 33:51 (53#,-50 squats)
Nick - 32:00 (95#,ab mat)
Pat - 35:03 (75#, ab mat)
Keith 23:50 rx
Nicole 14:01 (55, abmat, 1/2 squats)
JB 23:38 (75, 1/2 squats)
Sharon 30:03 (30)
Doreen 22:49 (55, abmat)
Chris from NZ 19:07 (95, abmat)
Katie V 26:44 (53)
Sarah 15:55 (45, 1/2 situps, 1/2 squats)
Ciera (53, abmat)
Kevin B 21:31 (95)
Meg B 20:18 (53)
Alexis 20:26 (35, abmat)
Jim 24:04 (95)
Christie 19:55 (45, good mornings)
Dave S 95# (DC) 24:58
Ray H 75# 22:47
Rich H ??
Joe C 26:28
Mark ??
Dorothy 19:42
Kate K 43# 17:55
Megs 55# GHD 19:07
Gabe 22:53
Alison 45# GHD 20:03
JZ 75# 22:16 (25 squats)
LP 65# GHD 17:27
Rob Ph 115# Abmat 22:57
Joy 22:07 35# Abmat
Denise 55# 20:30
Miranda 65# GHD 20:44
Travis 75# 20 Abmat, 25 DU
Patrick 95# 21:22
Arin 50# 22:34
Luke 20:15 33, ab
Dan G 18:26 33, ab
Kate C. 15:16 75, half squats
TP 17:05 half squats
Vinny 21:18 Rx
Kristin T. 19:41 65
Conor 23:56 95
Dan 25:34 95
Danielle 24:18 45, ab
Akeem 24:25 15db, ab, half squats
Kathleen 23:46 35, ab
Ernie 22:44 100, ab
Borden 24:15 75, 3/7ths GHD
Conn 25:49 75, ab
Josh S. 21:51 95, ab


  1. Wondering if there is a baby cow option?

  2. Thinking of bull gives me the heeby jeebies

  3. 6:00am results

    Jay E - 24:41 Rx
    Jen S - 21:29 (65#)
    Rebecca S - 21:31 (35#)
    Dianne - 33:51 (53#,-50 squats)
    Nick - 32:00 (95#,ab mat)
    Pat - 35:03 (75#, ab mat)

    Nice intensity today from the 6am crew...power snatches were true to form. Shout out to Dianne and Rebecca for taking on the GHD and winning!!

  4. Is the Hero WOD still going to run from 10 AM - 1 PM on Saturday? Or just one class at 10 AM?

  5. Bull took me 76:46 Rx last year. The second round of OHS CRUSHED me and I like OHS.

  6. 12:00 results:

    Keith 23:50 rx
    Nicole 14:01 (55, abmat, 1/2 squats)
    JB 23:38 (75, 1/2 squats)
    Sharon 30:03 (30)
    Doreen 22:49 (55, abmat)
    Chris from NZ 19:07 (95, abmat)
    Katie V 26:44 (53)
    Sarah 15:55 (45, 1/2 situps, 1/2 squats)
    Ciera (53, abmat)
    Kevin B 21:31 (95)
    Meg B 20:18 (53)
    Alexis 20:26 (35, abmat)
    Jim 24:04 (95)
    Christie 19:55 (45, good mornings)

    It seems like people were surprised how hard this was?! Nice work powering through 350 squats! Good luck with the stairs tomorrow.

  7. KT -Start time at 10 am, we will stay until everyone finishes. But it's not an open start like the 12 days and open gym. Most likely, not running until 1pm.

  8. 4:30pm - Can we get anymore people in this class?! Add you info to comments if its not there you didn't put it on the board.

    Dave S 95# (DC) 24:58
    Ray H 75# 22:47
    Rich H ??
    Joe C 26:28
    Mark ??
    Dorothy 19:42
    Kate K 43# 17:55
    Megs 55# GHD 19:07
    Gabe 22:53
    Alison 45# GHD 20:03
    JZ 75# 22:16 (25 squats)
    LP 65# GHD 17:27
    Rob Ph 115# Abmat 22:57
    Joy 22:07 35# Abmat
    Denise 55# 20:30
    Miranda 65# GHD 20:44
    Travis 75# 20 Abmat, 25 DU
    Patrick 95# 21:22
    Arin 50# 22:34

  9. 5:30 and 6:30 Squatastic!

    Luke 20:15 33, ab
    Dan G 18:26 33, ab
    Kate C. 15:16 75, half squats
    TP 17:05 half squats
    Vinny 21:18 Rx
    Kristin T. 19:41 65
    Conor 23:56 95
    Dan 25:34 95
    Danielle 24:18 45, ab
    Akeem 24:25 15db, ab, half squats
    Kathleen 23:46 35, ab
    Ernie 22:44 100, ab
    Borden 24:15 75, 3/7ths GHD
    Conn 25:49 75, ab
    Josh S. 21:51 95, ab

    way to stick with those squats, but also kudos to those that scaled appropriately. Whether it was to work on snatch form or to not be crippled for an Olympic ice skating judge tryout, it might take a hit on the ego but it's all in the name of getting better.
