
W.O.D. 12.22.11



3 Rounds for time of:
500M Row
15 Hang Power Cleans (75#/115#)
15 Thrusters (75#/115#)

Community Reminder:
Tomorrow we will be hosting the 12 days of Christmas WOD from 1-4pM (ONLY); there will be no other classes run on 12/23. This WOD will run throughout the 3 hours, we will start you based on arrival time. Be prepared, it's a chipper!


"Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed,
but the least envied."
– Charles Caleb Colton

John C 18:05 Rx (+ some extra rowing)
Lauren 17:33 25#
Jay E 15:26 Rx
Dianne 19:08 45#
Kristin T 14:50 Rx
Rebecca 17:34 43#
Oleg 18:36 95#
Will 16:28 Rx
Ciera 21:13 33#
Kate 17:25 Rx
Jess C. 20:14 55#
Tim P. 21:33 Rx + 135#
Chip 19:28 75#
Beth O 17:41 35#
JNa 19:01 55#
Alison 20:05 Rx
Aimee 12:50 Rx
Olan - 19:33 (run)
Elyse - 16:48 (53#)
Steph - 15:13 rx
Ernie - 16:21 (95#/Run)
Shawn - 17:38 rx
Tim H - 17:43 (95#/run)
Becca - 20:41 (45#)
Denise - 16:38 (55#)
Lam - 20:23 (65#)
Mike F - 17:49 (run)
Katie FM - 18:05 (50#)
Travis - 20:47 (95#)
Rachel R - 19:04 (55#)
Dan - 19:32(95#)
Stasie - 21:15 (45#)
Rachael - 19:50 (45#)
Shoeless - 22:56 RX


  1. What if I have to leave a little early to head to work? can i still come?!

  2. I did this WOD Rx in 31 mins..Tough to keep intensity up without KOP community and slow music in the background..Miss you guys and hope you all have a great holiday!

  3. 7am Rise and Shiners

    John C 18:05 Rx (+ some extra rowing)
    Lauren 17:33 25#
    Jay E 15:26 Rx
    Dianne 19:08 45#
    Kristin T 14:50 Rx
    Rebecca 17:34 43#
    Oleg 18:36 95#

  4. Oh sh* t I did 5 rounds ...ha woops.. good job kids

  5. There was a gold chain left at the box, if anyone lost it ask once of the coaches at the fron desk!

  6. Crap . . . rest day today . . . hopefully tomorrow's WOD will involve some thrusters :-)

  7. 4:30pm Results

    Olan - 19:33 (run)
    Elyse - 16:48 (53#)
    Steph - 15:13 rx
    Ernie - 16:21 (95#/Run)
    Shawn - 17:38 rx
    Tim H - 17:43 (95#/run)
    Becca - 20:41 (45#)
    Denise - 16:38 (55#)
    Lam - 20:23 (65#)
    Mike F - 17:49 (run)
    Katie FM - 18:05 (50#)
    Travis - 20:47 (95#)
    Rachel R - 19:04 (55#)
    Dan - 19:32(95#)
    Stasie - 21:15 (45#)
    Rachael - 19:50 (45#)
    Shoeless - 22:56 RX

    3 tough rounds today, awesome effort by all. I saw lots of people stringing the thrusters which was great...Dan, you did well for your first time with these too man...
