
W.O.D. 11.6.11

It's Team Time:
In teams of 4 complete the following (for time):

21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Row (Calories)
Dumbbell Push Press (25#/45#)
Knees to Elbows

An athlete will start at each station, the team cannot rotate until everyone has completed their reps at the indicated station (each athlete must complete the exercise at each station). Once all 21 reps are complete, all athletes move to 15 repetitions of all four exercises...then 9.

Community Notes:

Helen meets Grace online registration ends 11/9 at 12 PM pacific time... all online doners will get a T-shirt. Donations will be taken at the door too!

"Go big or go home. Because it's true. What do you have to lose?"
-Eliza Dushku


  1. 9:00am results

    Team 1 - 18:35
    Joe C (35#,DC)
    Liz (15#,DC)
    Meg B (DC)

    Team 2 - 18:04
    Fab (KR)
    Lp RX
    Elyse RX

    Team 3 - 15:37
    Lee (20#)
    Rachel (20#,DC)
    Bekah (15#,DC)

    Awesome team work 9AMers...way to push each other through it.

  2. 10:00 am results

    Team "Ladies" 16:42
    Mel (DC)
    Jen S RX
    KSB (10#,DC)
    Megs RX

    Team "Gents"
    Danny RX
    Tamas 35#
    Jonathan (25#,K2E Att)
    Kevin B RX

    The Ladies edged the guys this morning but everyone gave 100%....nice work.

  3. Happy Birthday, Cate, you are one cool lady and Mommy.

  4. Happy birthday Cate! You're a great coach, thanks for all the advice you gave me for my training this year
