
W.O.D. 11.30.11

Pull-ups from the nooner

Elyse at the top of the Sumo Deadlift High Pull

and Chip at the bottom

SumoDeadlift High Pull (65/95)
Knees To Elbows
+ 10 Ring rows after each set

Breaking down the SDLHP:
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull or SDHP combines the two movements of the Sumo Deadlift and the High Pull to create an extremely effective full-body exercise that builds strength in both the lower and upper body.

Starting Position – The Angry Gorilla
The starting position is also fondly called the “Angry Gorilla” because it resembles the posture of a big, bad silverback. The feet are wide, the chest high, and the butt low.
Stand Up!

The Sumo Deadlift is a simple movement consisting of getting into a good starting position, and then standing up much like the squat. The back must remain tight in order to protect the spine and to ensure that the proper muscles of the legs and butt are being used.

Open the Hips all the Way
In the middle of the Sumo Deadlift High Pull, the hips are all the way open, the back completely straight, and the shoulders back.

The Shrug
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull begins as the Sumo Deadlift ends. Without a pause, and in order to maintain the momentum of the weight, the shoulders shrug up just as the hips open completely.

The Top
At the top of the exercise, the weight is all the way up to the chin and the elbows are high. Without pausing at the top, begin the process in reverse to complete the entire movement. Lower the weight until your arms are straight, then return to the start position.
Returning to the starting position should be done just like a squat, with a push back of the hips and bend of the knees to lower the weight to the starting position. It’s critical on the way down to keep the back tight.

(compare to 4.6.09)

Charles Poliquin on the on the Negative Effects of Volume based endurance Training

"In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity."
- Albert Einstein

Elyse 31:40 DC
Jerry 26:20 Rx
Beth 29:57 22#/band
Chip 30:00 cap 95#
Meg B 33:38 65
Becky 29:45 Rx
Aimee 21:29 Rx
Mike P - 24:16 Rx
Mike S - 32:36 (band,65#,KR)
Joy - 27:41 (band,45#,ROM)
MegS - 29:25 (55#)
Bekah - 27:18 (band,53#,KR)
Rebecca S - 27:55 (band,65#,KR)
Kristin T - 26:19 (DC KTE)
Heather - 27:10 (band,53#,KR)
Dianne - 31:47 (band,53#)
Pat - 30:23 (band,75#,KR)
Tidmore - 26:06 (band,75#,KTE DC)
Gabe 29:58 scale
Becca cap
Jackie 19:05 scale (21-15-9)
Brian 29:13 Rx
Byrnsexy 27:34 Rx
Rob Ph 28:23 scaled!
Patrick 28:10 Rx
Ben F cap
LP 21:01 Rx
Amanda 28:32 scale
Rachael 28:45 scale
Josh S cap
Joe C cap
Lam cap
WW 29:00 scale
Vinny 21:10 Rx
Kathleen 26:09 scale
Danny cap
TP 25:01 Rx
Peterson 29:57
Alison 28:50 scale
Jess S cap
Miranda cap
Mark B cap
Chkaate Konelllie 26:32
Ben cap
Flounder 27:52
Kathryn 27:35 scale
Kate K 20:53 scale
Borden scale cap
Conn 95# cap
John C 21:02 Rx
Randy 30:06 scale
Charles scale cap
Sheng-Ching scale cap
Sam B 19:01 scale


  1. some people were wondering about the Concept2 erg challenge, so here's the link: (row 100,000 meters in a month)


  2. for WOD and Wings so far we have Aimee, Miranda, Meg B & Kevin B...

    Does anyone else want to come along?

  3. great article on Speal and his Games tenure: (should be free) http://journal.crossfit.com/2011/11/chris-spealler-the-fire-inside.tpl#comments

  4. Good chance I'll be attending this Saturday. Katie is working, so it'll be just me.

  5. Aimee,

    I'm in, if there's room! If not I will come and hang out!

  6. Is it too late to sign up for the Concept2 challenge?

  7. Happy Birthday to Lee and Doreen!!!!!

  8. Its not too late to sign up but you are playing catch-up. Yesterday was my first non rowing day since I started. I will bust out some more mileage today. Joy!

  9. Happy Birthday Lee and Doreen! It is always nice to see you at the early AM WOD!

  10. Happy birthday Lee and Doreen!! Hope you both have enjoyed your day.

  11. 6:00am results

    Mike P - 24:16 Rx
    Mike S - 32:36 (band,65#,KR)
    Joy - 27:41 (band,45#,ROM)
    MegS - 29:25 (55#)
    Bekah - 27:18 (band,53#,KR)
    Rebecca S - 27:55 (band,65#,KR)
    Kristin T - 26:19 (DC KTE)
    Heather - 27:10 (band,53#,KR)
    Dianne - 31:47 (band,53#)
    Pat - 30:23 (band,75#,KR)
    Tidmore - 26:06 (band,75#,KTE DC)

    Awesome effort this morning everyone...This WOD was especially tough on the grip (sorry about the blood on the keyboard, Aim...lol) Way to stick with it guys!!

  12. @ Bekah - check out this vid on hand taping: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBXyuyr_-gI

  13. My hands will never be the same. I wanted to get into the19's. Awesome wod

  14. 4:30 and 5:30 "TRIM THE FAT!"
    (30 minute cap)

    Gabe 29:58 scale
    Becca cap
    Jackie 19:05 scale (21-15-9)
    Brian 29:13 Rx
    Byrnsexy 27:34 Rx
    Rob Ph 28:23 scaled!
    Patrick 28:10 Rx
    Ben F cap
    LP 21:01 Rx
    Amanda 28:32 scale
    Rachael 28:45 scale
    Josh S cap
    Joe C cap
    Lam cap
    WW 29:00 scale
    Vinny 21:10 Rx
    Kathleen 26:09 scale
    Danny cap
    TP 25:01 Rx
    Peterson 29:57
    Alison 28:50 scale
    Jess S cap
    Miranda cap
    Mark B cap
    Chkaate Konelllie 26:32
    Ben cap
    Flounder 27:52

    how are everyone's hands?? tape down the skin, cut it off, super glue them, do something! This was a tough workout, mostly because of that grip on the bars.

    Happy birthday Doreen and Lee!

  15. Pretty sure I got 21:02. My grip went to crap after chunks of flesh came off. Lil mafia doesn't quit.

  16. 630 Results

    Kathryn 27:35 scale
    Kate K 20:53 scale
    Borden scale cap
    Conn 95# cap
    John C 21:02 Rx
    Randy 30:06 scale
    Charles scale cap
    Sheng-Ching scale cap
    Sam B 19:01 scale

    Team CFKOP=0 LiquidBandage=13

  17. Lee and Doreen, happy birthday! Hope it was a great one!

  18. Oh liquid bandage we will be so close these next few days

  19. That is a new, creative way to spell my name!

  20. Tough WOD! I'm thrilled (beside RX weight for sumo deadlift high pull) that I didn't use any assistance for other exercises. So tempted to use band ;) PS- my hands are oozing, yay.

  21. hey John, do you hear that noise? It is the sound of the worlds' smallest violin playing just for you. lol.

    also, just a question for all of us to consider for future reference...i do not think we knew any better in 2009. there should be a height requirement for the rings for Rx. I am saying 2.5 feet may be good. Also, I would not allow kipping in this one for the ring rows.

  22. Jason, what's your question? ha

    what if someone's arms are longer than 2.5 feet? Rx'd should be a height where your arms are fully extended and your back is just off the floor. Any lower and your arms can't be at full extension; any higher and your body is going to be at an inclined angle.

  23. lol, exceptionally valid point p. i agree. i would say one fist between back and ground and rings must physically touch body without kipping on row.

  24. Not that anyone cares but I definitely scaled the KTE (by the end I was lucky if I was within an inch of my elbows) and the ring rows were just terrible. Just forgot to write "Scale" next to my name since I couldn't hold a marker.
