
W.O.D. 11.20.11

5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400M
15 Overhead Squats (95/65#)

(compare to 6.13.11)

Community Notes
-Muscle Up Clinic:
Join us on Tuesday 11/22 from 4:30-6:00PM for a muscle up clinic. This will run during the 4:30/5:30 classes, you are welcome to come at any point during the hour and half duration. This is a FREE session for all members.

Community Notes:
Good luck to Tim P. running the Philadelphia Marathon and Brian, Barb and Rob Ph running the 1/2 marathon! If I missed anyone please post to comments and let us know how you did!

"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one."

Jason Bal 15:59 Rx
Vinny 15:09 Rx
Bo 17:57 Rx (sub 500m row)
Tricia from Cleveland 17:43 Rx
Lee 16:40 (65# back squats)
KSB 19:01 (55/45#)
Jeff 17:25 (75#, sub 500m row)
Schell - 19:00 (45#)
Pete Oh - 23:07 (53#)
Erika - 21:23 (53#)
Howard - 22:27 (65#)
Jess C - 21:14 (45)
Amanda - 22:03 (35#)
Tracey - 21:34 (35#)
Stasie - 22:17 (35#)


  1. Great KOP showing at CF Del Val for Redemption WOD - Jen S, Arin, Allison, Olan, Burnsey, Kristin T, Rachael, Kate K, Charles.

    And our cheerleaders Tidmore and Timmy!

    LONG 20 min AMRAP...very long

  2. Jason Bal 15:59 Rx
    Vinny 15:09 Rx
    Bo 17:57 Rx (sub 500m row)
    Tricia from Cleveland 17:43 Rx
    Lee 16:40 (65# back squats)
    KSB 19:01 (55/45#)
    Jeff 17:25 (75#, sub 500m row)

    Outstanding work this morning folks! Nice range of motion on the squats, and great effort on keeping the intensity up through the whole workout. Welcome to Tricia visiting from CrossFit Cleveland!

  3. Hey Olan, Happy birthday!! Hope you had a good one.

  4. Happy Birthday Olan! We didn't know it was your birthday, so we didn't do any burpees for you. Maybe tomorrow!

  5. HB2Olan! your birthday gift is full depth squats!

  6. also...if anyone (including Oleg) sees this and sees Oleg, please tell him that he won a session with me in the raffle at the B4B and to hit me up to set up a time.

  7. 10 am Results

    Schell - 19:00 (45#)
    Pete Oh - 23:07 (53#)
    Erika - 21:23 (53#)
    Howard - 22:27 (65#)
    Jess C - 21:14 (45)
    Amanda - 22:03 (35#)
    Tracey - 21:34 (35#)
    Stasie - 22:17 (35#)

  8. Olan,
    Who's old now? At least you're finally legally allowed to drink and can get rid of that fake ID.

    Hope you had a good day. I killed the OHS today for ya.

  9. Happy Birthday, Olan!! I can't believe you let Dorothy beat you on your birthday!!

  10. For the record, Dorothy did not beat Olan, not only did he not do the workout, but the contest only counts workouts in which both Rx'd. In this case, neither did as Nancy is running, not rowing. Just sayin'

