
W.O.D. 11.17.11

Good luck to Brian and Barb running the half marathon this Sunday!

Cate, Keith & Kevin on today's WOD
(nice KTE Brynsie)

"CRAZY Evan"
7 Rounds for time:
21 Shoulder Press (75 Men/55 Ladies)
21 KTE

*Scale to 5 rounds if necessary.

(compare to 10.24.09)

"The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labour is immense."
– Arnold Bennett

Katie V 30:09 25#
Meg B 29:06 33#
Oleg 27:34 55#
Jay E 21:04 sub GHD/abmat (from the ground)
Rebecca S 30:05 25#/Knee raises
31:53 75#
Lee 33:17 60#-6 rounds
Bekah 17:12 33# -5 rounds
Gabe 24:25 (5 Rds, 45#, DC)
Olan 32:00 Rx
Gina 19:12 (15#, KR)
Kate K 22:46 (33#, KR)
Schell 26:05 (5 Rds, 45#, DC)
Joe C. 28:09 (45#, DC)
Kathleen 25:05 (30#, DC)
Cate 22:33 (5rds - DC)
Tom 33:57 (65/45- Toes through Rings-6 Rds)
Keith B. 36:24 DC
Kevin 29:39 Rx
Brian R. 39:49 65#
Diego 41:49 53#
Stone 35:00 55# - 4 Rds
JB 34:00 45#/5 Rds


  1. this is a nightmarish workout. i miss evan

  2. Not happy I'm missing this . . . need work on my core as well as my shoulder strength, which is only slightly better than that of a 12 year old girl . . . that being said, I need a rest day.

  3. 7am We Miss Evan but not this workout...

    7 rounds
    Katie V 30:09 25#
    Meg B 29:06 33#
    Oleg 27:34 55#
    Jay E 21:04 sub GHD/abmat (from the ground)
    Rebecca S 30:05 25#/Knee raises

    6 rounds
    Lee 33:17 60#

    5 rounds
    Bekah 17:12 33#

    Good job pushing through those KTE's and not using your legs and keeping the strict should press

  4. Yes Jason....that's one way of putting it. There are some other words I can think of.

    Just did it at work:

    31:53 75#

  5. 4:30 PM Results

    Gabe 24:25 (5 Rds, 45#, DC)
    Olan 32:00 Rx
    Gina 19:12 (15#, KR)
    Kate K 22:46 (33#, KR)
    Schell 26:05 (5 Rds, 45#, DC)
    Joe C. 28:09 (45#, DC)
    Kathleen 25:05 (30#, DC)

    Way to stick with it guys! Ton of reps today...Keep working on kipping those KTE, makes life a whole lot easier...Nice Job!
