
W.O.D. 11.14.11

Nicole working on the Back Squat

I'm super excited about my new Reebok bag!!

5:30 Lungers- Mike P & Flounder

Welcome to Mike W - first class!

Back Squat

then for time (@ 50% of your 5 RM)
3 Rounds of
10 Walking lunges (barbell on back)
5 Broad Jumps
100 M SPRINT!!

Mobility Monday:
Overhead position. We'll work on getting to the ideal overhead position, identifying areas for mobility work and how to engage the core to optimize body position. As always, bring questions or concerns to Jeff at 5:30PM or 6:30PM.

"A human being is happiest and most successful when dedicated to a cause outside his own individual, selfish satisfaction."
- Benjamin Spock

Vin: 285/5:18
Aim: 175
Keith: 275/5:36
Olan: 215/5:17
Gabe: 195/4:10
Brian R: 185/4:27
Bo: 155/4:45
Kelly: form
Joe C: 165/5:17
Brynsie: 185/4:02
Jason: 135 (one leg)
Becca: 55/4:36
Joy: 95/4:34
Nicole Mc: 65/4:49
Jackie: 88/4:45
Alexis: 95/4:50
Kara: 125/5:20
Chris T: 115/5:34
Mike W: 105/5:58
Sarah W: 35/7:09
Annah: 125/6:50
Barb Z: 35/5:43
Beth: 35/5:31
Susan: 125/5:59
Jordan: 105/4:53
Oleg - 195 / 97.5 5:24
Lee - 185 / 90 4:15
Tidmore - 155/75 3:55
Peterson 185/95 4:10
Kristin T 165/85 4:37
Bekah 140/70 5:07
Jen S 145/70 4:49
Jay E 365/185 6:08 ROM
Paul F 200/100 4:44 ROM
Plentus 305
Megs 125/3:59
Kate C 165/3:55
Flounder 155/5:15
Erika 93/4:44
Sandy 110/4:21
Mike P 265/4:26
Chip 175/5:02
Justin 205/3:50
Ditty 145/5:20
LP 110/4:40
JZ 205/4:08
Shoeless 255(PR)/4:24
Charles 165/5:50
Randy 175/5:15
Akeem 155/6:22
Tony 235/3:46
Sam B 165/3:48
Diego 195/4:24
Borden 300/5:33
Schell 225/5:24
Cline 175/4:16
Katie V 123(PR)/4:18
Pete 155/4:01
Stone 155/3:37
Stasie 83/5:18
Conn 245/4:58


  1. Tonight- As part of the Nutrition Workshop Series
    Don't forget to attend my talk on Supplements: Understand “The Supplement Mystery” What should you take, when, and what’s not worth your time

    Monday night 7:30pm at KoP - $10 members/$15 non-members

  2. even with a pretty clean diet, most people are in need of supplementing to support things they are not getting with their food. I'm excited to hear LP tonight on this topic.

  3. 7amers Squatters!

    Oleg - 195 / 97.5 5:24
    Lee - 185 / 90 4:15
    Tidmore - 155/75 3:55
    Peterson 185/95 4:10
    Kristin T 165/85 4:37
    Bekah 140/70 5:07
    Jen S 145/70 4:49
    Jay E 365/185 6:08 ROM
    Paul F 200/100 4:44 ROM

  4. Is anyone interested in the "Redemption" wod Saturday at CF Del Val? its at 10am!

  5. I gotta talk to the wife about Saturday Megs. Any idea what the workout is? Looks like something involving KB swings and box jumps if I'm not mistaken...

  6. I believe its
    20min AMRAP
    7 burpees
    14 box jumps
    21 kb swings

  7. wish i could teach and listen at the same time--i'd love to get more insight into what supplements these old bones and joints can use.

    nice squat numbers this morning, people!

  8. 530pm
    Plentus 305
    Megs 125/3:59
    Kate C 165/3:55
    Flounder 155/5:15
    Erika 93/4:44
    Sandy 110/4:21
    Mike P 265/4:26
    Chip 175/5:02
    Justin 205/3:50

    Ditty 145/5:20
    LP 110/4:40
    JZ 205/4:08
    Shoeless 255(PR)/4:24
    Charles 165/5:50
    Randy 175/5:15
    Akeem 155/6:22
    Tony 235/3:46
    Sam B 165/3:48
    Diego 195/4:24
    Borden 300/5:33
    Schell 225/5:24
    Cline 175/4:16
    Katie V 123(PR)/4:18
    Pete 155/4:01
    Stone 155/3:37
    Stasie 83/5:18
    Conn 245/4:58

  9. I didnt put it on the board but 225x5 is a PR. Last time it was only 220x3.

    Clearly, all those videos on youtube that say "crossfit is for sux and you cant get strong with that all bullshit running around" is true.

    Oh wait... what?
