
W.O.D. 11.13.11

AMRAP in 5 Minutes of:

300m Row
10 Ring Dips
Max Burpees

Rest 2 Minutes.

AMRAP in 8 Minutes of:

500m Row
15 Box Jumps 25"/21"
Max Squats

Rest 2 Minutes.

AMRAP in 5 Minutes of:
150 Double Unders (sub DU Attempts or Single Unders x3)
Max Push Ups

Score is total number of Burpees, Squats and Push Ups.

(compare to 3.10.11)

Happy Birthday Jerry - Congrats on the recent Marathon!

Community Events:
WOD & Wings at CrossFit Delaware Valley. Who's in?

"I do not fear failure. I only fear the 'slowing up' of the engine inside of me which is pounding, saying, 'Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?'"
- George S. Patton


  1. 9AM class:


    Peterbutt 42/124/33 = 199 Rx
    Bekah 34/140/20 = 194 (green band/singles)
    Lee 44/120/0 = 164 (singles)
    Beat Olan 28/121/15 = 164 Rx
    Mark C 30/99/0 = 129 (20 in box/singles)
    Jess S 22/65/0 = 87 (green band/singles)
    Vinny 49/142/40 = 231 Rx

    Outstanding work everyone! Great intensity through each round, way to fight all the way to the end!

  2. Hey guys anyone looking to get a good stretch today come out to Stillpoint Yoga Studios today at 3pm for a free yoga workout, trunck show by Lululemon Athletica King of Prussia and then a talk by me and Larry Palazzolo on "How to eat like our Ancestors" starting at 4:45.

    Also don't forget to attend my talk on Supplements: Understand “The Supplement Mystery” What should you take, when, and what’s not worth your time
    Monday 7:30pm at KoP - $10 members/$15 non-mmembers

  3. 10:00am results

    Mike S - 119 (SU/Band)
    Elyse - 113 (purple/SU)
    KSB - 114 (Band/17")
    Erika - 186 (DU Att/SU)
    Danny - 253 RX

    Nice job this morning by all, way to power through some grueling sets (Squats and burpees especially)...

  4. Danny is not messin' around. Nice job.

    And congratulations to BO for doing her first WOD with Rx ring dips.

  5. Jerry! To the most bad*ss dude at the gym, you are a role model for integrity and determination. I'm glad Caleb and your other boys get to see you working out and being the best dad you can be. You're one of my favorite people to both push and be pushed by in workouts. Happy birthday!

  6. Happy birthday, Jerry!! You are one of the few genuinely good guys in this world !!

  7. KSB, this is where I got my jump rope ... www.buyjumpropes.net

  8. Happy Birthday Jerry!

  9. Megs - I think I'm in too for W & W!

  10. I'll bring the 40's and the some mimosas!

  11. Thanks for the birthday wishes and kind words...both here and on fb... Figured I'd spare today's classes 47 burpees on top of todays wod! ;)
    Did a nice trail run at Ridley Creek Park instead...

    Awesome event yesterday at the box! Great to see everyone pulling for eachother and having an awesome time together. Sorry I had to leave before the cold ones came out...

  12. Happy birthday Jerry! I love the positive energy you bring to the box.

  13. Happy birthday Jerry. Keep pushing ass. I know you've yelled me through a few WOD finishes.
