
W.O.D. 11.12.11

"Helen Meets Grace"

A partner WOD.
Each team gets one pull up bar, 1 kettle bell and one barbell.
Team completes Helen, then completes Grace afterwards.
They can tag in and out but both athletes must complete the 400 meter runs in Helen.
Score is total time it takes the team to complete both workouts. Come with a partner or get matched up.

Helen - 3 Rounds for time of 400M Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings, 12 Pull-ups (35#/55#)
Grace- 30 Clean and Jerks for time (95#/135#)

We will accommodate a set scale for all levels and abilities but partners must use the same weight on the bar and KB. Prizes for the top ladies/men's Rx teams.

We are running our GRAND-re-opening and Fundraiser to benefit Mammograms in Action today. Doors open at 9AM, opening announcements at 9:30AM, first heats will kick off at 10:00AM - heats assigned upon arrival. Raffles, fun and food will be had by all!

"One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low."
-Thomas Fuller

Men's RX
Panos and Jason 13:11
Mike and Peterson 12:34
John and Kevin 9:42
Keith and Kevin 12;17
Casey and Tyler 11:28
Olan and Gabe 13:39
John and Paul 15:26
Pat and Ricky 9:35
Brian and Mike 11:25
Ty and Bill 8:53
Terrence and John 9:03
Dave and Pete 10:41
Keith and Kurt ?
Steve and Tim 10:17
Daniel and Darren 10:22
Jake and Gaetano 10:36
Ray and Team Wyancki 13:11
Eric and Mark 14:43
Steve and Andrew 12:56
Paul and John 11:25
Tim and Plentus (Team 300#) 10:22
Sam and Vinny (Team Shoulders) 10:12
Dave and Rob 9:40
Linwood and Shawn 10:45
Matt and Brian 10:03
Jonathan and Alex 10:26
Oleg and Justin 12:40
Dave and Shamus 11:11
Jerry and Jason B 11:25
Jay E and Todd B 13:07
Ryan and Brian in 12:36

Tara and Tara (Tiny Titans) 11:39
Merrilee and Jess (that's what she said) 15:09
Valerie and and Carie 13:49
Marisa and Theresa 14:39
Brynn and Timre (2 girls 1 bar) 13:39
Hannah and Jen 15:12
Sharon and Kamun 16:02
Donkey and Miranda (Big rack attack) 15:01
Jill and beth (the D cup) 13:38
Alycia and Nilda 12:21
Ashley and Megan 13:45
Becky and Jen S 13:59
Kate and Kristin Motorboaters 11:55
Holly and Chrissy 12:09
Aimee and Cate Dominate 11:08
Michelle and Christina 11:40
Lorelai and Madison 12:22
Maria and Jeff 12:40
Nina and Shane 12:10
Jessica and Kacie 11:20
Eileen and Sue 13:53
Lauren and Liz 10:30

Ferg and John 10:19
Dave and Chris 13:16
Rebeca and Bekah 13:22
Patti and Erika 16:26
Ernie and Carol 16:30
Laura and Ditty (Mrs. P's) 13:04
Denise and Devon (Team Double D's) 13:53
Kevin and Daniel 13:02
Holly and Megs 11:21
Sue and Laura 13:05
Barb and Melissa 15:03
Melissa and Eshe 14:09
Kate and Amy 12:58
Bonnie and Francine 12:07
Alison and Arin 13:56
Kathleen and Jackie 13:58
Ronnie and Mike 11:31
JaNa and Rachael 13:50
John and Jason ?
Flounder and Tidmore 13:28
Jess C and Ken 12:19
Kyleigh and Lyrynn 12:14
Katie and Steph ?
Jeff and Lauren 10:05


  1. I really am sad that I can not be competing and cheering side by side with my fellow KOP crossfitters. Good luck to everyone tomorrow! Give it everything you got!

  2. So this means my team has a chance...

  3. Best of luck to everyone.

  4. Aimee and Jason and all coaches and Kop volunteers....great job today. Lots of fun and what a great wod. Thanks made me very proud.
    Did anyone get the license plate of the bus that hit me...ouchy.

  5. I didn't type it, but I liked Jason and Panos' team name the best: "Our wives are stronger than us"
