
W.O.D. 11.11.11

800 M Run...

+ 50 Sit Ups

+50 Back Extensions x3 Rds =

In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28 2005.

3 Rounds for time of:
800M Run
50 Sit-ups
50 Back-extensions

( compare to 11.11.10)

Happy Veterans Day:
Also known as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, a day when we honor Military Veterans who served our country. The November holiday was proclaimed by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson on November 11, 1919, for the first anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that formally ended World War I at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit."

Becca N 25:55
Joy 24:57
JKing 21:28
Pat P 26:10
Alexis K 25:55
Lee 23:33
Rebecca S 19:39
Kara 25:04
Chris T. 24:55
Meg B. 18:00
Paul F. 25:07
Kevin 17:00
Dorothy 20:27
Rachael 20:48
Stone: 25:40
Pete O: 30:20
Sandy: 28:24
Akeem: 29:32
Manny: 25:56
Jason B: 23:01
Borden: 25:48
Emilio from FL: 23:52
Randy: 27:06
Cline: 23:02
Nicole: 26:59
Kathleen: 25:22
Jerry: 22:57
Diego 21:31
Josh 19:34
KT 17:53
Ph 21:50
Oleg 20:20
Jeff 24:12
KSB 24:29
Kelly 22:48
WW 19:25


  1. 6AM class results:

    Becca N 25:55
    Joy 24:57
    JKing 21:28
    Pat P 26:10
    Alexis K 25:55
    Lee 23:33
    Rebecca S 19:39

    Great work this morning everyone! Very quick transitions between movements, and nice pace, way to set the bar for classes for the rest of the day!

  2. 530
    Stone: 25:40
    Pete O: 30:20
    Sandy: 28:24
    Akeem: 29:32
    Manny: 25:56

    Jason B: 23:01 Rx (yes, really)
    Borden: 25:48
    Emilio from FL: 23:52
    Randy: 27:06
    Cline: 23:02
    Nicole: 26:59
    Kathleen: 25:22
    Jerry: 22:57

    Way to fight for a tough grind of a WOD. They're hero WODs for a reason :) Thanks to all veterans for their service.
