
W.O.D. 10.21.11





In 3 or 4 person teams...
As Many Reps (Stone/Calorie) As Possible in 20 Minutes:
200M Farmers Carry (rotating time component)
Calorie Row
Atlas Stone over racked bar*

*Weight and height will be scaled according to your team. Teams will be grouped on level and ability.

Community Notes:
We are adding a new 9:30AM Friday class starting today! This weekend there will be no classes held at the box due to the Olympic lifting seminar. However, there will be Adventure WODs held at 10AM on Saturday & Sunday at Frosty Falls, please meet and park near there.

Contest/Community Goal:
The challenge is to everyone in the gym...coaches included - "Get a Muscle Up" by Festivus or at Festivus. Each athlete successful in this task will get their name added to a new board "The Muscle Up Club" (soon to be up), the honor of having a muscle up and a FREE drink at Festivus! (NOTE: Even if you had one before and it has disappeared, you must perform one between now and Festivus....Jason)

"You are profoundly influenced by the company you keep."
- Greg Glassman


Becca N/Megs/Alexis/Dianne 314 (109 stones + 205 calories @ 30# stone/26.5# farmers)

Oleg/Pat P/Jay E/Paul F 368 (101 stones + 267 calories @ 90# stone/45# farmers)

Manny/Steve Z/Mike S 318 (98 stones + 220 calories @ 30# stone/35# farmers)

Cate/Jonathan/Keith 282 (63 stones + 219 calories @ 90/112# stone/45/55# farmers)

Kara/Chris T./ Susan 236 (46 stones + 190 calories @ 60# stone/35# farmers)

John C/Kevin/Mike T. 315 (30 stones + 285 cal @ 144# stone/70# fc)

Steph V./Sharon/ Dorothy 274 (45 stones + 229 cal @ 90/112 # stone/ 45 fc)

Kyle/Mark/Ernie 322 (54 stones + 368 cal @ 112# stone/ 55# fc)

Matt/John/Kevin 361 (175/150# stone - 120 FC)

Lindsey/JZ/Dawn/LP 342 (90/60/30# stone - 55/35/26 FC)

Shawn/Mike F/Dan G./Josh 358 (144/112 # stone - 70 FC)

Rob Ph/Olan/Peterbutt/Mike P. 446 (112# stone - 70FC)

Denise/Sandy/Nathan: 273

Tamas/Akeem/Minjoo/Borden 339


  1. Wait, drinks aren't always free at Festivus?

    lucky for me i just had some muscle up training the other day. must get cracking on this.

  2. well, Donkey, yes! But let's just say we are going top shelf for the "Muscle Up Club"

  3. So... what would it take for me to get a muscle up by then? I'm up for the challenge, but I think I'll definitely need some training hints to even stand a chance.

  4. Ben- some extra time at open gyms and before and after class and we will also be offering a FREE MU clinic soon! Stay posted.

  5. I saw what Jason can do when he is in the "Festivus Spirit". PR on the Deadlift last year. Cannot wait to see how many MU's he will get at Festivus. Jason, just don't throw your back out and go on the self for a month.

  6. ooh, Jas is getting called out all over the place...

  7. P:

    I called myself out in the post. I need to be held accountable so what better way that to call myself out publically.

    For all those close or interested, we are working on a little something special for those that succeed. You will just have to get one to find out what...that includes myself!

  8. 6AM teams:

    Becca N/Megs/Alexis/Dianne 314 (109 stones + 205 calories @ 30# stone and 26.5# farmers walk)

    Oleg/Pat P/Jay E/Paul F 368 (101 stones + 267 calories @ 90# stone and 45# farmers walk)

    Manny/Steve Z/Mike S 318 (98 stones + 220 calories @ 30# stone and 35# farmers walk)

    Nice job everyone, great effort and excellent team communication during the transitions. Great way to start the day!

  9. Is the "something special" a t-shirt? We all know I'll do anything, including giving blood, for a t-shirt.

    I think this is a great idea.

    So what's the challenge for those that already have a muscle up? I think they should work on something hard too. Like walking on their hands the length of the gym. (Aimee, I'm looking at you.)

  10. okay Dorothy - I accept the challenge...BECKY- Help please!

    lets just say the "something special" might just start with a T and end with a T.

  11. Hey -

    Is anyone doing the Zombie race in Maryland tomorrow?



  12. I'm up for the muscle up challenge, and agree I def need to focus on working on them - I guess I need to write my goals on the board to keep me acountable for them!

  13. Tidmore- good luck with that one, perfect weather though this weekend, textbook fall atmosphere all around the region, so get out and enjoy it.
    I'm going to do Bryn Mawr run clubs bobtoberfest 4 mile out and back race on Kelly Drive at 4pm on Saturday. It's a fast and flat course, and I actually am going to get there a little early to run 3-4 miles before the race so I'm nice and warmed up and it'll fit into my Miami 70.3 half-ironman training right before tapering for next week.

  14. anyone interested its still pretty cheap, and you dont even have to wake up early in the morning.


  15. Tidmore: I'm going but I'm running in the 8am wave - registered too late to get a decent time lol And I'm heading down to Baltimore afterwards so no camping for me.

  16. Timmy have fun at Bobtoberfest.

    Im registered to run, but that was before I realized the Oly Cert was the same day. If anyone would like my bib please let me know!

  17. Ben -

    I'll be out in Baltimore tonight carb loading...

    I have a bike race tomorrow morning so I can't come up to watch and see the craziness my wave.

    Put vaseline on the flags.


  18. Haha vaseline on the flags is a GREAT idea!

  19. 530: Yer Breakin' My Stones

    Denise/Sandy/Nathan: 273
    Tamas/Akeem/Minjoo/Borden 339

    630: Girls vs. Boys

    Erika/Miranda/Becky/Alison 352
    Cline/Balmer/Nick 410

    Excellent work popping those hips and getting those stones over the bar!

    Westside tonight featured a special treat...we took our sleds for a nice 400m walk. Yum Yum.


    Dorothy- I'm happy to announce the Handstand walking practice has begun, thank you John C!!!

  21. hooray for Chris T! Way to go!

    Kara...looking BUFF, girl!

  22. For the record, Team Cline/Balmer/Nick used 90lb stones and 55lb KBs for the farmer's carry.
