
W.O.D. 10.10.11

...a boy and his wallball!!!

wallball sit-ups

bear crawl madness...

"The Power of 10"

10 Rounds for time of:
100 ft of Bear Crawls
(down and back - the length of the gym) - no stopping (pausing on knees or standing up)
10 WallBall Sit-ups (10/14#)

Mobility Monday:
Overhead position. We'll work on setting the back and other parts of the core to get the best overhead position, and identify areas to mobilize to increase range of motion. Meet Jeff at 5:30PM & 6:30PM for class.

Click here to check out Oleg's latest fight!

"That's why you don't panic. That's why you don't overreact. We know very well that things can change at the drop of a dime, so we'll just keep playing."
-Willie Randolph

John C 8:16
Jay E 18:12
Nicole S 10:43
Doreen 12:54
John K 11:47
Kristin T 10:38
Nina 11:41
Kara 17:02
Chris T 16:59
Joe C 18:30
Kate 14:21
Zac 19:26
Oleg 13:15
Peterson 17:20
Kevin B. 16:33
Keith B. 16:34
Rachael 17:46
Dorothy 14:55
Brad 10:49

Bekah 11:32
Lee S 13:39
Susan B 15:02
Evan B 13:30
Eddie B 20:42
Paul F 24:49
Rhonda 15:14
Minjoo 16:16
Charles 24:28 10# D.C
Katie 14:55 6#
Randy 24:44 10#
Akeem 24:54 50ft
Jason B 17:24 D.C.
Cline 17:22 12#
John S 20:57 6#, 50ft
Golden 14:46 #
Mahin 23:33 #
Sandy 17:58 4#
Olan 16:23 D.C
Mark B 20:52 10#
Jen S 17:28 6#
Jeff 17:55 DC
Joy 16:20 6#
Becca 22:38 8#
Alexis 21:17 6#
Diego 16:49 (200Mrun/sit-ups)
WW 15:09 DC
Lauren 17:44 4#
Gabe 14:14 14# DC
Kathleen 16:27 8#


  1. Nice work Oleg, some good-looking low kicks and way to finish strong with good left-right combinations!

  2. That was awesome! That dude didn't have good form coming out of the gate either. Not a chance. Congrats Oleg!

  3. Dude!!! That was some bad a$$ ish I just watched! Oleg, I owe you SERIOUS fist bump when I meet you! Nice job!

  4. Oleg does Muay Thai, just fyi (I made the mistake of saying MMA as well)

  5. nice sportsmanship at the end there Oleg

  6. Thank you guys, I appreciate all the good words and support, it means a lot to me! :-) what I really liked about this fight - how much stronger and better conditioned (endurance-wise) I felt comparing to my previous fight in June


    - that time I was really exhausted and didn't feel any energy by the 3rd round, couldn't even keep my hands up, basically. That's why I decided to try CrossFit - almost all our top fighters and instructors do CrossFit in various gyms in Philly - and it totally worked!!!
    It's too bad I didn't use it to the fullest this time - I was SOOO NOT warmed-up this time! The
    20 seconds warm-up you see in the video is all I got - we totally
    mismanaged our time and barely could wrap my hands and it was time to go to the ring - I always like to be warmed up really well - so, I was panicking at first and then stared warming up as the fight went - by the end of the 2nd round I finally started feeling myself... Oh well, live and learn :-)
    Anyway - CrossFit KOP rocks!!

  7. 7am/930am

    John C 8:16
    Jay E 18:12
    Nicole S 10:43
    Doreen 12:54
    John K 11:47
    Kristin T 10:38
    Nina 11:41 (9')
    Kara 17:02
    Chris T 16:59
    Joe C 18:30

    Scaled (or you did not record your scale next to your name. This is up to you)
    Bekah 11:32 (10#, 9ft)
    Lee S 13:39 (8#)
    Susan B 15:02 (10#)
    Evan B 13:30 (6#)
    Eddie B 20:42
    Paul F 24:49
    Rhonda 15:14
    Minjoo 16:16

  8. Hey Guys,
    I have an extra bike for the endurance wod tomorrow. The bike is a hybrid, nothing special but it'll get the job done. Let me know if you are interested

  9. Don't forget about Laura's Nutrition Seminar tomorrow - "How to Lean Out and Look Good Naked" You can sign up through MindBody or through our Facebook place page.

    Happy Bday Tim G!

  10. 630pm

    Charles 24:28 10# D.C
    Katie 14:55 6#
    Randy 24:44 10#
    Akeem 24:54 50ft
    Jason B 17:24 D.C.
    Cline 17:22 12#
    John S 20:57 6#, 50ft
    Golden 14:46 #
    Mahin 23:33 #

  11. 530pm

    Kate 14:21 Rx
    Zac 19:26 Rx/14#(tweeners)
    Oleg 13:15 Rx
    Peterson 17:20 Rx

    Sandy 17:58 4#
    Olan 16:23 D.C
    Mark B 20:52 10#
    Jen S 17:28 6#

  12. Maybe I'm crazy, but I loved this WOD. Felt like I actually got stronger, esp. with the situps as the time progressed.
