
W.O.D. 9.8.11

Kevin & Keith - who's who??

Tom H. active shoulder overhead!

Mike T. destroys the WOD today and ends with 43 pull-ups, just under Sam B's 51!

Buy in:
1000M Row

1-10 Muscle Snatch (65#/95#)
10-1 Ring Rows

*You will complete 1 MS & 10 RR, 2 MS & 9 RR....all the way until 10 MS & 1 RR.

Cash out:
Max pull-ups

Coaches Notes:
The muscle snatch mimics the upper body movement during the third pull of the snatch. Perform a snatch without squatting to receive the bar: continue pulling the bar overhead, finishing in a standing position. The final movement does involve a push up on the bar. The lift is legitimate as long as the elbows never drop from their elevated position before pressing up.

If you hit a new PR on the Max Pull-ups - make sure to put it on the board!

CrossFit Games Coming To ESPN2 starting Wednesday, Sepetember 14th at 8:00pm EST - video [wmv] [mov]

"Discovery consists of seeing what everyone has seen and thinking what nobody has thought."
-Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Mike P 3:29 1k row, 13:02@75#, 19PullUps
Oleg 3:47, 12:49, 13
Sam B 3:40, 14:27, 51
Bekah 4:20, 12:29
Jonathon 4:06, 11:34@53
Nicole S 5:02, 9:20@45, 12
Alison 3:50, 12:15@65
Meg B 4:04, 12:14@43, 9
Dianne wod 21:37@43, 7green
Shawn 14:49 Rx WOD
Olan 3:38/16:27 @95/ ?
Jeff 3:57/16:27 @95/9
Diego 4:21/16:09 @65/ 10
Kevin 3:12/14:33 @95/10
Keith 3:26/14:33@95/14
Mike T. 3:45/12:30@95 +box/43
Joe D 4:12/22:19@95/1
Tom H. 4:05/20:21@65/4
Kara 4:42/11:43@45/7 band
Becky 6:01/17:10@45#/20
Sharon 4:33/18:32@55#/7


  1. Regarding the comments for yesterday's blog; while they were all laughable and some true I must admit it was written by an imposter...my guess would be Danny. All good fun though...thanks

  2. That Danny! He is always playing games. If only he would dedicate that much time to a muscle-up.


  3. Danny- Jason & Vin...you boys and your games!

    A few birthday shouts for the week JB - Yesterday, Mike P - today, Pooch -tomorrow and Jen S on the 11th! Hope you all enjoy your day and week, keep up the hard work at CF!

  4. Thanks, Jason! Belated b-day wishes to JB. I'm completely stoked to be part of the KOP community . . . I wish I'd started CF years ago - humbling workouts and equally supportive people make for a great mix.

    CF has changed my perspective on a number of fronts for he better . . . It has left me jaded in one respect though. Before CrossFit, if someone told me I was getting snatches for my birthday I would have been amped up . . . now that I know better, not so much.

  5. . . oh I am so going to hell for that last comment.

  6. ps. that last Jason Lyons post was Aimee

  7. Happy Birthday Mike P :) You're fun to work out with and help me wake up in the morning with your energy when I do make it to a morning class.

    Happy Birthday to JB who I missed yesterday!

  8. Mike P., Happy Birthday! It has been great having you as a regular at 6 AM. You always bring great energy and spirit. I don't know how you do it because it seems like you never rest!

  9. Happy birthday Mike P. Hope you have a great day.

    Happy belated birthday to JB


  10. Laura and Mike S - many thanks for the b-day wishes . . . it's easy to get up for WODs b/c of everyone else in the class :-)

    Sam - Thanks, bro. . . . . I want to kip like you when I grow up.

  11. Aimee:
    Vinny calls me a different name everytime I see him. You call me Keith. Jen calls me Karate....I think Jason always has it right...Byrnsey! Or Beautiful Byrnsey...OK NSM...

  12. Happy Birthday Mike P!

    Way to represent the over 40 crowd with all of your hard work.

  13. Well Byrnsey-- today it was Keith. How's that? Hahaha.

  14. Aimee, I forgot my burpees. I'll do them tomorrow.

  15. Sharon you can do them with Becky tomorrow :)

  16. @ Howard - many thanks for the b-day wishes and the props. . . . . hope you're healing up quickly and that it will be completely . . . cant wait to see you back @ the Box!
