
W.O.D. 9.20.11

Welcome to Susan!

"The BEAR Complex"

You have 5 rounds to find your max weight at:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
These exercises must be done in succession without putting the bar down for seven times through the sequence.
You may rest as needed between rounds.
Contact with the floor must be touch-and go during sequences.
Rest anywhere but the floor.

(compare to 12.21.10)

Bear Complex WOD [wmv][mov]
Rob Orlando, 200 lb Bear [wmv][mov]

*Make sure to take a few minutes to watch the Bear Complex video if you have never executed this WOD before. It will help you in class!

"If you don't run your own life, somebody else will."
-John Atkinson

Jonathan S - form
Keith 135
Kevin B 105
Chris T 63
Susan 65
Lindsey 73 (3@83)
Kara 55
Becky 63
Jason 135
Clay 125
Joy 55
Sharon 63
Steph 110
Mike F 145
JZ 95
Mike T 115
Dorothy 90
Megs 65
Doreen 65
Nicole S 75
Nina 100
Oleg 95
Lee 93
Mike S 80
Mike P 115
Jon Sch 95
Pat P 95
Paul Fal 95 rom
Jay E 135 (form)
Ernie 105
Mel 83
Katie V. 55
Miranda 105
Nathan 25
Peterson 105
Laura 80
Jim K. 85
Denise 65
Vinny 135
Tidmore 90
Cline 85#
Charles 75#
Zach 135#
Erica 65#
Lisa 55#
Jason B. 125#
Ditty 65#
Sheng Ching 63#
Diego 65#
Ken 80#


  1. Sure, it looks pretty easy when Rob does it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Bear Complex

    6am Sets The Bar

    Doreen 65
    Nicole S 75
    Nina 100
    Oleg 95
    Lee 93
    Mike S 80
    Mike P 115
    Jon Sch 95
    Pat P 95
    Paul Fal 95 rom
    Jay E 135 (form)

    The Bear plays with your mind, you gotta fight thru the slow motion pain, and keep getting stronger, nice work 6am.

  4. The bear is like barbell candy!

  5. I need to work on my front squat. Jay E and I seem to have the same rom/flexibility issue with thumbs/wrists. I'm pretty sure I can do 115lbs but my thumbs felt like they were going to break.


  6. Donkey makes the affiate blog for the second time in less than 2 weeks. She is the new official lady of Crossfit!
    Good job Aimee, Cate and Nikki, too!

  7. That blog photo is my new screensaver at work....

  8. Sweet pic on the A-blog!

    Nice bear, Nina!

  9. that is a damn sweet pic, gotta say! and fun times taking it :)

  10. Donkey- thanks for sending in the photo!!! Sneaky, sneaky, what a great surprise on the A-blog!

    CFKoPers- There are two shares of the next cow left, it will be a Oct. 6 "harvest" / Nov. 2 delivery schedule. Payments are due to Jess by Oct. 3. First two to post get the 1/8. Cost $328. Delivery at the box.

  11. Am curious as hell about this WOD. Seems unlike any other WOD I've done.

    Also, the last time I had a mysterious encounter that referred to itself as a "bear", things didn't turn out so well.

  12. 430 Unbearables

    Jason 135
    Clay 125
    Joy 55
    Sharon 63
    Steph 110
    Mike F 145
    JZ 95
    Mike T 115
    Dorothy 90
    Megs 65

  13. Really bummed I missed this one but great job everybody!

  14. 9:30 results:

    Jonathan S - form
    Keith 135
    Kevin B 105
    Chris T 63
    Susan 65
    Lindsey 73 (3@83)
    Kara 55
    Becky 63

  15. 6:30 Da Bears

    Cline 85#
    Charles 75#
    Zach 135#
    Erica 65#
    Lisa 55#
    Jason B. 125#
    Ditty 65#
    Sheng Ching 63#
    Diego 65#
    Ken 80#

    good work folks, this was definitely a "wow that kicked me in the arse first round" type of wods

  16. I'll take the second eighth if it's still availability.
