
W.O.D. 9.19.11

5 Rounds for time of:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet *
21 Burpees

*Scale weight according to level and ability, the trailing knee should gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

Community Reminders:
Tonight's CF Endurance class at 5:30PM will consist of a 1 mile TT (time trial) and speed work.

Join us at 7:30PM for the Westside class or in the lobby at 7:30PM for our Goal Setting Workshop.

This Sunday 9/25 we are hosting our first CFKoP Sports Series. Click here to read more or speak to Vinny at the box.

A big thank you to all who participated in FGB 6 at CFKoP and donated - so far we have raised $960.00!

"We are practicing not weightlifting but commitment. Commitment spawns success. Only by redoubling our efforts do we best succeed. Expecting success to motivate our efforts is the loser's gambit."
- Coach Greg Glassman

Doreen 25:00
Jay E 19:36
Jon Sch 25:47
Lee 22:50
Keith B 15:35
Paul Falc 19:55
Mike F. 17:29
Mike P. 13:59
Kevin B. 12:44
Jason L. 13:34
Clay 13:02
Josh S 15:27
Aimee 13:15
Gabe 14:33
Rob Ph 13:23
Rachael 16:23
Steph 18:35
Brian R. 13:05
Olan 13:31
Shawn 12:09
Tidmore 11:27
Cline 17:02
Borden 19:16
Conn 19:00
Sharon 19:21
Danny 9:16
Kristin T 12:18
Miranda 14:30
Danielle J 15:28
Sam B 10:46
Ernie 16:29
Zac 17:22
Justin 18:35
JP 21:52 bar

Chris T 17:37 (35)
Kara 17:39 (33)
Becca 13:24(15)
Nicole Mc 16:46 (15)
Jackie 18:50(15)
Diego 17:18(45/33)
Ben 16:39 (15)
Jess S. 26:23 (15)
Akeem 24:45 (15)
Stacie 21:08 (20)
Lauren K. 19:22 (15)
Sandy 19:01 (33)
Denise 19:44 (33)
Katie FM 21:52 (25)
Liz 17:12 (PVC)
Arin 19:32 (15) bar
Ditty 22:11 (35)
Erika 14:13(25)
Alison 15:05 (25)
JNa 17:50 (10)


  1. PARTY!!!!!!
    For those of you not on facebook, I just wanted to pass on that Derek and I are having a get together on Saturday night. The theme this time is Bonfire and Beverages! If you are free and want to come by, we'd love to see you. Email me for more details: melanie.anson1@gmail.com

  2. 7/930

    Doreen 25:00
    Jay E 19:36
    Jon Sch 25:47
    Lee 22:50
    Keith B 15:35
    Paul Falc 19:55
    Chris T 17:37 (35)
    Kara 17:39 (33)

    Learning more and more to do burpees while tired- is tiring, but good cardio action today.

  3. Happy birthday to Andrea B and
    Jay E!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Andrea and Jay E!!! WOW you share the day, kudos to both of you for all the progress you have seen in CrossFit! Enjoy the day!

  5. No mobility class today. Coach Jeff has lost his voice...

  6. Happy Birthday Jay E and Andrea! Maybe you should do birthday burpees for each other? Hope you both have great b'days!

  7. Jay does love his burpees. Happy Birthday!

  8. Jay E and Andrea - happy birthdays!


  9. Happy birthday Andrea! Love seeing you at the box, I can always count on you to help me get through a workout when I need it!

    Jay, you're a huge inspiration to me, and all the strength training advice you've given me over the past year has been enormously helpful. Happy birthday man!

  10. . . . . please see me if you want an example of how not to do a lunge.

  11. . . . aaaaaaand, happy b-day Andrea and Jay E!

  12. Happy Birthday Andrea and Jay E! Hope you had a great day.

  13. Happy Birthday, JayE! your attitude and enthusiasm are contagious - thanks for sharing encouragement and pointers. Can't wait to see what you do at festivus this year ;

  14. 630 Class

    Cline 17:02 bar
    Borden 19:16
    Conn 19:00 bar
    Sharon 19:21
    Danny 9:16
    Kristin T 12:18
    Arin 19:32 (15) bar
    Miranda 14:30
    Ditty 22:11 (35)
    Danielle J 15:28
    Sam B 10:46
    Zac 17:22 bar
    Justin 18:35 bar
    Erika 14:13(25)
    Ernie 16:29
    Alison 15:05 (25)
    JNa 17:50 (10)
    JP 21:52 bar

  15. Happy birthday Jay and Andrea!

  16. Jay E., Happy Birthday! Hope that you had a great one!

  17. CFEndurance Results

    1 Mile TT
    Sam B - 5:40
    Shoeless - 6:05
    Danielle H - 6:12
    Kate C - 6:20
    Gabe - 6:39
    Keith Flounder - 7:20

    Speed Work: 3x 200m, 1 min rest

  18. Andrea - I hope you had a great day, thanks for counting during FGB. I'm excited to meet the new guy when he comes, he will make a great bday present!

    Jay E - while it's easy to recognize your physical strength, I think your strongest characteristic is your positive attitude. You are always encouraging of others and helpful. Of course it doesn't hurt to have a 575# dead and 500# squat. I'll be chasing those numbers, ha! Happy birthday dude!

  19. Happy Birthday Andrea!!! I hope you enjoyed your day!

    Jay E! Happy Birthday buddy!!!! Great inspiration to all of us a cf. Love working out with you, your energy is contagious. Festivus..:):):)):)

  20. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes everyone.

  21. I scaled this workout using no weights and I'm pretty sure my time is incorrect. I finished after Ditty.
