
W.O.D. 9.15.11

The inaugural 4:30 Thursday crew is off and RUNNING!

Kate & Mike T...dueling rope climbs

3 Rounds for time:
800M Run
15 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
1 20ft rope climb

Skill Cash out:
Handstand work
Depending on your level and ability work on one or two of the following;
Handstand hold
Handstand walk
Free standing Handstand
Handstand Push-up

Push Presses & Triple Extension by P. Lentus

"I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down."
- Allen H. Neuharth

Todd B 19:28
Olan 19:06
Tobin 18:52

Oleg 20:40@185 (2 3/4 rope climbs
Jay E 25:56 @225 rope pulls
Mike P 20:33 (2 3/4 rope climbs)
Cline 20:39@175
Meg B 18:04@115/15'
Nina 18:44 15'
Jonathon 23:10@115
Ben 26:20@115/rope pulls
Kara: 24:01 (103#)
Beth O: 18:55 (800-400-400 pullups)
Tom H: 26:55 (175 pullups)
Bubbles: 24:34 (225#)
Becky: 25:09 (103#)
Kate: 19:38 (155#)
SHAron: 26:14 (DB PP 15#)
Tim G. 20:09 187.5#
Arin 21:30 83# rope attempts
Alison 19:40 ??
Ernie 20:40 135# 15ft.
Brad 15:21 115# 20ft.
Travis 16:10 ??
Lee 20:52 135#
Rachael 20:45 ??
Bell 16:51 ??
Mike V. 18:29 225# 2.5climbs
WW 21:00 175#


  1. 7am

    Todd B 19:28

    Oleg 20:40@185 (2 3/4 rope climbs
    Jay E 25:56 @225 rope pulls
    Mike P 20:33 (2 3/4 rope climbs)
    Cline 20:39@175
    Meg B 18:04@115/15'
    Nina 18:44 15'
    Jonathon 23:10@115
    Ben 26:20@115/rope pulls

    Nice work, both Oleg and Mike P failed just a few feet shy of the top on the last round, but I know gave it their best. Special shout out to Jonathon cranking out the 20 footers like a ninja, and Nina absolutely handling that 155 like a hydraulic press. This is a celebration of pure brute force.

  2. and Meg B for just plain killing it! No one could catch her on that run :

  3. oh ishh I didn't realise 20ft was the Rx ergg ..ah well Good Fun

  4. Meg was a total blur.

    Nice, really nice, job by all.

    . . . . stupid rope.

  5. 7AMers- nice job! Huge turn out too!

    Reminder we are starting our 4:30PM Thursday "regular" CrossFit class today.

    Barbell Strength starts at 5:30PM

  6. After taking a week off, the last 3 WODs (in 36 hours) have killed my quads. I'm walking like an old man. Hello, rest day and a half!

  7. I may have ran fast, but i was not lifting near 155 or 225. You all inspire me to keep challenging myself.
    Thanks for the great workout.
    Meg B

  8. @ TP - I was Rx weight on the deadlifts, my bad for not marking that down.

  9. 4:30 Inaugural Class
    Tim G. 20:09 187.5#
    Arin 21:30 83# rope attempts
    Alison 19:40 ??
    Ernie 20:40 135# 15ft.
    Brad 15:21 115# 20ft.
    Travis 16:10 ??
    Lee 20:52 135#
    Rachael 20:45 ??
    Belll 16:51 ??
    Mike V. 18:29 225# 2.5climbs
    WW 21:00 175#
