
W.O.D. 8.7.11

3 Rounds for time:
7 Front Squats 135/205#
500 Meter Row
14 Pull-ups

Community Notes:
Happy Birthday J-NA!

A big congratulations to Laura P, Tim P and Kate C for an awesome job at the Brigantine Triathlon! Laura placed 1st in the 30-34 age group! Way to go CrossFitters!

"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
-Thomas Paine


  1. So if we want to compare out times from the final XFIT games WOD do we look at "The End 3" on the cross fit games scoreboard...I'm having trouble can't figure it out ha

  2. Nina- It's kind of impossible to compare apples to apples when looking at the games WOD's vs times from doing them in a box...for a few reasons.
    1-The fact they completed 9 previous WOD's before "the End 3"
    2-Indoors vs Outdoors under the sun.
    3- "The End 1" was an AMRAP in 3 of the last WOD, "The End 2" was an AMRAP in 6 of the last WOD, "The End 3" was the complete WOD. These were completed with minimal rest between, I believe it was a minute or two.
    4- And we didn't program the sled Push at the end...

    kinda a long answer but hope it helps...

    Jason and Sam G and Tom S. tried to recreate the 2009 games WOD's and they can tell you it's just not the same :)

  3. Happy birthday Jen!!!

  4. Props and congrats to Laura P, Tim P and Kate C!!!! Plus a big Wooooooooo Hoooooo to Laura for BLASTING the competition in her class!!!

    Today's WOD is right up my alley, but I'm serving a self imposed exile until Monday - this old man needs some rest ;-)

  5. Yeah I read a little more into it and didn't realise the sled pull...crazy ishh....but thanks for the info!! Did not realise the other parts !!

  6. Happy Birthday J Na! Hope you have an awesome day!!

  7. Congrats to Laura, Tim and Kate, and Happy Birthday Jen Na!

  8. Congrats triathletes.. I want to join yous sometime..I have only done indoor triathlons which clearly are much different ...but you guys did awesome!!!

  9. 9am and 10am Sunday Morning Drivers, I mean, WODders

    Brad 14:00 55#
    Steph 18:27 MFx2
    Ditty 20:24 85/MFx2
    Rachael 16:09 70/band
    Kim 18:37 70/band
    Ken 17:06 95/1.5 band
    Mark 19:51 155/blue
    Stasie 15:05 33/ring rows
    Tim H 17:36 135/bl
    Todd 14:43 185#
    Jess C 19:34 83/MFx2
    JB 15:55 135/green

    great work on heavy squats. This was Brad's first class after Fund's, Ditty is back from a wedding hiatus, and you all decided to have 6 people in each class, exactly enough for each to have a working rower. ALL GREAT THINGS!

    Congrats to TP, LP, and KC on stellar performances at the tri.

    Happy birthday Jen! You have made leaps and bounds of improvement since you first started and your determination and true grit sets you apart. Have a great day!

  10. Thanks for the bday wishes! Have a lot going on so haven't been able to make it to the box, but I miss everyone. Was really looking forward to the K&Q of prussia competition, but will be unable to make it. I know its gonna be awesome and good luck to everyone.

  11. Happy Birthday J-Na! Hope it was a good one.

    Thanks for all the congrats from the Tri too, tris are like the crossfit wod its hard to compare year to year because the conditions are always changing...and for things like age group placing it all depends on who shows up that day! My time wasn't a PR for me even in the Brig race but was still good enough to win the age group which is really awseome!

  12. Belated congrats to Laura, Tim and Kate for the Triathlon!
