
W.O.D. 8.6.11

Annie Sakamoto on the final WOD of the 2011 CF Games

For time:
20-calorie row
30 wall ball shots, 20/14 lb to 10 ft
20 toes-to-bar
30 box jumps, 24/20”
20 sumo-deadlift high pulls, 97/70 lb. kettlebell
30 burpees
20 shoulder to overhead, 135/95 lb.

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win."
-Roger Bannister


  1. http://festivus2.eventbrite.com/

    I'm going to throw my hat in for this competition. Any one in for a road trip to CT?? Its an easy day trip or we could make a night out of it.

    P.s. annie S is awesome.

  2. 9AM class:


    Carmen 14:57
    Rick 8:13
    Shawn 13:44


    Howard 16:30 (GHD sub, 97# 115#)
    Rachael 14:44 ?
    Mel 17:23 (T2B DC, 75#)
    Krista 18:28 (#10 WB, T2B attmpts, 13" setups, 35#, 45#)
    Kim G 19:16 (9ft, T2B atmpts, 55#, 65#)
    Becca N. 23:51 (10# WB, T2B atmpts, 45#, 45#)
    Arin 20:57 (#10, T2B atmpts, 17" box, 35#, 45#)
    Alex 16:26 (#10, T2B atmpts, 45#, 55#)
    Mark 17:09 (70#, 115#)
    Joe C 19:08 (70#, 95#)
    Mike S. 20:06 (9ft WB, T2B atmpts, 55#, 65#)
    Liz 17:41 (9ft WB, 45#, 55#)

    Nice work all, welcome Carmen and Rick from CrossFit Tribe!

  3. 10AM class:


    Kristin T 16;24
    Nina 14:39
    Danny 9:27
    Jason B 12:00
    John G. 15:14


    Kristen SB 18:58 (55#, 65#)
    Pooch 18:21 (T2B attmpts, 70# KB, 75#)
    WW 18:01 (GHD sub, 70# KB, 95#)
    Stacie 17:42 (T2B attmpts, 35# KB, 35#)

    Outstanding work everyone! Welcome to Stacie from CrossFit DelVal, great job , especially for your second week of CrossFit!

  4. Thank u KOP for allowing us to come train there. Always a great time and great people.
